The annual budget has been presented to the club and been approved.
I have been preparing the budget for nearly a month. There was consultation with all the committee directors, past presidents as well club members. Thank you to all of you for your input and advice.
Neha reports on what the Anns are doing...
The Anns served lunch for the Silver seniors in June. They received an award at Discon. Neha thanked Julie for the wonderful job she did with the flowers for the Induction dinner. Nadine Daly wants to Anns to use tyres for veggie gardens to supplement feeding schemes in schools. Sue Howland is interested in helping with this project. The Anns want to ask Pick ‘n Pay to do the sandwiches for the feeding scheme at White River Primary School to free up funds for other projects. Sue Doble has approached them and the Anns will give it a trial to see how it goes. The bikers for Mandela Day need help packing shoe boxes on the 16th July. June want some help for sponsoring a guest for the Swembe week.
The Rotary meeting......
Guests: Jan Jensen, Fred Velleman, Gerald le Roux, Ricardo Fernandez
- Joys: Mike Lewis is recovering well
- Sorrows: Janine Taljaard’s father passed away last week.
- DG’s birthday is today – Happy birthday Grant!
- Renate reminded everyone that Christmas in July will take place on Saturday 23rd at 6:30 for 7:00 at Simon’s house. Bring your own drinks. The cost is R70.00 per person
- Llew informed the club of an international evening to be held on Sunday at 5:30 for the Exchange students to meet the club and to give their feed back. Cost R75.00 per person
- Brian asked the club if they would like to have their own Family Health day or join with Nelspruit club again. The general feeling was that they would like to stay with Nelspruit. It will be in October.
- Mike Brandon informed the club that the wine auction will take place on 25 August at Magnolia at a cost of R180pp
- George spoke of the need to get parents involved in their children’s schools. Enthokozweni has a problem with termites in the roof and this poses a danger to the children We need to get the parents involved for the safety of their children.
- Hitesh presented the budget which was accepted by the club.
- Subs for this year will be R1402 per person and R1152 for the second spouse when a couple both belong to the club.
Information: Hein gave information on the Rotary club of Oyster Bay in Tanzania. It was interesting to hear about what another club in Africa is doing.
Sergeant: Luiza was the sergeant.
Wine draw: Luiza won the wine draw
- Simon was glad that Mamelodi beat Zamalek in Cairo.
- Brian paid in to apologize to Ricky for saying that he should be exterminated!
- Ruffians are happy to donate money to the Polio cause
Attendance: 55%
The next meeting will be a Partners evening
Next meeting:
- Organizer: Erik Howland
- Grace and Fellowship: Brian Hyson
- Sergeant: Anns
23 July: Christmas in July – Simon’s home
21 August: Kruger Park trip for Seniors
28 August: Wine Auction
WarrenMalcolm Michael C
Mike LLizNitto
GavinAntoineMichael W
Patrick MAdrianJudy
Patrick RLeon
Attendance requirements in Rotary
Members are expected to attend or make up at least 50% of club regular meetings. Failure to do so subjects the member’s membership to termination by the board. In addition, absence for four consecutive meetings may be considereda request to terminate membership in the club. Thereafter, the board, by amajority vote, may terminate the member’s membership.
Members who are not able to comply with the above requirements should submit a written, motivated application to the board for leave of absence. The board may excuse a member’s absence if it considers the reasons given as good and sufficient. Such excused absences shall not extend forlonger than twelve months. However, if the leave is for a medical reason or afterthe birth, the adoption, or foster care of a child that extends for more than twelvemonths such leave may be renewed by the board for a period of time beyond theoriginal twelve months. Members whose absence is excused are, however, regarded as absent from meetings in the club’s records.
Members who are absent from club meetings may make up for their absence (and be recorded as present in the club’s records) in any of the following ways:
If within 14 days before or after the meeting, the member:
- Attends the regular meeting of another Rotary club or provisional club
- Attends the regular meeting of a Rotaract or Interact club or a provisional Rotaract or Interact club
- Attends a RI Convention, other specified RI meetings or conferences, a Rotary district conference, district assembly or district committee meeting
- Attends and participates in a club service project or club-sponsored community event
- Attends a club board meeting or meeting of a service committee.
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