Thursday, May 7, 2015
AP Test (Physics 2)
Executive Committee Meeting 8:00 AM
Marian Crowning (After School)
International Cultures Night 6:00 PM
Bell 1
Forty Five Juniors have not returned their Guidance Contract. Please do so as soon as possible.
Dartmouth College is hosting an information session onThursday, May 14at the Baldwin School. More in information is available in the Guidance Center.
Y2 Academy of Upper Darby will be holding its 2015 Summer SAT Day Camp and ACT Day Camp. Information is available in the Guidance Center.
A summer internship is availablefor juniors and seniors. It is a 6-week paid opportunity working within various municipal departments and offices with the City of Philadelphia. Information is available in the Guidance Center.
Students in Grades 9 - 12 are invited to apply for admission to a week long "2015 International Leadership Camp" at Susquehanna University. Information is available
in the Guidance Center.
Any Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior who would like information about West Point, please come to the Guidance Center.
Any junior and/or senior interested in a Bus Boy position at a South Phila. Restaurant, see Sister Jane in the Guidance Center.
If you have not brought your acceptance and scholarship letters and your financial aid information to the Guidance Center, please do so as soon as possible. Remember you receive a candy bar for each acceptance and scholarship letter you receive.
A portion of the proceeds from the June 26th Phillies game will go directly to the Catholic Charities Appeal. Please consider attending this event and supporting the Catholic Charities Appeal. To purchase tickets, visit
Spring Sports Awards Assembly/Reception
Our Spring Sports Awards Assembly/Reception will take place at RCHS onThursday, May 28th. Admission is $10 per person. The Awards Assembly will begin in the gym at6:30 PMand will honor Freshman, JV, and Varsity teams from our Spring Sports. Letters, MVP and All Catholic honors will be presented. The Awards Assembly will be followed by a reception. Tickets are presently on sale in the Financial Affairs Office and need to be purchased no later than the end of the school day on Thursday, May 21st.NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Student dress code for this event is the Spring uniform
Attention Students: Stay connected with Roman on Social Media. Roman’s Instagram just hit over 900 followers, help it get to 1000. Follow @RomanCatholic_HS
Twitter @RomanCatholicHS
Like Roman on Facebook: Roman Catholic High School Alumni Association
Anyone who would like to sign-up to become an ambassadornext year, signup sheets are available in Mr. DiMartino’s office. You must turn them into the main office byMay 15th. You must have and 80 academic average and an 85 conduct average to sign-up.
There will be a general membership meeting on today in Room 35. Mr. Sean Dugan will be our guest speaker. He will talk about the negative consequences of drug and alcohol use. All are welcome. Information will be given out regarding S.A.D.D. Officers for next year.
Seniors – Those wanting to purchase the Class of 2015 Senior Shirts MUST have their order forms turned into the school store with payment no later than May 15th.
Juniors – Those wanting to purchase School Golf Shirts for the Class of 2016 MUST have their order forms turned into the School Store with payment no later than June 1st.
The Tech Club will meet in the library after school on Monday, May 11th.
Varsity and JV teams are dismissed after 7th period for their game against Neuman Goretti.
Varsity is dismissed after 7th period for their game against Northeast.
Good luck to Sebastian Lipinski as he competes in the PIAA District XII singles tournament today. Yesterday, without Sebastian involved, Roman formed a JV lineup and defeated LaSalle's JV by a score of 3-2. Winners included Leland Thompson, Mike Hopkins and the freshmen doubles team of Adam Moskal and John Hosgood.
Library closed from 5th period to 8th period today.
Dr. Bell- 1st period to the cafeteria, 3rd period to the library, 6th and 7th period to the gym, 8th period dismissed.
Mr. Brennan- 5th and 6th period to the gym.
Mr. Tarducci- 1st and 2nd period to the cafeteria.
Ms. Jannelli- 1st and 2nd period to the cafeteria, 4th period to the library, 6th period to the gym, 8th period dismissed.
Mr. McNulty- 1st and 2nd period to the cafeteria, 3rd period to the library, 5th and 7th period to the gym, 8th period dismissed.
Mr. Azzara- 1st and 2nd period to the cafeteria, 4th period to the library, 6th period to the class.
Mr. DiGiovanni- 3rd period to the gym.
Mr. Buck- 3rd period to the gym.
Ms. M- catapult classes to study hall
UPCOMING SCHEDULE - Friday, May 8, 2015
AP Test (United States History)
Deadline to register for June ACT
Deadline to register for June SAT
Bell 1
Please remember to always check the online calendar for the latest information and updates on events