Mrs. Scifo

CDOS Financial Management


Course Description: This course may include but is not limited to: learning about money and the function of finance in society, the study of income and wealth, examining financial institutions, a brief history of the impact the economy has had on finance, as well as exploring careers in finance. The overall goal of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the financial world, as well as a foundation for money management, including: budgeting, managing a checking account, as well as saving and investing.

Content Outline:

I.Introduction to Finance

  1. Cash flow and wealth

II. Personal Finance

a. Budgeting/ Pay yourself first

b. Banking

c. Credit and Debt

  1. Financial Institutions
  2. Investment Banking
  3. History cause and effect
  4. Financial Markets

IV. Key Influences on Financial Decisions

a. Forms of business ownership

b. Ethics in finance

c. Today’s business environment

d. Careers in Finance

Duration of Instructional Period:

This course will meet for 220 minutes per week for 20 weeks.

Extended Learning Opportunities:

Possible CHS Small Business Enterprise

Evaluations–Each quarter is weighted at 40%.

  • Projects/ Tests 40%
  • Quizzes/ Participation 30%
  • Homework/ Classwork 10/20%
  • Final Exam/Project 20% of overall grade

Class Supplies

Class folder or binder

General supplies: paper, pens, pencils, calculator

Student Expectations and Classroom Rules:

  • Arrive on-time and prepared
  • All electronic devices must be turned off and put away
  • Participate in class without disruption.
  • Show respect for everyone!!
  • Show respect for the equipment and all school property!
  • NO food or beverage is allowed in the computer room!!
  • All materials are to be returned at the end of the class to their appropriate place.
  • Students should remain in their seats until the bell rings.
  • All students are expected to complete assigned work and meet due dates.
  • Students should not abuse their pass.
  • Students are expected to dress appropriate (see School Dress Code)
  • Students should not utilize computers for activities NOT related to school research or assignments (such as gaming, e-mail, etc.) (see the Student Handbook for further details.)

Attendance and Absences:

You are expected to come to class everyday. Regular attendance and participation are essential. Since you will learn specific skills and the lessons covered in class will be cumulative, missing a class will put you at a serious disadvantage.

If you miss a class due to sickness, it is YOUR responsibility to arrange a time to make up the missed class and work. If you are legally absent, you will have an opportunity to complete any missed assignments. If you are illegally absent, you will receive a zero (0) for all assignments missed. Late assignments will not be collected after 2 weeks.


Breaking any of the above-noted rules may result in the following consequences:

  1. One verbal warning
  2. Assignment of detention
  3. Administrative referral


Every assignment is graded and weighted. Attendance is worth 2 points a day. You MUST follow Schoology lessons, including: KNOWING the daily goal, beginning the DO NOW immediately and completing an exit summary at the end of every class. Extra credit will be given periodically for up to 10 points per semester.


All students will be required to demonstrate their abilities on an individual basis.Therefore, it is important that students work independently.Any student who shares their work or submits work of another student will receive a zero for the project or assignment, parents will be notified, and further disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with school policy.

Contact Information:

Parents may contact me through e-mail () or call the school, extension 1511.

Clarence High School

Financial Management


I have read the course outline, which includes supplies needed, student expectations, classroom rules, grading information and attendance information for the Financial Managementclass. I understand that by signing this form, I have read the above-noted information in the course outlined.

Student SignatureDate

Parent SignatureDate

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