TEIS Capital Projects Training -II
TEIS Training Schedule – LEAP Training Room
Session Two: September 28, 2006 (1:30 PM to 5:00 PM)
Capital Projects System
Where we left off
Version Security and Maintenance
Naming Versions:
Naming Convention:SSAAAXXX (S=session, A=Agency, X=user defined)
Examples:07HTCv1, 06LEGFIN, 07DOT001
Assigning Version Security
Archiving and Unarchiving Versions
Exercise 1:
- Clear all selections, Select your practice version
- Edit, Version Security. What Groups are there?
- Find the HTC group and click anywhere in that cell, then click the Drill-Down button to see the members of the HTC group, click OK when done.
- Give View Access to the HTC group, Save
- Back to Main Menu: Edit, Refresh Version Lists
- Find and select another user’s practice version, go to Detail screen, try to change some data.
- Back to Main Menu:Select your own practice version, Edit Version Security
- Remove View access for the HTC group, add another student as a single user, and give that person Edit Access to your practice version.
- Back to Main Menu: Edit, Refresh the Version Lists, find and select another student’s practice version (someone who has given you Edit Access)
- Go to the Detail screen, change some data and Save.
- Back to Main Menu: File, Archive Versions. Who is the owner of the versions you see?
- Find your practice version and Archive it
- Back to Main Menu: Is your practice version available in the Version Drop-Down?
- File, Archive Versions, Find your practice version and Unarchive it
- Back to Main Menu: Now is your practice version available in the Version Drop-Down?
Creating and Modifying Versions
Importing and Exporting Versions
How does WSDOT import versions from CPMS?
How can Legislative staff use importing and exporting?
The Import/Export process
Exercise 2:
- Clear all selections, Select version 06LEGFIN, File, Export to Excel
- Click the SubPrograms option. What subprograms are available in the version?
- Select Z2, Z8, and Z9 subprograms and click the Export button
- Open the Capwrk sheet and look at it. Why is there more than one row for project 01F00AA? Close the Capwrk sheet and Excel
- Back to Main Menu: File, Import from Excel
- Make sure the New Version option is selected and enter 06xxxIMP as the version, where xxx are your initials
- 2007 session, Construction Mode, enter ‘Test Import’ for the description, and click the Import button.
- Click OK to go to Version Security.
- Click the Change Version Owner button, Look at the names in the Drop-Down but don’t select one, Press Escape and click Cancel. (What would happen if you clicked Save?)
- Click the Delete Version button, click the No button.
- Click the Done button to return to the Main Menu
- Select your new version. Do a Project Listing. Expand Project 01F00AA. What Phases and Fund Types do you see?
Copying Versions
How to Copy / Create a New Version
Appending to an Existing Version
Handling Duplicate Records
Replacing the Entire Project for Existing PINs
Add, Replace, or Skip Duplicate Phase/Fund Type Records
Copying Projects between Versions
Exercise 3:
- Clear all selections, Select the 06xxxIMP version you created in Exercise 2.
- File, Copy Version, Enter the version Code 06xxxIM2 (xxx are your initials), 2007 Session, Construction Mode, Description ‘Test Import 2’
- Click the Copy button, Exit the Version Security screen, click Prior Screen on the Copy Version screen to return to the Main Menu
- Select 06xxxIMP as version 1, 06xxxIM2 as the Compare Version
- Do a Project Listing and verify that the totals for each version are identical.
- Main menu: set the Compare version to (none)
- Do a Project Listing, File, Copy Projects…
- Verify that the Append to Version option is selected and check the Replace Entire Project for Existing PINsoption
- Select the top 3 Projects from the 06xxxIMP version, select 06xxxIM2 as the Version to Append to, and click the Copy button
- Click Yesto confirm that you wish to replace the Entire project for projects already existing in 06xxxIM2
- Back to Main Menu, Select 06xxxIM2 as the compare version, and do a Project Listing. Are the totals the same? Why?
- Main menu: set the Compare version to (none)
- Do a Project Listing, File, Copy Projects…
- Verify that the Append to Version option is selected but DO NOT check the Replace Entire Project for Existing PINs option
- Select the top 3 Projects from the 06xxxIMP version, select 06xxxIM2 as the Version to Append to, and click the Copy button
- Click the Change All to Replace toolbar button. What happens?
- Click the Change All to Skip button, then the Change All to Add button. Can you also change the action for individual Phase/Fund Type records?
- Be sure you have selected to Add all duplicates and click the Save and Continue button. Click Yes to confirm you want to continue copying. Click No to skip printing a duplicate report.
- Return to the Main Menu, select 06xxxIM2 as the compare version and do a Project Listing. Are the totals the same? Why or why not?
Ad Hoc Reports and Exports
Ad Hoc Exports
Project Detail Exports
Project Summary Exports
Creating a new Ad Hoc Export Template
Using an Existing Template
Copying a Template to another user
Exercise 4:
- Clear all selections, Select the 06xxxIMP.
- Edit, Ad Hoc Export
- Select PIN, Project Title, and Route from the Project Info tab and click the Add Button
- Highlight Route in the Selected Info list, and click the Move Up button until Route is at the top of the list.
- Click on the Dollar Amts tab and select Prior Costs, Current Biennium, Out Bien1 through Out Bien 7, Future Costs, and Total Proj Costs. Click the Add button.
- Set Sort Order 1 to Route and Sort Order 2 to PIN
- Click the Save button, Enter a template name (use your initials in the name)
- Click the Export to Excel button, save the worksheet, view the results and close Excel
- Click the Copy Ad Hoc Template button, select your new template to Copy From and copy the template to another student
- Return to the Main Menu, Edit, Ad Hoc Export. Do you see any new templates?
Ad Hoc Reports
Creating a new Ad Hoc Report Template
Project Fields
Project Info Tab
Flex Grp Lists Tab
Dollar Amts Tab
Math Functions
Sort Order
Running Ad Hoc Reports: Print and Preview Options
Exercise 5:
- Clear all selections, Select the 06xxxIMP.
- Edit, Ad Hoc Reports
- Select the SYS – Legal Size: Projects with all Biennia template
- Click the New Ad Hoc Template button
- Enter a name for the new template, using your initials, and click Ok
- Remove Sub Program from the Selected Info list and move PIN to Column 1,
- Remove 16yr+Ftr from the Dollar Amts list, change Sort Order 1 to PIN, Sort Order 2 to (None), and Save the template
- Click the Set as default checkbox
- Preview your new Ad Hoc report without changing any options, view and close the report
- Select Group By 1 as Program, Group By 2 as SubProgram, Check the Show phases box, Show Fund Types, and Show Book Descriptions, and Preview again
- Click Cancel on the Ad Hoc Report Preview Options screen
- Copy Ad Hoc Template to a another student in the room
- Back to the Main Menu, then back to Ad Hoc Reports. Do you see any new templates, copied to you from another user?
Flexible Groups
Flexible Group Lists vs. Flexible Groups
Creating a New Flexible Group List
Setting up a new List
Setting up the Groups
Assigning Projects to the Groups
Exercise 6:
- Clear all selections, Select the 06LEGFIN.
- Edit, Flexible Groups
- Click Create New List button
- Using your initials, enter a name for your new Flexible Group List (e.g. xxx List)
- Click in the Flexible Group Name grid and enter Group Name “Earmarks and State Match” and press Enter
- Enter “Local Projects” and “Rail Projects” for the second and third Groups
- Highlight the Earmarks group and click the Add Projects button
- In the Search Projects window, select Version 06LEGFIN
- Click the Project ID column header twice to sort projects by PIN
- Select Projects 000004Q, 000005Q,000006Q, 000007Q, and 000008Q, click the Select button, and click Close
- Click on the Local Projects group and add projects 01F00AA – 05H001Z from version 06LEGFIN
- Add projects F01001A – F02000A from version 06LEGFIN to the Rail Projects group
- Click the User List Order button, Add your new list to the User List Order, and close the Edit Flexible Group List Order window. What benefits does this provide?
- Back to Main Menu, Select your new flexible group list, click the Calculate # of Projects button. How many projects are in your list?
- Check the Include unassigned Pins button and then the Calculate # of Projects button. What does this option do? Uncheck the option again.
- Go to the standard Reports screen and Preview report LTPR001Ex, Group By Flexible Group
Importing and Exporting Flexible Group Lists
Copying and Deleting Flexible Group Lists
Users/Group Security
Flexible Group Reports
Exercise 7:
- Edit, Flexible Groups
- Select your new flexible group
- Export List button, Export, then Open Export File
- Add a “2” to the end of the Flexible Group List name in cell C1, so you can import the sheet into a new list (e.g. xxx List 2)
- Go to the bottom of sheet 1 and enter 2 new Projects in column A, (D300101 and D300701), Enter “Facilities Projects” in column C for both projects. (You don’t need to fill in a title in column B).
- Save the worksheet and close Excel
- Import List button, Import, close the Import panel
- Check the projects in each flexible group for the new list. Are the 2 projects you added listed in the Facilities Projects group?
- Copy List button, Copy to a New Flexible List group with the same name except add a “3” to the end.
- Delete List button, confirm to delete the third list, Select your “2” Flexible Group List (i.e. – xx List 2)
- Users/Groups Security button, Give View access to HTC and STC
- Flexible Group Detail button
- Back to Main Menu, Edit Flexible Groups. Do you see any new Flexible Group Lists?
- Reports, Preview all 3 reports, using your “2” Flexible Group List. What benefit would the “Duplicate Projects” report provide?
Using Flexible Groups
Exercise 8:
- Clear All Selections, select version 06LEGFIN
- Flexible Group tab, select your “2” Flexible Group list (e.g. xxx List 2). Do your Flexible Groups show up in the list box to the right?
- Calculate # of Projects button. How many projects are selected?
- Group Summary by Flexible Group button, inspect list, Prior Screen
- Select one or more Flexible Groups, click the Calculate button. What is the Project Count? Do a Project Listing, inspect list, Prior Screen
- Clear Flexible Group selections button. (Leave your “2” Flexible Group List selected).
- (Standard) Reports button
- LTPR001Ex – Legal Size: All Biennia report,
- Group By Flexible Group. Does your Current Selected Flexible Group List appear? Preview the Report, page forward and backward, checkthe Flexible Groups, close the report, back to Main Menu.
- Edit Ad Hoc Reports
- Select Template SYS – Legal Size with all Biennia, Preview, set Group By 1 to Flexible Group, Preview, check the Flexible Groups, close the report, back to Main Menu
Comparing the 06LEGFIN to 07DOT001 (DOT’s 07-09 Budget Request)
Exercise 9:
- Main Menu: Clear all selections
- Select Version 07DOT001, Compare Version 06LEGFIN
- Flexible Group tab: 07: LEAP LIST projects, Calculate # of Projects
- (Standard) Reports button
- Preview the LTPRVARG – Project Variance Report, Group By Flexible Group, with Show Group Summary Only option checked.Close the report and uncheck the Show Group Summary Only option
- Preview the LTPRVARG report again, this time Exclude Projects without Variance, Sort by Variance (Total), Use Absolute Value,
Questions and Answers