20th Century World Topics Index Card Assignment


·  Open Door Policy

·  Total War

·  First World War (1914-1918)

·  Paris Peace Treaties (1919 – 20)

·  Wilson and the Fourteen Points

·  US isolationism

·  League of Nations: weakness

·  Good Neighbor Policy

·  America First Committee

·  Collective Security (military/diplomatic)

·  Atlantic Charter

·  Second World War (1939-45)

·  Second Front Issue

·  Yalta Conference (topics)

·  Potsdam Conference (topics)

·  Bretton Woods System

·  John Maynard Keynes

·  George F. Kennan

·  The Long Telegram (Cable)

·  The National Security Act of 1947

·  World Bank

·  International Monetary Fund

·  Containment

·  Truman Doctrine


·  Berlin Blockade & Berlin Airlift

·  1984 & dystopia


·  Douglas MacArthur & Korea

·  Guatemala 1954 and CIA

·  Domino Theory

·  Strategic Air Command (SAC)

·  “Red Scare”

·  Organization of American States

·  Proxy War

·  John Foster Dulles

·  NSC #68

·  Korean War

·  “New Look” military

·  Geneva Accords 1954

·  MAD

·  Peaceful coexistence

·  Massive retaliation

·  The Non-aligned movement

·  Brinkmanship

·  Flexible Response

·  U-2 Crisis

·  Bay of Pigs invasion

·  Cuban Missile Crisis

·  Limited Test Ban Treaty

·  Hot Line Agreement

·  Arms Proliferation

·  Gulf of Tonkin Incident

·  Détente

·  Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

·  Tet Offensive

·  Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV)

·  Operation Condor

·  Kent State (1970)

·  Henry Kissinger

·  Realpolitik

·  Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (I & II)

·  Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972)

·  Watergate Affair

·  Helsinki Accords 1975

·  Camp David Accords

·  Carter Administration Human Rights policy

·  Nicaraguan Revolution (1976-79)

·  Anastasio Somoza

·  Sandinistas

·  Mujahedeen

·  1980 Olympics

·  Iran Contra Affair

·  Theater (Tactical) Nuclear Weapons

·  Pershing IIs

·  Cruise Missiles

·  The Reagan Revolution

·  KAL Flight 007

·  Able Archer 83

·  US Army School of the Americas

·  Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) (aka Star Wars)

·  “Evil Empire”

·  Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty


·  Nicholas II

·  Dialectical Materialism

·  Russo-Japanese War

·  Russian Orthodox (religion)

·  Bloody Sunday (1905 Revolution)

·  Mensheviks

·  Soviet

·  Proletariat & Bourgeoisie

·  Agitprop

·  1917 Feb/March Revolution

·  1917 October Revolution (Bolshevik)

·  V.I. Lenin

·  Politburo

·  Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

·  War Communism

·  Comintern

·  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

·  New Economic Policy (NEP)

·  Nepmen

·  Five Year Plan

·  Leon Trotsky

·  Socialism in One Country

·  Joseph Stalin

·  Totalitarianism

·  Nikolai Bukarin

·  The Great Terror

·  Collectivism


·  The Great Purge

·  Stalingrad (battle)

·  Reparations Issue (WWII)

·  “salami tactics”

·  Eastern Bloc

·  Marshal Tito

·  Show Trial

·  Federal Republic of Germany

·  German Democratic Republic

·  Walter Ulbricht


·  Wars of National Liberation and Soviet Stance

·  Lavrenty Beria

·  Wladislaw Gomulka

·  Konrad Adenauer

·  Westpolitik

·  Nikita Khrushchev

·  Warsaw Pact

·  The Secret Speech

·  Radio Free Europe

·  Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (IBM)

·  Sino-Soviet Split

·  Goulash Communism

·  Suez Crisis of 1956: Role of Britain, France, Israel, US, USSR

·  One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

·  Ernesto “Che” Guevara

·  Berlin Ultimatum

·  Castro Regime

·  Alexander Dubcek

·  Willi Brandt

·  Ostpolitik

·  Samizdat

·  Prague Spring

·  Brezhnev Doctrine

·  Authoritarian state

·  Dissidents

·  Charter 77

·  Andrei Sakharov

·  John Paul II

·  Wojciech Jaruzelski

·  SS20s

·  Brezhnev era: economic and political stagnation

·  Gerontocracy

·  Mikhail Gorbachev

·  Glasnost

·  Perestroika

·  Chernobyl

·  Reykjavik Summit

·  Eastern European reform movements 1970s & 1980s

·  Lech Walesa

·  Lenin Shipyards (Gdansk)

·  Solidarity

·  Vaclav Havel

·  Velvet Revolution


·  Qing

·  Sun Yat-sen

·  May Fourth Movement

·  Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)

·  Chinese Civil War (1927-37 & 1946-49)

·  The Long March

·  Kuomintang (Guomintang)

·  Manchuria (1931-33) “Manchukuo”

·  Vietminh

·  Ho Chi Minh

·  Guerrilla Warfare

·  People’s Republic of China

·  3 antis and 5 antis campaigns

·  Sino-Soviet Pact

·  Dien Bien Phu (battle)

·  Republic of China (post 1949)

·  Korean War

·  The Great Leap Forward

·  One Hundred Flowers Campaign

·  Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

·  Ngo Dinh Diem

·  Chou (Zhou) Enlai

·  Red Guard (in PRC)

·  Khmer Rouge

·  Struggle for power after Mao dies

·  Hua Guofeng (Hua Kuofeng)

·  Re-emergence of deng Xiaoping (Teng Hsiao’ping)

·  Tiananmen Square (1989)

·  Zhao Ziyang

Hitler and Nazis

·  Anschluss

·  Sudetenland

·  Munich Conference

·  Danzig

·  Anglo-Polish Treaty

·  Appeasement

·  Rapollo Treaty

·  10-year Rule

·  Anglo-German Naval Agreement

·  Weimar Republic

·  Reichstag

·  Treaty of Versailles

·  Reparations

·  War Guilt Clause

·  Fascism

·  Lebensraum

·  Anschluss

·  Dawes Plan (1924)

·  National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP, NAZI)

·  Adolf Hitler

·  Mein Kampf

·  Sturmabteilung (SA)

·  Völkischer beobachter (People’s Observer)

·  Beer Hall Putsch (Nov. 1923)

·  Paul von Hindenburg

·  Reichstag Fire (Feb. 27, 1933)

·  Decree For the Protection of People and State (Reichstag Fire Decree)

·  Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich

·  Gleichschaltung

·  Volksgemeinschaft

·  Herrenvolk

·  Fuhrerprinzip

·  Anti-Semitism

·  “Blut and boden”

·  Concordat with Pope (July 1933)

·  Law Against the Establishment of Parties (July 14, 1933)

·  Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Services (April 1933)

·  Night of the Long Knives

·  Triumph of the Will (1935)

·  Nuremberg Rallies film (1934)

·  Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)

·  Nuremberg Laws (Sept. 15, 1935)

·  Mother’s Cross

·  Hitler Youth


·  Meiji Restoration

·  Shogunate

·  Shogun

·  Russo-Japanese War

·  Humiliating Treaties

·  Zaibatsu

·  Treaty of Shimonoseki

·  Liaodong Peninsula (with regards to Japan/Russia)

·  Treaty of Portsmouth

·  Washington Treaty

·  Four Power Treaty

·  Kwantung Army

·  Diet

·  Mukden Incident

·  Manchuria/Manchukuo

·  Anti-Comintern Pact

·  Doka

·  E.P. Tsurumi

·  Kominka

·  Greater East Asian Co-prosperity sphere

·  Pan-Asianism

·  Kellog-Briand Pact

·  Lytton Report

·  Neutrality Acts

·  Stimson Doctrine

·  Tripartite Act

·  Matsuoka

·  General Tojo


·  Fascism

·  Fiume Affair

·  Benito Mussolini

·  biennio rosso

·  squadre d’azione

·  March on Rome

·  Acerbo Law

·  Corfu incident

·  Corporate State

·  Battle of Grain (Wheat)

·  Stresa Front

·  Four Powers Pact

·  Hoare-Laval Pact

·  Rome-Berlin Axis Alliance

·  Munich Conference

·  Pact of Steel

Choose any 200 words. In 15 words minimum, define and describe how you would use in an essay.