Literacy Block Planner Grade K

Theme: 3 Lesson: 7 Focus Skill: Beginning, Middle, End Focus Strategy: Use a Graphic Organizer

Whole Group Instruction: 30 minutes

Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Warm-Up / Begin with a Song (T26)
Sing Song / Begin with a Song
Sing Song
Identify rhymes in the song. / Begin with a Song
Sing Song
Identify “to” high frequency words. Highlight other high frequency words students know. / Begin with a poem (T66).
Identify rhyming words in poem. / Begin with a poem (T66). Recite poem.
Whole Class
(8-10 minutes)
Word Work and Spelling / Phonics (p. T28-T30) (Word Blending)
High Frequency Words (p. T30) Introduce: to / Phonics (p. T40) Start with sounds. Teach and model. Then, practice and apply.
High Frequency Words (P. T42) Review: to / Phonics (p. T54) (Word Building) Start with Sounds. Review and the practice and apply.
High-Frequency Words (p. T56) Review: to / Phonics (p. T68)
Phonogram –am-Start with the sounds. Teach/Model.
High-Frequency (p. T70) Review: to / Phonics (p. T76) phonogram –at
High-Frequency Words (p. T78) Review: to
Whole Class
(8-10 minutes)
Comprehension / Reading (p. T31)
Big Book: The Little School Bus
Read aloud book. Highlight for students to think what happens at the beginning, middle, and end. / Comprehension (p. T43) Introduce: Beginning, Middle, Ending-Model finding beginning, middle, and end in the big book.
Identify a few rhymes in big book. / Comprehension (p. T57) Introduce: Use Graphic Organizers
Read aloud selection. Fill in graphic organizer, what happened in beginning, middle, end. / Comprehension (p. T71)
Review: Beginning, Middle, Ending Use retelling cards to identify beginning, middle, and end. / Comprehension (p. T80) Review: Use graphic organizers
Whole Class
(8-10 minutes)
Vocabulary / Build Robust Vocabulary (p. T36)
Introduce: sly, proceed, apparel
Use big book to emphasize words in context. / Build Robust Vocabulary (p. T50)
Review: sly, proceed, apparel
Use situations to have students use words. / Build Robust Vocabulary, (p. T64)
Introduce: announced, imaginary, precisely
Use situations to have students use words. Use turn and talk to have students discuss. / Build Robust Vocabulary, (p. T71)
Review: announced, imaginary, precisely
Use one of the examples for each word. Use turn and talks. / Build Robust Vocabulary, (p. T82)
Review: sly, proceed, apparel, announced, imaginary, precisely
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Focus: Comprehension and Phonics/Fluency as needed / Review word blending routine (p. T28-T30) / Phonemic Awareness (pT39)
Echo read “pre-decodable” reader.” Partner read. / Review word building (T54-T55)
Partner read “pre-decodable” reader. / Practice and apply phonogram –am. (T69)
Read “on level” leveled reader. Echo read. Then, partner read.
Apply comprehension skill to leveled reader: beginning, middle, and end. / Phonics (p. T76) phonogram –at. Do practice and apply.
Partner read “on level” leveled reader.
Apply comprehension skill to leveled reader: beginning, middle, and end.
Focus: Comprehension and Phonics/Fluency / Review high frequency words.
Review word blending routine (p. T28-T30) / Review high frequency words.
Phonemic Awareness (p T. 39)
Echo read “pre-decodable” reader.” Partner read. / Review high frequency words.
Phonemic Awareness (p. T67)
Review word building (T54-T55)
Partner read “pre-decodable” reader. / Practice and apply phonogram –am. (T69) Review high frequency words.
Read “below level” leveled reader. Echo read. Then, partner read.
Apply comprehension skill: beginning, middle, end.
Choral read “below level” leveled reader. Echo read. / Phonics (p. T76) phonogram –at. Do practice and apply.
Choral read “below level” leveled reader. Echo read.
Focus: Focus: Comprehension and Phonics/Fluency as needed / Students partner read “pre-decodable” reader. / Read “on level” leveled reader. Echo read. Then, partner read.
Apply comprehension skill to leveled reader: beginning, middle, and end. / Partner read “on level” leveled reader.
Apply comprehension skill to leveled reader: beginning, middle, and end. / Echo read if needed “advanced” leveled reader. Then, partner read. / Partner read “advanced” leveled reader.
Students partner read additional books from literacy closet at level.
What might happen if you had animals as classmates? / Tell about one animal that went on the school bus. / Tell what was your favorite part of “Jessica.” Why?
My favorite part was ______because______. / Use retelling cards. Write what happened first in “Jessica.” / Tell some where you can go.