Benefits of a standardized dress code:
1) A dress code promotes a more serious school atmosphere which emphasizes academics and promotes good behavior.
2) Dress codes have proven to increase student achievement by encouraging students to concentrate more on their studies and less on their wardrobe. A de-emphasis on clothing can also save money, as there will be less pressure to keep up with expensive trends and fashions.
3) Dress codes in school settings reduce social conflict and peer pressure that may be associated with appearance.
4) Studies indicate that a school dress code can reduces the prevalence of certain behaviors which are often expressed through wardrobe such as violence or promiscuity.
5) As opposed to traditional uniforms, dress codes still allow students to have some choice in colors, styles, etc.
6) Standardizing/simplifying the dress code will make it easier for parents to know what is and is not acceptable dress at school.
7) Teachers will have more time to spend teaching if they do not have to take time deciding if the attire meets or does not meet the dress code and then write dress code referrals when it does not. This also will help to preserve the teacher/student relationship.
Tips for talking to your child about a changing dress code:
1) Let them know that school is their “job” and that all people dress differently for their job than they do on their free time. Remind students how nice and professional they all looked on “Wolf Wednesdays” when they were wearing their school shirts.
2) Remind them of how easy it will be to pick out school clothes. Also, maybe now they can purchase clothing for outside of school without having to worry about restrictions.
3) Explain to them that the most important reason for choosing a school is for the academic experience they get and that the way they dress is secondary to that. Tell them why you chose to send them to MVCKS rather than their neighborhood school.
4) Talk to them about the research stated above. There are good reasons why so many schools utilize a similar model. Encourage them to research how many schools have a standardized dress code or even a uniform. They will find that more than half do in all other cities in Colorado.
5) Point out that they can choose what they wear on bottom as long as it meets the criteria. There are also choices for tops with regard to colors and styles.
6) Tell them that there are many ways to show that you are an individual and that your attire should not be the sole representation of individualism.