AP European History s5


The Age of Absolutism

(1648 – 1710)

Louis XIV

Palmer Chapters 5 & 6


17. The Grand Monarque and the Balance of Power (pp. 146-149):

1. Why did Louis XIV’s foreign policy arouse the opposition of the rest of Europe?

2. Explain the nature of the “balance of power” that was employed against Louis XIV. Of what broader significance has the “balance of power” concept been in history?

18. The Dutch Republic (pp. 149-155):

1. Describe Dutch cultural and commercial accomplishments in the seventeenth century.

2. How do the paintings by Rembrandt (pp. 107/158) and Vermeer and Moreelse (pp. 105/275) illustrate Dutch artistic achievements and Dutch intellectual, commercial, and colonial enterprises?

3. Explain the nature of government and of political life in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic.

4. How did the Dutch and English come into conflict in the 17th century, and with what results?

5. How did the Dutch become involved in conflict with Louis XIV, and with what results?


19. Britain: The Civil War (pp. 155-162)

1. Why did Parliament come into conflict with James I? with Charles I? How did the special nature of Parliament make its resistance effective?

2. How did the civil war begin? How did Cromwell emerge as ruler of England?

3. Describe the government of England under the Commonwealth and the Protectorate. What is meant by the regime of the “major generals?”

4. What policies did Cromwell follow toward Scotland, Ireland, in foreign affairs, and the more radical elements emerging in England?


20. Britain: The Triumph of Parliament (pp. 162-169):

1. Explain the general nature of the Restoration in England.

2. How did religious matters again bring Parliament and king into conflict? How did James II precipitate the Revolution of 1688?

3. Summarize the legislation introduced after the Revolution.

4. Of what constitutional significance for England was the Glorious Revolution of 1688?

5. What were the consequences of these events for Scotland and Ireland?


21. The France of Louis XIV, 1643-1715 (p. 169-181):

1. What factors accounted for France’s leadership during the age of Louis XIV? Describe French cultural contributions and achievements in this age.

2. How did Louis XIV develop the “state” in its modern form?

3. What arguments were used to justify the divine right of kings in the seventeenth century?

4.  Discuss Louis XIV’s:

a) military and administrative reforms;

b)economic and financial policies;

c)religious policy;


22. The Wars of Louis XIV: The Peace of Utrecht (pp. 181-188):

1. Describe Louis XIV’s foreign policy. Of what significance were the chambres de reunion?

2. Summarize the main developments of the War of the Spanish Succession. Why was it fought? What were the motives of each state in the war?

3. What were the major provisions of the Treaty of Utrecht?


23. Three Aging Empires (pp. 190-199):

1. What major differences were there between eastern and western Europe by the seventeenth century?

2. Describe the changes in the Holy Roman Empire brought about by

a)the Reformation,

b)the Thirty Years’ War,

c)the Peace of Westphalia.

3. How would you characterize the nature of Ottoman rule in eastern Europe?

24. The Formation of an Austrian Monarchy (pp. 199-203):

1.What were the major episodes and eventual results of the conflict between the Habsburgs and the Turks from 1526 to 1739?

2. Describe the territorial boundaries of the Habsburg empire about 1740.

3. How successful were the Habsburgs in their efforts at consolidation and centralization? What effort did Charles VI undertake to guarantee the undivided inheritance of his territories?

25. The Formation of Prussia (pp. 203-211):

1. Discuss the role of each of the Hohenzollern rulers from 1640 to 1740 in the formation of Prussia:

2. Describe the special characteristics of the kingdom of Prussia. Describe its government, economic structure, and social development.

3. Why did Frederick II’s act of aggression seem somewhat an exception to the policies of his predecessors? What did he accomplish by this act?


26. The “Westernizing” of Russia (pp. 211-224):

1. Describe Russia before Peter the Great. Why had Russia not shared more fully in European developments after 1100?

3. What was happening to the peasantry in seventeenth-century Russia? Describe peasant reactions to these developments and to the religious reforms.

4. Discuss the results of Peter the Great’s internal reforms, with special attention to the church, economic policies, and administrative reforms.

5. Characterize Peter the Great’s foreign policy. What territory did he win for Russia?

6. Assess the significance of Peter the Great in the history of Russia.


Who? What? Where? When?


1.  Estates-General of the United Provinces

2.  English Navigation Act of 1651

3.  English-Dutch Wars

4.  Treaty of Nimwegen

5.  The True Law of Free Monarchy

6.  Long Parliament

7.  Roundheads

8.  the Rump

9.  Instrument of Government

10.  Treaty of Dover

11.  Test Act

12.  Whigs

13.  Tories

14.  Glorious Revolution

15.  Act of Settlement of 1701

16.  Toleration Act

17.  Versailles

18.  Intendents

19.  Jean Baptiste Colbert

20.  Edict of Fountainbleu

21.  Grand Alliance of 1701

22.  Treaties of Utrecht

23.  Asiento

24.  Hohenzollerns

25.  liberum veto

26.  “capitulations”

27.  Pragmatic Sanction

28.  Robot

29.  Junker

30.  “Hereditary subjection”