Wind Energy Conversion Systems Application

Date______Application Fee$100.00

Applicant Information


Street Address:______

City, ST, Zip:______


Does the above Applicant own the land?YES _____NO _____

Landowner Information


Street Address:______

City, ST, Zip:______


Legal Description of the project

¼ ______,Section _____,Township _____S,Range _____W

Address of the project______

Documentation of land ownership or legal control of the property provided?

YES _____NO _____

Identify the intended use of the WECS


Present use of subject property______

How is the subject property currently zoned______

Acreage of subject property______

Provide a plot plan at an appropriate scale showing the proposed location of the WECS (including access roads) as it relates to the boundaries of the subject property, all structures on the subject property, and any other pertinent information relevant to the site.

Plot plan provided?YES _____NO _____

Provide a standard drawing of the wind turbine structure, including the tower, base and footings, and drawings of access roads (if applicable).

Drawing provided?YES _____NO _____

A description of the proposed WECS shall include the following information:

Serial Number______


Name plate generating capacity______

Tower height______

Rotor diameter______

The total height of the WECS______

Means of interconnection with the electrical grid______

Decommissioning Plan – Explain what process will be taken to remove the WECS in the event that it becomes damaged or deteriorated beyond repair, deemed unsafe, or generally unwanted by the owner or the permit holder:


The applicant shall be responsible for following the above described decommissioning plan in the event that it becomes damaged or deteriorated beyond repair, deemed unsafe, or generally unwanted by the owner or the permit holder.

Is this responsibility acknowledged and understood?

YES _____NO _____

All WECS shall have an automatic braking, governing or feathering system or other means to prevent uncontrolled rotation, over speeding and excessive pressure on the tower structure, rotor blades and turbine components.

Is information pertaining to the tower’s safety and stability provided?

YES _____NO _____

Audible noise due to wind energy facility operations shall not exceed sixty five (65) dBA for any period of time, when measured outside of any residence, school, hospital, church or public library existing on the date of approval of the WECS. In the event any WECS is found to be in violation of this noise restriction it will be required to comply or be decommissioned. Is this responsibility acknowledged and understood?

YES _____NO _____

Provide the location of all known CommunicationsTowers within two miles of the proposed WECS.


The applicant shall be responsible for immediate repair of damage to public drainage systems stemming from construction, operation or maintenance of the WECS.

Is this responsibility acknowledged and understood?

YES _____NO _____

Any WECS erected in the conditionally permitted zone will have in the conditional use permit a statement that the WECS may be ordered dismantled and removed from the site by the County Commissioners if the Commissioners are presented proof the WECS is a hazard to migratory birds.

Is this responsibility acknowledged and understood?

YES _____NO _____


Applicant Signature


Landowner Signature (if different from Applicant)


Date received: ______Receipt Number: ______

Application Approved? YES _____NO _____
