February 21, 2012
SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr., Denise T. Balboni and Dennis Gragnolati
ALSO PRESENT: Finance Director Barbara Bertrand
First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.
PUBLIC INPUT (Agenda Items Only): None.
Selectman Wawruck began by stating that the worksheets have been updated since the last Budget Workshop on February 14, 2012. He added that most of the numbers are intact with the exception of some of the insurance amounts that still need to be factored in. The proposed budget reflects an overall decrease of -0.17% and does not include non-union wages.
The Selectmen and Finance Director Barbara Bertrand reviewed the proposed budget at length. Some areas of discussion were:
Garbage Contract –the current contract ends June 30th with the new contract starting on July 1st.
Hydrants & Electric Rates have been included in the proposal coming in at a -2% for the upcoming year.
Advertising has grown by 25% due to the increased number of meetings that require media publication.
Town Office Building – (+1.63% increase)
· Uniform Maintenance is up for bid this year and the amount will likely be increased by $25.00.
· Salary & Wages – represents union custodial position.
Safety Complex – (-1.99% decrease)
· Some of the line items have been trimmed but some have been added to, such as Natural Gas.
· Salary & Wages – represents union custodial position.
· Repairs & Maintenance/HVAC – has decreased by 25% because Capital Project monies were allocated for the new electronics for the system. More savings could be realized with the updated system.
Public Works Garage – (-3.45% decrease)
· Electricity decreased by -6.25%. The reduction is likely due to the town signing up for electric energy savings and the installation of automatic lighting.
Senior Center – (+3.58% increase)
· Salary & Wages – represents union custodial position.
· Natural Gas cost has increased.
· New Alarm System in Kitchen & Solarium.
Spring Street Garage – (+0.43% increase)
· Sewer User Fee increase of 9.76% - still have remaining water issues. The water meter was leaking and with the increased volume of water, the sewer user fees had gone up. The
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Budget Workshop
February 21, 2012
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Connecticut Water Company was called to check the pipe for possible leaks. Selectman Wawruck stated that he will check to make sure the problem is resolved.
Nine Bay Garage – (0.00% increase)
Animal Control Shelter – (+8.85% increase)
· Propane Gas is used with costs at market value.
General Expenses All Buildings – (+21.48% increase)
· Repair & Maintenance/All Buildings – Blight; the town has to pay for services that are rendered (lawn mowing, etc.) followed by a lien on the property owner’s taxes. When the money is reimbursed it goes into the General Fund. The cost is associated with the amount of activity.
Information Technologies – (+47.43% increase)
· Pro & Tech-Data Consultants: 29.12% increase
· Repairs & Maintenance – Computers/Licensing: 2.62% increase
· Machines & Equipment – On-Going: 122.20% increase – IPADS for Board of Finance Members & Back-Up Server costs are included in this line item.
Discussion followed on the pros and cons of leaving the IPAD expense in the Board of Selectmen’s Budget or if it should be included in the Board of Finance’s Budget. Ms. Bertrand reminded the Selectmen of the increasing cost of paper and the large volume of material that is required to keep the Selectmen and Board of Finance members updated during the budget season. Selectman Wawruck also stated that “soft costs” of preparing the hard copies of the budget each year should be taken into consideration because of the minimum amount of staffing. The majority of the budget preparation takes place within the Finance Office.
The Selectmen also discussed feedback that has been received on the possibility of getting the IPADS, and if they would be utilized by all of the Board of Finance members. Training to learn how to use the IPADS would be conducted by Town Staff.
After more discussion the Selectmen decided to take the IPAD funding in the amount of $7600.00 out of the Board of Selectmen’s Budget.
Finance Department – (1.63% increase)
· Salary & Wages – Regular: 1.44% increase for the two Union staff members in the office.
· Leases – Copier: The current lease expires in August and Ms. Bertrand is hoping to have the bid results in before the budget is finalized.
Social Services – (4.04% increase)
· Salary & Wages – Regular: 4.04% contractual increase
· Salary & Wages – 2 Week Vacation Replacement to be used on an as need basis.
· Gift Cards (Geissler’s, Stop & Shop, etc.) have been inventoried and will be distributed to those in need.
Selectman Balboni mentioned that Windsor Locks Oil will match the town’s donation of fuel oil with a mix of bio-diesel fuel. Selectman Wawruck stated that he was not aware of that but would check into it.
· Eviction Expenses: the town pays to have items from evictions stored until the owner can pick them up. The town is reimbursed for the expense before the items can be claimed by the owner or by sale at auction. Selectman Wawruck mentioned that down by the Public Work’s Garage there is an area that may eventually be used for eviction storage instead of having to
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Budget Workshop
February 21, 2012
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use a regular storage facility.
Human Resources – (0.00% increase)
Outside Services – (3.69% increase)
· Slight increases are being seen with outside services. After holding steady over the last few years increases are beginning to get passed onto the towns.
Municipal Associations – (5.52% increase)
· CRCOG (10% increase) & CCM (1.22% increase) dues have increased for the next fiscal year. Selectman Wawruck stated that the town has realized monies back from successful Grant awards (Purchasing Council & Transportation arena) through the efforts of both of these agencies.
· CCSWA – The cost will be added as soon as it is known. Selectman Wawruck stated that the town can still remain a member of the consortium and will be able to participate in the Hazardous Waste Day.
Building Department – (2.02% increase)
· Salary & Wages – Regular: 2.31% contractual increase.
· Salary & Wages – Vacation Replacement Secretary: 128.57% increase for four weeks of vacation replacement.
Town Counsel/Professional Services – (14.08% increase)
Town Engineer – (0.00% increase)
· Additional engineering costs are reflected in the Public Works & Capital Expenditures Budgets.
Insurance & Bonds – (6.37% increase)
· Insurance Other Than Medical: final numbers are not solid yet. Ms. Bertrand stated that the LAP insurance will be increasing by 25%.
· Worker’s Compensation will go up by approximately 6%. Costs are impacted by any increase to the payroll.
Landfill & Refuse Removal – (-7.27% decrease)
· Savings are being seen in this line item because the Town is going with Covanta instead of CRRA. Covanta’s first year’s tipping fee is lower. Ms. Bertrand stated that a 3% index factor (3% for December – May & 3% for June – November) was used for the projected costs for each of the line items.
The Selectmen then discussed the costs associated with yard waste pick-up including the homeowners having to purchase leaf bags to use for the collection. Selectman Wawruck stated that using garbage cans for yard waste had become messy especially with blighted properties. The bags have enabled the town to have a cleaner look, especially with the uniformity of the green & blue barrels. He added that not everyone derives a benefit from the leaf pick up.
Selectman Gragnolati stated that he would like to have the leaf pickup start a couple of weeks earlier in the spring then it currently does. Selectman Wawruck stated that more funds can be added for additional weeks at a cost of approximately $2,000.00/week. Selectman Wawruck suggested that a pad be placed up at the leaf site for residents and the hauler to use as a drop off point for their yard waste as an option to having to purchase the bags. The yard waste will then be picked up and disposed by the town.
After a brief discussion the Selectmen decided to not add any additional funding for extra weeks of yard waste pickup at this point.
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February 21, 2012
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Office of Emergency Management – (3.45% increase)
· Several line items have increased because of what was experienced during Storms Irene & Alfred. The added costs are minimal but necessary in the event of emergency situations.
Watermain & Hydrant – (-2.67%)
· The decrease in the linier feet of piping (approximately 1,400 feet) was done during the South Street reconstruction. Some of the hydrants were also eliminated.
Marine Officer – (0.00% increase)
Selectman Wawruck stated that he hoped to have the final numbers for the budget within the next two weeks. He suggested holding another Budget Workshop before the Regular Board of Selectmen’s Meeting on March 6th so that the numbers can be finalized. Salaries for the non-union personnel will be discussed at that time.
There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen;
A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m. was made by Selectman Balboni and seconded by Selectman Gragnolati. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan R. Barsanti
Recording Secretary