May 11, 2016

Roni called the meeting to order and extended her thanks to the Ways and Means Committee of Susan Linton, Jennifer Linton, Joan Linton and Catherine Morano. Also thanks to Cindy Zencey for Hospitality.

Members are able to eat whenever, and look at auction items whenever they chose to do so.

Thank you to Lynne Laino and Stephani Braskey for centerpieces. Thanks to Sharon Nungester for being the auctioneer.

Thank you to members for bringing food. We are going to run over meeting time so if you are not going to be here at the end of the meeting, put your name on label for door prizes.

Welcome new members: Jean Jenzano, Gail Moffett, Cheryl Kusko, Kay Coaster, Chrissy Howell, Nancy Byers, Jan Duansky and Carol Vinciguerra.

Workshop – samples for June workshop are available with Jane Davila. They are going to be making stamps for fabric. If interested, sign up. July workshop with Pat Sloan has three spots left. August will be thread painting with Lea McComas. See Kelly to sign up for any of the workshops.

Membership – 104 members present and eight guests. If you paid your dues, membership cards are on the table. Dues are due by the June meeting. We now have 151 members. If you are currently a member and want to continue next year, get your dues money in.

Charitable gifts – Jane Roberts said thank you for the Baby bundles items. She will let us know through the website how many were sent. Next month is the walker bags. Pattern is on the website.

Activities – Sandy Jackson – bus trip to Hershey on July 21 only has three spots left. Cost is $38. Next month they will start a Modern Nine Patch block swap. Sign up will be in June.

Raffle quilt – Margo said the quilt has been quilted and ready for binding. Terry Kramzar did a fabulous job quilting it and donated thread, batting, and the machine quilting. 6,000 tickets were printed and paid for by an anonymous donor. The quilt was then shown to the members and it was stunning.

Fat quarters – only two quarters were turned in so they decided not to do it this month. Next month will be teal fat quarters.

Block of the month – 25 blocks were won by Susan Stetler. Next month is patriotic star and is a simple block. If you do two blocks, you will get three chances to win. Blocks will go to Tel Hai and they will make the quilts for Soldiers.

Susan Linton said two items were added on at the end in the raffle so they might not be in the program. She hopes you enjoy the auction and the food. The first page of the booklet explains the procedure for the auction. Thank you to the members for various donations. Will start live auction at 10:30.

Live auction was held, raffles were awarded and silent auction items were also given out. A luncheon of salads, tea sandwiches and dessert was held throughout the event.

Respectfully submitted by Pat Barton