Required Course Expectations


6th Grade – Reading/English

A.Course Scope:

This one-year, two-period course provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the Common Core State Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. This course is designed to build knowledge and critical-thinking skills through close reading of texts; writing to support claims, to clarify ideas, and/or to develop ideas; and a range of collaborative discussions. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology and digital media are integral parts of this course. This course fulfills the sixth- grade English requirement and the sixth-grade reading requirement for promotion.

B.Course Goals:

  1. To read and study a wide variety of complex text (e.g., informational, fiction and non-fiction, expository) independently and proficiently. [RL.6.1-7, 9, 10; RI.6.1-10]
  1. To respond, and/or explain, in writing or speaking with a focus on how an author conveys the theme or central idea of a text through structure and details, how an author develops point of view in text, and how an author develops an argument.

[RL.6.5; RI.6.5; W.6.1-8; SL.6.3; L.6.1]

  1. To demonstrate consistently a command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. [W.6.4, 5; SL.6.6; L.6.1-3]
  1. To generate and support ideas by conducting short research projects and gathering relevant information from multiple print and digital sources to use when writing or speaking.

[RL.6.1; RI.6.1; W.6.7-9; SL.6.1]

  1. To combine and correct information from multiple sources to support analysis of literary and informational text to produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. [RL.6.1; RI.6.1; W.6.1, 2, 4, 8, 9; SL.6.1a, 2-4, 6; L.6.1-3, 6]
  1. To explore and analyze the elements of text, selected from a range of sixth-grade literary and informational text exemplars, to understand how authors use structure, word choice, details, and elaboration to convey the theme, central idea, or purpose of a text.

[RL.6.1-6; RI.6.1-6; W.6.1-2; SL.6.4; L.6.4-6]

  1. To learn and examine the purposes and characteristics of the major genres of text (e.g., prose, poetry, drama, literary non-fiction). [RL.6.1-7, 9, 10; RI.6.1-10; W.6.1-3]
  1. To apply independently and consistently the general strategies of organization, and revision to produce writing (e.g., argument, expository, narration) appropriate to task, purpose, and audience whether over time or under a tight deadline. [W.6.1-10]

Each anchor standard has been correlated to the grade-specific standard.

C. Class Requirements and Grading Procedures:


In order to succeed you must be prepared! Upon entering the class each day you must have the following:

  • five subject spiral bound notebook with pocket dividers
  • pencils ( #2 lead if using mechanical pencils) and erasers
  • red pens/ colored pencils for grading/editing
  • (1) Two pocket folder with prongs
  • (1) Composition notebook
  • (1) student flash drive
  • highlighter
  • school Agenda
  • reading book

Students will bring their agenda, reading and writing notebook, pencils and pens, and a chapter reading book to class every day. All assignments turned in must be completed in pencil, as directed by the teacher. Students must record all homework written on the board in their agendas.

2. Assessments and Grading

Assessments will be given at the end of each unit of study. A comprehensive exam will be given at the end of the semester. Semester exams will be weighted to compose up to 20% of a course grade. Discovery assessments will be administered at the end of each quarter.

3.Class Participation

Class participation is expected, and students will be graded on participation under the class work category.

D.Discipline Procedures

1.Desired Behavior:

  • be seated upon entering the class room; have agenda/work ready and begin warm-up activity.
  • raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat.
  • keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  • no food, gum, candy, or drinks are allowed.
  • no personal grooming is allowed in the classroom.
  • remain seated in order to be dismissed from class.
  • no backpacks in the classroom (after lockers are issued).
  • please be respectful to all others in the classroom.

2.Positive Consequences:

  • praise and respect
  • positive calls/progress reports
  • complimentary reports sent home
  • Os in citizenship on report cards

E.Tardy Procedures

The Rogich Middle School policy tries to instill in each student the importance of being to school and class in a timely fashion. Each student has a schedule of classes and is aware of starting times in each.

F. Communication

Bi-weekly emails will be sent home to inform parents and students up upcoming assignments, class projects, and school events, etc. ParentLink will be updated weekly, please check weekly and contact me with any questions or concerns with grades or assignments. My teacher website ( will also be updated periodically with announcements, resources, and reminders; please check every couple of weeks. If you need to set up a meeting please contact the counseling office to do so. Please call or email me with any questions or concerns: ().

Mrs. Reinwald’s Course Expectations Signature Sheet

I have read the course and school wide expectations. I understand my responsibilities. My parents have read the expectations and understand what is expected.


Student Name (Please print) Student Signature


Parent Name (Please print) Parent Signature



Preferred Parent/Guardian Contact

Print name: ______

Relationship to student: ______

E-mail address: ______

Phone (Between 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.): ______

Alternate Parent/Guardian Contact

Print name: ______

Relationship to student: ______

E-mail address: ______

Phone (Between 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.): ______