The Patuxent Partnership

Cloud Symposium

8 October 2014


0745 Check in & Coffee

0815 Welcome & introductions – Ms. Bonnie Green, Executive Director, The Patuxent Partnership

0820 Welcome – Mr. Larry Hollingsworth, SES, Director, Cyber Warfare, NAVAIR

0835DoD Approach to Cloud Computing - Mr. Rob Vietmeyer, Lead for Cloud Computing and Big Data,

Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer

0905 Cloud Computing for NAVAIR - Mr. Louis A. Lucarelli, Deputy CIO / AIR 7.2.2, NAVAIR

0935 Break – Displays, Demos, Exhibits

0950Cloud Computing Defined: Seeking Clarity and Understanding

Cloud computing has gained widespread attention, and promises a cost-effective means to use computing resources while setting the technology foundation for the next-generation computing environment. Cloud technologies have proliferated within private industry, and now many government organizations are evaluating the benefits that are promised by adoption of cloud services, including near-infinite scalability, on-demand provisioning, security and reliability, and significant cost savings, some organizations are making the transition. We will explore the basic underlying principles and technologies which enable advanced cloud computing environments.

Mr. Syed "Akbar" Hamid, Director of Technology, Cloud Products and Strategy, Smartronix

1025Real Clouds are Real Hard

Maj Gen James Poss, USAF (ret), Director of Strategic Initiatives, High Performance Computing

Collaboratory at Mississippi State University

1055Overcoming Cloud Barriers

Many potential cloud adopters are uncertain about the benefits of a transition to cloud computing. With security, accreditation challenges, vendor lock-in, lack of control and visibility, data portability concerns, feature limitations, cost model uncertainty and other factors prominent in minds of potential cloud adopters, some may consider the rewards not worth the risks. These speakers will discuss these challenges and potential barriers to cloud migration as we hear from organizations which have forged the path to successful adoption. We will also be exposed to the latest cloud policy and acquisition perspectives from agencies which are charged with the implementation of cloud computing throughout the Department of Defense.
Moderator: Mr. Syed "Akbar" Hamid, Director of Technology, Cloud Products and Strategy, Smartronix

Lt Gen Peter M. Cuviello, USA (ret), Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP

Mr. John Hale, Chief, Strategic Planning for Enterprise Services Defense Information Systems Agency

Mr. Tom Bendien, Director, Federal SoftLayer Cloud Technology, IBM

1200Lunch Speaker

Mr. Nigel LeBlanc, Cyber/UAS Veteran Outreach Coordinator; Maryland Department of

Business & Economic Development

1300Break- Displays, Demos, Exhibits

1315Panel: The Value Proposition of Cloud Computing

This panel of key leaders in Industry and Academia will discuss the risks and opportunities inherent in cloud adoption. We will learn about issues such as the breadth of cloud computing options, the business cases underlying cloud migration, technical infrastructure requirements, and other migration and maintenance considerations. The panel discussion will provide significant insight into the future of cloud-based solutions within DoD.

Moderator: Maj Gen James Poss, USAF (ret), Director of Strategic Initiatives, High Performance Computing Collaboratory, Mississippi State University


Brig Gen Steve Spano, USAF (ret), Defense and National Security, Amazon Web Services,
Worldwide Public Sector

Mr. David M. Brown, Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Federal Business Development

Mr. Brett Stafford, Director, DoD Strategic Programs, EMC Federal

1445Migrating into the Cloud: What you need to know; practical steps for moving forward.

-Commercial Cloud Services – Mr. Mark Fox, DoD Programs, Amazon

- Traditional IT vs. Cloud Computing acquisition considerations

- Cloud Computing Total Cost of Ownership

- Compliance and Security approval status

-SPAWAR Commercial Services Integration

- Mr. Adam Crosby, IA Lead, CSI SPAWAR, (Deloitte)

1600Keynote Speaker – CAPT Paul Tortora, Director, Center for Cyber Security Studies,

United States Naval Academy

1645Wrap Up Remarks – RADM Steve Eastburg, USN (ret), Executive Vice President,

Engineering Solutions at Smartronix, Inc.

1700Reception… Exhibits and displays open