Effective Date: July 1, 1982 / BSU 4500
Rev: July 1, 1995
July, 2003
April 27, 2005




PURPOSE: / To establish a procedure for search and selection of department chairs, division managers or unit heads.


To establish guidelines for the selection, appointment, and evaluation of department and school Chairs or Heads.

Additional Authority:

University Policy #7000 (Position Definitions and Titles)

University Policy #4290 (Annual Faculty Evaluation)


Applies to all academic units, including departments, schools and programs.

Responsible Party:

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, 426-1202


Chair – A faculty position that leads a department and is generally nominated through election by the Department’s Tenure-Eligible Faculty and other variousother full-time faculty faculty, as recognized by departmental guidelines, and approved by the Dean for a pre-defined term of service.

Head – An administrative faculty position that leads a department, school, or unit and may be hired through a search process. Faculty must provide with input as defined by department guidelines to inform the final selection. from faculty. The final candidate is selected by and serves at the pleasure of the Dean. For the purposes of this policy a Head may also be called a Director.

Research Faculty – A faculty position in which the primary responsibility is to contribute to the research mission of the University through the development of a rigorous research program.

Teaching Faculty – A faculty position in which the primary responsibility is teaching courses in degree and/or certificate programs for an academic year to include the titles Lecturer, Clinical, and Instructor Faculty.

Tenure-Eligible Faculty - A faculty position assigned to an academic department or the university library wherein the incumbent holds academic rank and is eligible for tenure, or is tenured.


I.  Policy Statement

This policy provides assistance to academic deans, chairs, heads, and faculty to assure consistency at the University in the selection, appointment, and evaluation of Heads and Chairs. Chairs are generally selected through the election process established by the Department’s Tenure-Eligible Faculty and other full-time faculty as outlined in department guidelines. Heads are generally selected by the Dean and serve at the pleasure of the Dean, with input from Tenure-Eligible Faculty and other full-time faculty as outlined in department guidelines.

II.  Principles for Search and Selection and Appointment

Because of variations in governance structures among colleges, these guidelines do not provide detailed rules for the selection, election, or appointment of Chairs or Heads. However, the following guidelines apply:


B.  Each academic unit including programs and divisions should have will determine their guidelines for the election, selection, or appointment of Chairs or Heads, including the term of appointment for Chairs in conjunction with the Dean. The guidelines should be communicated to the Tenure-Eligible and full-time Ffaculty of the department/school, who will have input into the process and final selection. Other faculty should be consulted as outlined in department guidelines.

C.  The selection of Chairs and Heads requires final approval from the Dean of the School or College.

III.  Regardless of whether the Chair or Head is selected through a faculty vote, search committee, or appointment, the process must be transparent with a scheduled vote of confidence every three years[1]. If the vote is not in favor of the Chair/Head, then the provost’s office must work with the faculty on a resolution.

A.  A All official faculty in a department, division or unit will serve on a committee of the whole to conduct the search for and selection of a department chair, division manager or unit head. This committee may choose to elect a subcommittee to screen applicants for the position.

B.  committee chair and the subcommittee, if a subcommittee is established, will be elected by the committee of the whole. The outgoing department chair, division manager or unit head and departmental applicants for the position may not participate in the screening and selection of candidates, but may participate and vote in the selection and ranking of the final three candidates. This policy does not apply to temporary acting or interim chairs or unit heads. Such individuals may participate in all phases of the selection process.Tenure-Eligible and full-time Ffaculty members may ask the Dean of the associated School, College, Program, or Division ask for a review count of the final Chair vote of the voting/nomination process by the Dean of the associated School or College if the outcome of a Chair election is unclear.

C.  During times of transition between Chairs or Heads, the Dean

D.  Each department, division or unit may involve representation of the community in the search and selection process when appropriate to the department's goals and programs.

E.  Procedures for Search and Selection

F.  The committee or subcommittee, in consultation with appropriate administrators, will prepare a job description and establish a schedule for application deadline and selection procedures. The committee or subcommittee will then advertise, in cooperation with the Affirmative Action Office, the vacant chair position with proper regard to affirmative action requirements.

G.  After the established deadline has passed, the committee or a subcommittee will review the materials assembled on each candidate and select the final list of candidates for the position.

H.  The committee or a subcommittee shall make available to all committee members the materials assembled on each candidate and, if possible, arrange on-campus interviews.consult the

I.  The committee of the whole will then select and rank the top three (3) candidates, all of whom must be acceptable to at least half of the official faculty in the department, division or unit.

J.  The chair of the search and selection committee will present the dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs with a ranked list of three (3) candidates.

IV.  Special Circumstances

A.  If a department chair, division manager or unit head resigns and no new replacement position is to be funded, the principles and procedures of Sections I and II will be utilized for an internal selection of the department chair, division manager or unit head.

B.  Utilizing the principles and procedures of Sections I and II, the official faculty in a may choose to establish a limited term for faculty chair, division manager or unit head, with the understanding that the current chair, division manager or unit head would be eligible for additional terms of office.

C.  If on whether to continue department, division leadership through the Chair or unit has special circumstances, alternative procedures to this document must be submitted to the Faculty Senate for approval. Alternative procedures must incorporate the philosophy of faculty responsibility in the selection processHead model.

V.  Search for and Selection of Acting DepartmentHeads and Chairs, Division Managers or Unit Heads

When, because of an urgent need, it is necessary to appoint an acting department chair, division manager, or unit head,Chair or Head the dean may appoint, in consultation with the advice and consentsome group of at least half of the department's, division's, or unit's official faculty, thean acting department chair, division manager or unit headChair or Head for a term of not more than one year. The term may be extended for an additional year if necessary.

VI.  Evaluation


B.  The dean will annually evaluate the performance of the Chair or Head.

C.  Prior to May 30 each year, all Tenure-Eligible Faculty or other full-time faculty as outlined by department voting privileges will provide input into the Head or Chair annual review.


E.  The evaluations from each faculty member shall be given to the Dean of the appropriate college who will summarize the faculty evaluations in his/her and evaluation of the Chair or Head. The evaluations shall be placed in the individual's official personnel file by the Dean and copies forwarded to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

F.  The evaluations from each faculty member shall be given to the Dean of the appropriate college who will summarize the evaluations and forward the summary to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Copies of the summary shall also be forwarded to the department Chair/Head and placed in the individual's official personnel file by the Dean at an appropriate time.


H.  The Dean shall guarantee the confidentiality of the information and the anonymity of the evaluators.


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[1] Which faculty may participate will be determined by department guidelines