Carman-AinsworthMiddle School
7th& 8thGrade Mixed ChoirHandbook2015-2016
Mr. Chris Lewis
Course Description
Vocal Music Groups meet for one period. Daily rehearsals include work on development of proper vocal techniques including: tone production, consonant and vowel production, sight-singing skills including the use of solfege’, ear training, and rhythmic development as well as personal musicianship. The performance of appropriate literature of varied styles and historic periods will be the primary focus of the ensemble. Activities include sectionals, rehearsals and performances as deemed appropriate by the teacher.
- To provide students with a well-rounded musical education.
- To participate successfully in concerts.
- To provide students with a creative outlet.
Text and Materials
- The school will provide music and books. Students will be charged a replacement cost if school materials are lost or damaged beyond use. Cost will be based on replacement costs.
Supplies and Materials
- Students are responsible for keeping a comprehensive folder which must include: class notes from lectures, and all handouts and worksheets. This should be a single subject notebook, or pocket folder, or 3 ring binder.
Students grades will be figured on the following basis:
- 40%Rehearsal Habits / Daily participation
- 30%Performances
- 20%Musicianship (singing/written evaluations)
- 10%Self Evaluation
Academic Integrity / Cheating / Plagiarism
Cheating and or plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in NO CREDIT for the particular assignment. Students may be allowed to retake or redo an assignment or modified assignment at the director’s discretion.
Rehearsal Habits / Daily Participation (40% of grade)
Student is ready to rehearse
- Student pays attention to conductor
- Student displays a commitment to learning the music
Student Choice Expectations
Below are my expectations of all students
so that I can effectively teachand ALL students can learn.
- I will respect myself and others (by using appropriate language, and keeping my hands & feet to myself)
- I will talk only when I raise my hand and/or I am called on.
Own Responsible Behavior
- I will take care of the objects in the room
Come Prepared
- I will be prepared, including a pencil, and my notebook which will include all music, class notes and worksheets/handouts
Knowledge is Power
- I will be on task (doing what I am supposed to be doing, when I am supposed to be doing it)
Safety First
- I will remain in my assigned seat unless given permission.
- I will not chew gum or eat during any rehearsal or performance.
Violation of the above expectations will result in at least a conference between me and the student, and communication with the parent via a discipline letter that must be signed by the parent and returned to me the following school day. Persistent or blatant disregard for the above expectations will result in a referral to the planning room including at least two hours of detention, possibly suspension, or even removal from the music program.
Performances (30% of grade)
- School concerts
- Performances throughout the community
Performance Attendance Policy
All performances are required and are a major percentage of the students’ grade. If the student or parents know ahead of time that they will not be able to attend a rehearsal or performance, I should also be notified ahead of time if they will not be present. Barring any emergency, this notification should be in writing from the parent or guardian. If a last minute conflict does arise, I would appreciate a phone call or a voice mail message if you are not able to speak to me personally. My office direct phone number is 591-6869.
Performance and rehearsal participation will be graded on the following criteria:
- Present & on timeA
- Tardy/Partial attendance (at least 3/4 of their part)B
- Disruptive or inappropriate behaviorC
- No Excuse given0%
Performance Tardiness
If a student will be late to a rehearsal or performance, please notify me in advance if possible. If an unexpected situation arises, please have the student bring a note with them when they arrive, or speak to me at the end of the rehearsal/performance, and then follow up with a written excuse from the parent/guardian.
Excused vs Unexcused Performance Absence
Excused status on an absence or tardy will be granted only by the director, and is at the discretion of the director. Excused absences are exempted from grade calculations and will result in greater emphasis on other grades. Any conflict of a non-emergency nature that would result in a an absence must be presented to the director in writing from the parent/guardian at least one week in advance to be considered for excused status. As a general rule, since calendar dates are given to students and parents so far in advance, if a conflict could have been avoided with better planning, the absence will not be excused.
In the event of an emergency, if it is at all possible, please call the music room office (591-6869) and leave a message, and then follow up with a written explanation from the parent/guardian. If a phone call is not possible, the student should bring a written explanation from a parent/ guardian within the first two days of return after the missed activity.
Performance Attire
- Females: White collared shirt (no t-shirts or turtle necks please), black skirt of appropriate school length or dress slacks (no blue jean material or cargo pants), black nylons or black socks, and black shoes
- Males: White collared shirt (no t-shirts or turtle necks please), black dress pants (no blue jean material or cargo pants), black socks, and black shoes
- Uniform sweater issued to the student to use, and must be returned at the end of the year
A student may be prevented from participating in a performance if they are not properly dressed, and there has been no communication between the parent/guardian and the director. This will result in an unexcused absence from the performance and lost points. Pants and skirts must be black, not dark blue. If there is a question as to Performance Attire or a problem obtaining the proper uniform, please contact the director at least a week prior to the performance.
Musicianship/ Singing Evaluations10% of grade)
Demonstrations, individual and group performance recordings, singing in class will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Singing with characteristic tone and correct style
- Singing correct pitches
- Proper diction (vowel and consonant pronunciation)
- Singing correct lyrics
- Accomplishing the objectives of the music (expression & emotion)
Musicianship / Written homework & worksheets(10% of grade)
Occasional worksheets related to music, or the efficient operation of the class will be given throughout the marking period. These must be turned in on the appropriate date for full credit. Late assignments drop 10% each day that they are late.
Sectionals are an opportunity for me to give more focused attention to a smaller group of students, usually an individual section. Sectionals will be scheduled well in advance for proper planning on the part of students and parents. More detailed information will be distributed at a later date.
Self Evaluation / Reflection (10% of grade)
- Students will be asked to evaluate their participation and growth throughout the marking period using a rubric and may write a narrative support statement.
Please add the following dates to your family calendar TODAY,to avoid possible conflicts.
Performance Dates
MondayOctober 26, 2015C-A High School Auditorium7pm (report 6:00pm)
SaturdayDecember 5, 2015C-A Holiday Festival @ C-A MS40 mins TBA from 2-6pm
ThursdayDecember 10, 2015C-A Middle School Auditorium7pm (report 6:30pm)
TuesdayMarch 8, 2016Pre-Festival location TBA7pm (report 6:30pm
Wed-ThurMarch 9 or 10, 2016Festival @ Swartz Creek HSField trip during school day
TuesdayMay 24, 2016C-A Middle School Auditorium7pm (report 6:30pm)
Teacher Contact Information
I can generally be reached from 7:45-8:45 am, at 591-6869, or you may leave me a voice message. My preferred means of communication is e-mail .
Parent Contact Information
In an effort to keep the lines of communication open and flowing smoothly, I have included a request form for phone number and e-mail information. Included on this form is my phone number and e-mail address. Additionally, most of this information can be found on my web page within the Carman-Ainsworth Community School web site. I will also post all information that is sent home with students on the web page, and can send information directly to parents that provide their e-mail address on the return form at the end of this packet.
C-A 7th& 8thGrade Mixed ChoirPerformance Confirmation
Please return by Friday, September25, 2015.
Students will receive extra credit for returning this form before the due date.
The earlier it is returned, the more extra credit they will receive.
Student Name______
Home Phone_(______)______-______land line or cell phone
Parent/Guardian Name(s) ______
Daytime Phone Number______home work cell
I have read and understand the expectations regarding the 7th& 8thGrade Mixed Choir music program for the 2015-2016 Academic Year. I also understand the commitment pertaining to all concerts and performances and understand that an absence from a performance may result in a failing grade for the marking period.
Student Signature______Date______
Parent Signature______Date______
Parent Signature______Date______
If you would like to receive music department updates via email please send me an
e-mail with your child’s name in the subject line to the following address:
or complete the info below.
Parent e-mail ______@______
Parent e-mail ______@______
Extra credit will be given for forms that are returned
BEFORE the due date