(5202 W Gore)


Lawton-Fort Sill Red-Leg


(25 October 2014)

Procedures Guide

“Materials in use for this/her event maintain excerpts or whole documents in use for the

Cadet Command Army Drill Championships.

Eisenhower/Macarthur High School


(580) 355-9144

FAX: (580) 585-6329




(5202 W Gore)

Lawton, Oklahoma, 73505

(25 October 2014)


Subject: Lawton-Fort Sill Red-Leg Drill Meet

1.Lawton-Fort Sill Red-Leg Drill Meet will be hosted by the Eisenhower and Macarthur Battalions.

The competition will be held at the (EisenhowerHigh School)Lawton, Oklahoma on 25 October 2014, beginning at 0800.

2. Competition will be conducted as shown.

A. Drill Category E. Academic Challenge

Armed (service weapon)


B. Color Guard CategoryD. Physical Fitness Category Male / Coed Male

Female Female

Physical Fitness - Male and Female (4 cadets per team)

Academic Challenge – 4 cadets per team (Only one team per school)

3.For additional information, contact LTC(R)Taylor or SFC(R) Taylor at (580)355-9144 Fax # (585-6329) or email us at ()).

James Taylor

LTC(R) Senior Army Instructor

EisenhowerHigh School

Lawton-Fort Sill Red-Leg Drill Meet 2014

Award Categories


Inspection Phase – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Regulation Phase – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Exhibition Phase – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Best Commander


Inspection Phase – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Regulation Phase – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Exhibition Phase – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Best Commander


Male/Coed Teams

Inspection Phase - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Performance Phase - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Best Commander

Female Teams

Male/Coed Teams

Inspection Phase - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Performance Phase - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

Best Commander

  1. ACADEMIC CHALLENGE - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place trophies

MALE – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place team trophies

FEMALE – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place team trophies


6. Grand Champion 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Trophies will be awarded to the schools with the most points based upon 3 points for each 1st place finish, 2 points for each 2nd place finish, and 1 point for each 3rd place finish. Only the highest ranked team in each category per school will be counted for Grand Champion points. To be eligible for these awards schools must compete in all categories. Tie breakers based upon commander’s score.


Lawton-Fort Sill Red-Leg Drill Meet

2014 - Entry Form

SCHOOL: ______

ADDRESS: ______


E-mail: ______CELL: ______


A. DRILL TEAM (ARMED)NO. OF TEAMS ____ X $35.00 = $ ______

B. DRILL TEAM (UNARMED): NO. OF TEAMS ____ X $35.00 = $ ______


A. MALE/COED COLOR GUARD:NO. OF TEAMS ____ X30.00 = $ ______

B. FEMALE COLOR GUARD:NO. OF TEAMS ____ X $30.00 = $ ______


A. MALE: NO. OF TEAMS ____ X $25.00 = $ ______

B. FEMALE: NO. OF TEAMS ____ X $25.00 = $ ______


____ X $25.00 = $ ______



1st ______

2nd ______

3rd ______

All competitions start at 0800 hours and the last team will begin competition NLT 1500hours. Teams will be scheduled at 15-minute intervals.

Make Checks Payable to: Eisenhower High School JROTC, 5202 W Gore, Lawton, OK73501. (Fax) (580) 585-6329 E-mail:



Procedure Guide for Drill Competition

1. General:

a. The Lawton-Fort Sill Red-Leg Drill Meet will be conducted at EisenhowerHigh School.

b. This competition is for Junior ROTC units of all branches of the Armed Forces. Drill teams will consist of a minimum of 10 members, including the commander. A ten (10) point penalty will be assessed for each member less than ten in each phase.

c. Uniforms may be any type of military uniform or combination thereof approved for wear by the unit SAI/AI. Black, Green, and Maroon berets and all active duty accouterments are prohibited. No other restrictions are placed on color, material, headgear, footwear, legging or accessories to the uniform unless prohibited by US Army ROTC Cadet Command directives or appropriate directives of other services. All parts of the uniform are subject to inspection. Uniformity will be expected.

d. Weapons for armed teams may be of any caliber that is issued or purchased from military surplus; i.e., M-1903, M1, or M14. No replica or simulated weapons may be used in the armed drill team competition, except for those simulated drill weapons, which operate and weigh approximately the same as the original weapons and are approved by Cadet Command for the Armed Drill Category. Bayonets or blank ammunition will not be used. Weapons will be inspected for cleanliness and overall appearance. The hinged butt plate on M14s may be taped after platoon basic drill and prior to exhibition drill.

e. There will be a lunch break between 1200 and 1230 hours.

2. Armed / Unarmed Drill:

a. The drill portion of the competition is conducted in three phases: Inspection phase, Basic (regulation) phase, and Exhibition phase.

b. All competing teams are required to enter all three phases in both armed and unarmed drill in order to compete for Overall trophies.

c. All three phases of the drill portion of the competition are held in the Football Stadium.

Inspection Phase:

a. Initial Reporting: Ten minutes prior to the designated time for beginning competition, (as published prior to the competition), the Drill Team Commander will report to the check-in table in the registration area. At the time designated for reporting-in to begin the competition, the Team Commander will report for his/her unit to the Head Judge at each station. His/her report must include the name, and the name of their school. When reporting, the salute will be rendered each time.


  1. Inspection Preparation Area:

The team captain will move the Drill Team to the Inspection Area, where final preparation for the inspection may be made. Team Sponsors, Coaches and Assistants are authorized in this area. Those wishing to view the inspection phase will be determined by available seating. Upon the direction of the Head Judge, the Team Commander will move the unit into the Inspection area. NOTE: ALL EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL TO BE USED IN THE BASIC DRILL AND/OR THE EXHIBITION DRILL PHASES WILL BE PRESENT FOR THE INSPECTION.

c. Inspection Area:

1) The Team Commander may march / fall in their unit centered on the Ranking Inspector, and report-in as instructed in paragraph a. above. The Ranking inspector will then direct the Team Commander to prepare for inspection. Grading will begin when the reporting salute is dropped.

2) The encl questions will be asked pertaining to military knowledge, Chain of Command, position and duties, etc. Not only is the accuracy of the response noted, but more importantly the manner of the response

3) Inspection will be conducted according to TC 3-21.5, Drill and Ceremonies, or appropriate manuals for other services.

4) The Commander will call the team to attention and CLOSE RANKS after all team members have been inspected and before reporting out.

5) The Ranking Inspector will, upon the completion of the inspection, pass on appropriate remarks to the Team Commander and then direct him to move out of the inspection area.

Performance Phase

a. Regulation Drill Area:

1) At this station the Head Judge will give final instructions to the Team Commander for conduct of the Basic Drill Phase and answer any last minute questions.

2) Judging will be in accordance with TC 3-21.5, or appropriate manuals for the other services. Teams not using the M1 or M14 rifle (example: M1903A3 Springfield) will use the manual of arms for the M14 rifle.

3) The Team Commander will center the team on the Head Judge, and report as instructed in paragraph 3a. above. The sequence for basic drill is as shown on the applicable score sheets (attached).

4) Members of the competing team who were inspected such as the Executive Officer and Guidon Bearer, who are not normally members of a platoon as outlined in Army, Navy, and Air Force Regulations, must march with the unit and will be graded on their performance and military bearing in relationship to the team. Their position is at the discretion of the Team Commander.

5) Five points will be deducted for each omission and/or improper sequence. Prompter cards may not be used.

6) Five points will be deducted every time a team member goes out of the designated boundaries. The drill area is in on football field. The drill area for the regulation phase is 75’ x 85’.

7) Grading will cease when the Team Commander reports out to the Head Judge that he/she has completed the Basic Drill Phase. The Commander will be directed by the Head Judge to move the unit to the Exhibition Drill area.

b. Exhibition Drill Area:

1) At this station, the Head Judge will give final instructions to the Team Commander and answer any last minute questions. Last minute adjustments may be made as required. Upon the direction of the Head Judge, the Team Commander will start their exhibition routine. Judging and timing begin with the initiating of the commander’s reporting-in salute as instructed in paragraph 3a. above. The contents of the performances are entirely at the discretion of the commander. A minimum of six (6) and a maximum of eight (8) minutes have been allotted for this phase. Timing of the event is the responsibility of the team captain; no external notifications will be given. If the Drill Team Commander has not reported out at the eight minute mark, the team will lose (1) point for each second over the maximum time allotted. Likewise one point will be deducted for each second under the minimum time allotted. Points are deducted from the “total score of the team.”

2) The size of the Drill Area for the exhibition phase is approximately 75’X 75’. The drill area is in on the football field.

3) All team members are expected to stay within the boundaries of the drill area. Five points will be deducted each time a member goes out of bounds.

3. Color Guard

a. Judging will be in accordance with TC 3-21.5, or appropriate manuals for the other services. Teams will consist of 4 members ONLY. Scoring will be accomplished by a standard numerical system. Each team’s scores will only be compared with other Color Guards of the same category (Male/Coed or Female). All Performance Phase movements will be on the orders of the Color Guard Commander. The Color Guard Commander will carry the National Colors.

b. Uniform and Equipment: Uniforms may be any type approved by your Approving Authority. Both guards, male and female, will be armed with the service weapon in current use by their respective JROTC unit. Both color bearers will be required to wear color-bearing slings. All Color Guard members will be required to wear pistol belt.

c. Initial Reporting: Ten minutes prior to the designated time for beginning competition, the Color Guard Commander will report to the check-in table in the registration area. At the time designated for reporting-in to begin the competition, the Team Commander will report for his/her unit to the Head Judge at each station. The report will include their name, and the name of their school. When reporting, the salute will be rendered each time.


1) The Team Commander will march the unit forward and halt centered on the Ranking Inspector and report-in as instructed in paragraph 3c. above. The Ranking inspector will then direct the Team Commander to prepare for inspection. Grading will begin when the reporting salute is dropped.

2) Questions will be asked pertaining to military knowledge, Chain of Command, position and duties, etc. Not only is the accuracy of the response noted, but more importantly the manner of the response.


1) Upon direction of the Head Judge, the Color Guard will form in a line formation with the COLORS CASED and at the CARRY POSITION. As soon as the Color Guard is formed, the Color Guard Commander will report for his/her unit to the Head Judge. The report will include his/her name, and the name of their school. The sequence for the performance phase is as shown on the applicable score sheets (attached). The sequence must be committed to memory. Five points will be deducted from the overall score for each incorrect command or sequence violation. Two judges will accomplish the Color Guard grading. The Head Judge will dismiss the Color Guard upon completion of the Performance Phase.

2) The Performance Phase will be conducted in an area of 50 feet x 50 feet, inside a gymnasium with the boundaries clearly marked with traffic cones or flags.

NOTE: Judges will deduct points for any “Fancy Drill” movements or variation from normal cadence executed during the conduct of the performance phase of the Color Guard competition.

2014 Red-Leg Drill

Armed Drill - Inspection

School Name: ______

Number of Cadets: ______

Point Range / Judges
Unit Inspection
1. Unity, Snap & Smartness of the Unit / 0 – 10
2. Precision, Hesitation & Anticipation of the Unit / 0 – 10
3. Dress/Alignment of the Unit / 0 – 10
4. Correct Procedures Followed to include Entry/Exit / 0 – 10
Individual Inspections
1. Personal Hygiene (males-to include shave) / 0 – 25
2. Position of Attention / overall body position / 0 – 25
3. Response to Questions / 0 – 25
4. Overall Uniform Preparation & Condition / 0 – 25
5. Handling / Knowledge of the Weapon / 0 – 25
6. Bearing & Poise / 0 – 25
7. Overall Commander Score (Voice/Bearing/Poise) / 0 – 50
Total Points (0-240)

Commander’s Name: ______

2014 Red-Leg Drill Meet

Armed Drill - Regulation

School Name: ______

Number of Cadets: ______

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
TEAM ENTERS & REPORTS IN / 24)Close Interval, March
1)Present, Arms / 25)Forward, March
2)Report In / 26)Normal Interval, March
3)Order, Arms
4)Parade, Rest / 27)Forward, March
6)Right Step, March / 28)Column Right, March
7)Halt / 29)Column Right, March
8)Backwards, March / 30)Left Shoulder, Arms
9)Halt / 31)Port, Arms
10)Left Shoulder, Arms / 32)Halt
11)Order, Arms
12)Inspection, Arms / 33)Order, Arms
13)Ready Port, Arms / 34)About, Face
35)Right, Face
14)Order, Arms / 36)Present, Arms
15)Left, Face / 37)Report Out
38)Order, Arms
16)Right Shoulder, Arms
17)Forward, March
18)Rear, March
19)Right Flank, March
20)Left Flank, March
21)Column Right, March
22)Column Left, March
23)Counter Column, March
Total Points (0-190)

2014 Red-Leg Drill Meet

Armed Drill - Exhibition

School Name: ______

Number of Cadets: ______

Judged Item: / Description of Judged Item: / Possible Points / JUDGE SCORE
Report In / All movements to HJ and verbal report-in / 0 – 15
Report Out / Verbal report-out and all movements to leave drill floor / 0 – 15
Floor Coverage / Meaningful drill activity occurring on % of entire floor / 0 – 15
OVERALL IMPRESSION / Overall routine presentation / 0 – 25
MILITARY FLAVOR / Routine proudly befits a military JROTC competition / 0 – 35
Movement DIFFICULTY / Routine as presented required MUCH PRACTICE! / 0 – 35
Movement PRECISION / Exacting, teamwork – “anti-sloppy” / 0 – 35
Movement VARIETY / Diversity of movements to display overall excellence / 0 – 35
SHOWMANSHIP / Flair, style and game face that turns heads / rivets watchers / 0 – 35
Cadet BEARING / Supreme effort, snap and concentration in the routine / 0 – 35
Cadet APPEARANCE / Uniform / overall cadet preparation & presentation / 0 – 35
Handling of the WEAPON / Specific solo/team weapon maneuvers & manipulation / 0 – 35
Total Exhibition Drill Points / (350)

2014 Red-Leg Drill Meet

Unarmed Drill - Inspection

School Name: ______

Number of Cadets: ______

Commander’s Name: ______

Point Range / Judges
Unit Inspection
1. Unity, Snap & Smartness of the Unit / 0 - 10
2. Dress/Alignment of the Unit / 0 - 10
3. Precision, Hesitation & Anticipation of the Unit / 0 - 10
4. Correct Procedures Followed to include Entry/Exit / 0 - 10
Individual Inspections
1. Personal Hygiene (to include shave) / 0 - 25
2. Position of Attention / overall body position / 0 - 25
3. Response to Questions / 0 - 25
4. Overall Uniform Preparation & Condition / 0 - 25
5. Bearing & Poise / 0 - 25
6. Overall Commander Score (Voice/Bearing/Poise) / 0 - 50
Total Points (0-215)

2014 Red-Leg Drill Meet

Unarmed Drill - Regulation

School Name: ______

Number of Cadets: ______

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1)Order Arms
2)Parade Rest
4)Right Step March
6)Backward March
8)Left Face
9)Forward March
10)Rear March
11)Right Flank March
12)Left Flank March
13)Column Right March
14)Column Left March
15)Counter-Column March
16)Close Interval March
17)Forward March
18)Normal Interval March
19)Forward March
20)Column Right March
21)Column Right March
23)About Face
24)Right Face
25)Present Arms
Total Points (0-235)

2014 Red-Leg Drill Meet

Unarmed Drill- Exhibition

School Name: ______

Number of Cadets: ______

Judged Item: / Description of Judged Item: / Possible Points / JUDGE SCORE
OVERALL IMPRESSION / Overall routine presentation / 0 – 30
Report In / All movements to HJ and verbal report-in / 0 – 20
Report Out / Verbal report-out and all movements to leave drill floor / 0 – 20
Floor Coverage / Meaningful drill activity occurring on % of entire floor / 0 – 20
Cadet APPEARANCE / Uniform / overall cadet preparation & presentation / 0 – 20
MILITARY FLAVOR / Routine proudly befits a military JROTC competition / 0 – 40
Movement DIFFICULTY / Routine as presented required MUCH PRACTICE! / 0 – 40
Movement PRECISION / Exacting, teamwork and/or solo work – “anti-sloppy” / 0 – 40
Movement VARIETY / Diversity of movements to display overall excellence / 0 – 40
SHOWMANSHIP / Flair, style and game face that turns heads / rivets watchers / 0 – 40
Cadet BEARING / Supreme effort, snap and concentration in the routine / 0 – 40
Total Exhibition Drill Points / (350)

2014 Red-Leg Drill Meet