Collège du BS Saint Lô. FRANCE

Gymnasio Gastounis , GREECE

Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi si Constructii, Iasi. ROMANIA

BME International Secondary Grammar School Budapest.HUNGARY

XI Istituto Comprensivo ARCHIA Siracusa. ITALY



This project named « Mon héros, ton héros, nos héros »/« My hero, your hero, our heroes »was approved inAUGUST 2017 with ERASMUS+ 2017-1-FR01-KA219-037198_1.

Main objectives of the meeting were:

  • Getting to know each other
  • Presenting the schools
  • Organize the vote for logo competition.
  • Learning how the project is going to be run in each school (different teams, help from the other colleagues, help from the head of the school, support from other organizations, etc.. ).
  • Being able to master the use of the Blog and the use of Etwinning. Share the difficulties that each delegation found on the using it.
  • Cultural visits to meet heroes of everyday life, and heroes of Hungary.
  • Meeting a charity which has connection with refugees.
  • Deciding how editing to start implementing the ebook .
  • Create «Hero-psychogramma»
  • Discussing the project progress, identifying the areas of improvement.
  • Evaluate the meeting in Budapest (10-15 questions, Google form). The project meetings will be followed by quality survey on Twinspace.
  • Rules for official e-mail correspondence: all the messages will be written in English and have only one subject to discuss, which will be announced on the title of the message. When somebody open a discussion he will put on the copy all the coordinators or all the persons responsibled with communication. Each partner should contribute to the message and express his opinion on the topic.
  • Discussing about «Heroic year»
  • Preparing the student exchange in GREECE (the Deciding on the number of pupils for the 2nd mobility.


1) Confirmation of mobilities dates:

A) Short-term exchange of pupils in Greece:

14th May-18thMay 2018 plus two days for travelling

B) Transnational project meeting in France:

24th September – 28th September 2018 plus two days for travelling

C) Short-term exchange of pupils in Romania:

18th March- 22ndMarch 2019 plus two days for travelling

D) Short-term exchange of pupils in Italy:

13th- 17th May 2019 plus two days for travelling

2)Activities carried out during Hungarian meeting:


A)Students’ presentations about each school.

B)In Hungary the partners broughtone logo from each country, and voted for the logo of the project.The Italian logo was chosen.

C) Each country showed a ppt presentation of 10 national heroes. It includedsome informations about the heroes, a picture , the field of work, the reason why it was chosen, and when this hero lived. Language of presentation was in English.

D) They created the timeline of all the 50 heroes.

E) The stundents sang the hymn: Alesso (We could be) - Heroes

F) They met heroes of everyday life: ambulance service.

G) Cultural visits: Buda Castle, Rock hospital, Budapest tour and Eger castle and city.

H) They attended Peter James’ lecture, representative of a migrant organization.

I) They took part in a sport activity: floorball.


A)made arrangements for the product, to be started next January, a calendar entitled “My Heroic Year” in English from all countries participating in the project: every month, each partner uploads a picture about the activities related to the topic on the official websites.

B) discussed the project progress, identified the areas of improvement.

C) supervized the students during the cultural visitsto meet heroes of everyday life, and heroes of Hungary

D) organized the ebook editing. The format was decided together.

E) met a charity which has connection with refugees.

F) planned the student exchange in GREECE.


1) Communication between partners.

A)Rules for official e-mail correspondence: all the messages will be written in English and have only one subject to discuss, which will be announced on the title of the message. When somebody begins a discussion she/he will put on the copy all the coordinators or all the persons responsible with communication. Each partner should contribute to the message and express her/his opinion on the topic.

B)All partners committed themselves to inform each other about all the activities related to theproject, including cooperation on creating the website and other dissemination tools. Teachers should encourage students to communicatethrough twinspace.

C) Monthly meetings on etwinning were set up for the duration of the project: every 1st Monday of the month at 7.00 pm minimum.

2)Tools of dissemination of project activities and results.

All partners agreed to update the official project website, Facebook profilewith its logo on schools websitesand to use e-Twinning space for the project tasks and communication.

WEBSITE ADMINISTRATORS – France : Cédric Goulet, Mariana Navrotescu -Greece: Olga Giantsiou – Romania: Mihaela Poroch, Cristiana Voicu – Italy: Maria Lidia Caggegi, Valeria Valvo - Hungary: Andreasz Gadzojanisz.


France : Mariana Navrotescu – Greece : Olga Giantsiou – Romania : Mihaela Poroch, Cristiana Voicu – Italy: Maria Lidia Caggegi, Valeria Valvo - Hungary: Andreasz Gadzojanisz, Attila Dudas.

e-TWINNING LEADERS – France : Mariana Navrotescu - Greece : Olga Giantsiou – Romania: Mihaela Poroch, Cristiana Voicu – Italy: Maria Lidia Caggegi, Liliana Morreale - Hungary: Andreasz Gadzojanisz, Attila Dudas.

After each meeting, partners should inform local media about the mobility.

3)Quality and quantity evaluation.

A) Romanian team will assess the project throughout its development (midterm and final evaluation).

B)It has been agreed to carry out surveys or the interviews with students participating in the project and their parents. The surveys will be conducted at the beginning, middle and at the end of the project. The project coordinator prepare a google form survey and provide the link to all partner schools. Coordinators of individual schools inform students and their parents to complete the survey within the given deadline

C)Evaluation of individual tasks of the project will belong to the institutions that are responsible for their coordination.

D)All project meetings will be followed by quality survey on twinspace. The hosting institution is responsible for conducting the survey and analysis of results.

E) All participants will be delivered a Europass certicate after each mobility


2nd Short- term exchange of students in Greece :

1) Activities to carry out during Greek meeting:


  • will participate in a workshop : Photo exhibition on sport heroes: each country will choose 20 photos with name (A4) about sport heroes. The students will organize the exhibition in international groups. Each school coordinator will send the files to Greece on Google Drive or email.
  • will play some games and race with migrant children at the ancient stadium.
  • will learn a traditional Greek dance.
  • will sing the hymn of the project.
  • will create a big poster with the sport heroes.
  • will participate in a workshop in Center of Science Patras.
  • will visit local cultural sites.


  • will take part at the coordinators’ meetings.
  • will supervize all the activities of the students during the mobility.
  • will prepare the intermediary report.
  • will plan the 3rd pupil exchange in France.


The school representatives signedthe transnational project meeting agreements:

Budapest, Hungary 15th December 2017.

Collège du Bon Sauveur, Saint-Lô / Mariana NAVROTESCU / Sandrine CLEMENT / Olivier
GREECE : Gymnasio Gastounis, Gastouni / Olga
BME Két Tanítási Nyelvü Gimnázium, Budapest / Andreasz GADZOJANISZ / IldikÓ
ITALY : XI Istituto Comprensivo ARCHIA, Siracusa / Maria Lidia CAGGEGI / Valeria
VALVO / Angela
ROMANIA : Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi si Constructii, Iasi / Mihaela
POROCH / Alma Beatrice

Budapest, Hungary 2017-12-15