November 16th, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order 7:45p.m.
Present - Lisa Leitch -Tom Leitch
- Terry Kemp -Deanne Penny
- Lisa Miettinen - Clayton Tokarz
- Karen Gehring - Fred Gehring
- Alison Vankerrebroeck
New items to add to the agenda
- None
Acceptance of October 25th, 2006 meeting minutes by Deanne seconded by Alison.
Auction and Dinner a huge success. Congratulations extended to everyone.
Total received to date $1,038,785.90.
With $787,000.00 for Arena &
$251,713.00 for the Library.
A motion by Fred and Seconded by Terry that the breakdown based on the $54,438.00 raised from the Auction/Dinner be split 75/25. Approved.
Lisa M. reported that there is still money left for expenses from the $250,000.00 that has been allocated for the library project.
It was reported that there may be some uncollected items from the auction and it was agreed that they would be donated to a community organization.
Outstanding Expenses
Payment to be made to:
Linda Whitehead for the table runners;
Deb Lemon for fees for using their Credit Card and Interac Machine;
Sportswood Printing for the Auction pamphlets $149.00;
Lisa Leitch for the napkins $128.00;
Stamps for letter mailings prior to the auction;
It was estimated that $1,000.00 should cover these additional expenses and the Auction/Dinner profit would be $53,438.34.
Outstanding Pledges to be received
We have yet to receive pledges from Norwich Deli, Titan Trailers, Les & Joanne Card, Netteletons and Wendy and Gary Belaen.
The committee applied for a grant from FCC and Alison is to approach them to see if FCC is still going to give campaign the grant.
Lisa to follow-up with Molson’s to see if they are still interested in donating and if they are interested in a naming opportunity.
Alison had approached Cargill in Springford and is going to follow-up with them.
Outstanding Initial Deposit
There are a few businesses that have signed pledge forms but they have yet to give the initial Deposit. It was reported that Dr. Clapp would begin payments in January 2007. Tom is to follow-up with Ryksen and Rochdale; Lisa with Team Duwyn and John VanLagen with Cantario and Harry VanLagen.
Receipts to issue for Auction Items
A form is to be emailed to all the auction recruits and advocates responsible for auction items and if the donators want a receipt for there donated item they are to fill out the form with there name, address, what was donated & cost of item donated for naming opportunity. The completed form has to be to Clayton by Dec 8th, 2006.
Thank you Ad in Newspaper
A center spread acknowledging all donors, committee members and in-kind donations was discussed.
A motion by Karen, Seconded by Alison that the center spread at a cost of $816.00 be published on Nov. 29th, 2006. Approved.
Donor Wall
Earlier in the campaign it was agreed that all $10,000.00 plus donors would be published in both locations. The arena has 39 names to be published in the Library. They are to be plaqued in the vestibule of the Library. The Library has 4 names to add to the Arena Gold sponsor list of the donor wall.
The core committee decided that they require no recognition and that the Township council could decide on their own with respect to their recognition.
The estimation date for installation of the donor wall is Dec. 30th, 2006.
The Junior C’s had requested a section for their memoriam of past presidents etc. Lisa is to discuss some options with Randy Nobbs concerning this issue.
It was decided that Gary Debus’ seat for “best seat in the house” should be recognized in someway other than just being a different colored seat. Gary is to be asked to send information to Deanne regarding his recognition of his seat.
Recognizing Business Pictures in Newspaper
We have at least 6 plus a few more since the auction. It was decided to pick one night and invite remaining businesses to come for their picture taking and then run the pictures in the newspaper over the next few weeks.
Township Process to collect payments over 5 years
It was suggested that a personalized letter or statement should be sent once a year in January along with a news letter regarding what had taken place at the community centre and library over the past year.
Campaign Completion
The Township needs to be clear that the campaign will come to an end as of December 31st, 2006. It has also been stated in the Township Council minutes that the naming opportunities are to remain in place until the next major renovation.
The post office box will still be available until December 31st, 2006.
A formal notice will be given to Township Council that the committee is disbanding.
A township council meeting is scheduled for Nov. 21st, and Tom will attend to discuss the campaign completion with them.
Wish List for additional funds raised
There was a discussion regarding where the additional funds should be spent.
A motion by Alison, seconded by Tom, that the Committee would not make any recommendation to how the money is to be spent only that it be designated to the Community Centre in Norwich for the completion of the renovations. Approved.
Next Meeting (none)
Committee disbanded