Check List for Calorie Posting Implementation

Steps / Complete / Incomplete / Requirements
Step 1. Gain buy in and commitment from health services management and set up a working group
(a)  The catering/facilities and senior management team have agreed an implementation plan for calorie posting
(b)  Presentation given to all catering staff about calorie posting
(c)  Working group set up with terms of reference agreed
(d)  Lead person identified to manage project
(e)  Start date agreed
Step 2. Build awareness of calorie posting
(a)  Letter/email sent all health service staff on site and those off-site who use catering facilities
(b)  Letter/email sent to contract caterers in relation to their requirements as a result of the calorie posting policy
(c)  Letter/email sent to food and drink suppliers relation to their requirements as a result of the calorie posting policy
(d)  Details provided to the local communication department for health service website and staff newsletters
(e)  Information given to patients groups
(f)  Calorific information posted clearly for each portion or meal, at the 'point of choice' for the customer
(g)  Recommended daily calorific intake for men, women and children displayed in the canteen.
(h)  Notice of calorie posting launch day give to local HSE communications department
Step 3. Allow sufficient resources
(a)  Timeframes and goals set
(b)  Staff appointed to calorie posting
(c)  Mapping complete of all site catering facilities that need to incorporate calorie posting including contracted catered sites
(d)  Computer available for inputting recipes into software package
(e)  Measuring ladles sourced
(f)  Display boards sourced
Step 4. Train staff and encourage staff buy-in
(a)  Staff have received training on standardising portions and using a nutritional tool to count calories
(b)  Chefs have been updated on calorie posting and standardised recipes.
(c)  Dining room staff have received training on how to audit agreed food types consumption and on how to use updated till if required
Step 5. Standardise recipes and portions
(a)  Recipes standardized
(b)  Recipes arranged into sections i.e. breakfast, lunch, soup, sauces
(c)  Health service dietitians consulted on any changes to recipes affecting patients
(d)  Agreement on how to standardise portion in place for all food options as well as how to standardise utensil sizes (e.g. ladle sizes, dish sizes, etc)
(e)  All food service staff trained about reasons why the consistent use of portion sizes and service utensil sizes are important for the accuracy of calorie posting
(f)  Standard portion size displayed (e.g. display of a standard bowl of cereal).
Step 6. Set up software package for inputting recipes and sourcing calorie information
(a)  Health service dietitians consulted about nutritional software packages
(b)  Agreement between catering staff and dieticians on what software package to be used
(c)  Personnel allocated to review recipes and ingredients and to input data. (Fats and oils should always be taken into consideration)
Step 7. Monitor progress & outcomes
(a)  Audit undertaken of purchasing record of high calorie foodstuffs one month (or agreed timeframe) prior to calorie posting including sausages, chips, scones, deserts and fruit
(b)  Till adjusted if possible to reflect what people are purchasing
(c)  Evidence that catering manager has carried out walk-through in canteens
(d)  Evidence of food wastage being monitored
(e)  Audit undertaken of purchasing record of high calorie foodstuffs one month (or equivalent timeframe to pre-calorie posting) after the introduction of calorie posting
(f)  Report available on the process of calorie posting on site
(g)  Evidence of success celebrated
Step 8. Maintain the implementation of the policy
(a)  Plan in place to provide on-going support for calorie posting and manage any issues that arise.
(b)  Achievement of a healthy catering award e.g. Irish Heart Foundation Happy Heart awards
(c)  Evidence of a review of the implementation of the policy locally