CD2 / Psych 2Assignment SheetFall 2007

Chapter 1:

Basic Concepts in the Study of Human Development

15 pointsDue: Sept 18

Please either type or handwrite it very clearly.

If it is hard to read your writing, I will return it to you and ask you to type it.

Define and give one example of the following:

Physical Development



Psycho-social development:



Cognitive development:



Modern Developmental Psychology:



CD2 / Psych 2Assignment SheetFall 2007

Chapter 2:

Mini Research Paper

15 pointsDue: Sept 23

Please type this assignment, double-spaced. Please use your textbook and two (or more) sources of information on your topic. Only one of the sources can be a website. All resources must be about child development, parenting or medical information.

Select one topic from Chapter 2 Slides #28 – 31. Using the textbook and at least 2 other resources, write a paper answer the following questions/

Title Information:

The Nature and Nurture of ______(one topic from slides)

by: your name

Date, course name, instructor name


Define your topic – describe what this condition is and how growth and development is different for a child with this condition.

Body of the paper:

What are some of the effects of genetics (“nature”) on the development of someone with this condition? (write one paragraph for each effect)

What are some the effects of environment (“nurture”) on the development of someone with this condition? (write one paragraph for each effect)

How would family attitudes and actions (“nurture”) affect a child with this condition? (Write one paragraph for attitudes and another for actions)


Describe what you have learned, make suggests about the educational needs of children with this condition, or pose questions for further research.

Bibliography/Works Cited:

List the sources you used for this paper using either MLA or APA format.


Go to the Writing Center to find out if you cited your resources correctly!

CD2 / Psych 2 In-Class Activity Sheet Fall 2007

Chapter 3:

Miracle of Life Video Summary

15 points In-class: Oct 4

After viewing the video in the library, answer the following questions in your small group. Each group member must turn in this sheet for credit.

  1. How would you describe the “miracle of life?”
  1. What would you tell a friend who is 4 weeks pregnant about prenatal development?
  1. What are two important concepts about the germinal period?
  1. What are two important concepts about the embryonic period?
  1. What are two important concepts about the fetal period?

CD2 / Psych 2Assignment SheetFall 2007

Chapter 4:

Baby Book Assignment

15 pointsDue: Oct. 16

Please either type this assignment or handwrite it very clearly.

If it is hard to read your writing, I will return it to you and ask you to type it.

Using information from Chapter 4 and personal experience,

write a one-page summary about neonates on each topic below.

Be creative! Have fun! Include pictures or illustrations!

I will provide you with stickers and colorful papers.

Be sure all photos are of newborn babies (neonates).

(Pages with pictures of older babies will not receive full credit.)

Bind your pages into a mini-book with a decorated cover.

Correctly cite every image taken from the internet or a magazine.

The Writing Center will show you how!

Cover: book title, your name, class number and name, date, instructor name

Page 1: Biological maturation.

Describe and show how a neonate’s body grows in the first month

of life.

Page 2: Perceptual-motor coordination

Describe and show a neonate’s perceptual abilities.

Page 3: Reflexes

Describe and show five newborn reflexes.

Page 4: Child-caregiver relations

Describe and show how a baby responds to the people around him/her.

Page 5: A sense of self

Describe and show how a baby communicates their sensory experiences.

CD2 / Psych 2Assignment SheetSpring 2007

Chapter 5:

Infant Behavior Observation and Summary

15 points Due: Oct. 25

Please either type this assignment or handwrite it very clearly, double-spaced. If it is hard to read your writing, I will return the assignment to you and ask you to type it.

Find a time to visit the Gavilan Child Development Center between October 11 and 20. Observe and play with an infant between the ages of 8 and 12 months old, for at least 20 minutes. Be sure you are using toys and activities that encourage the physical skills we discussed in class.

Take notes on the baby’s following physical skills:

Find motor skills

Gross motor skills

Loco-motor skills

Write a summary introducing the child and describing the skills you observed. Also include your overall impressions of the baby. Consider these questions as you write your summary:

-What did you do? What toys or games did you offer?

-How did the baby respond?

-What physical skills did you see?

-Is this typical of the baby’s age, according to the textbook information?

-What was your favorite moment?


You must turn in your notes and your summary to receive full credit.

CD2 / Psych 2Assignment SheetFall 2007

Chapter 6:

Chapter Review Questions

15 pointsDue: Nov. 1

Please type this assignment, double-spaced.

Please answer or complete the following questions about how changes associated with the development of upright walking illustrate the close connection between changes in perceptual and motor abilities.

  1. When children learn to walk, they are using perceptual skills such as:
  1. When children learn to walk, they are using motor abilities such as:
  1. Perception skills and motor skills are necessary for children learning to walk because:
  1. Argue for or against the view that play promotes cognitive development. Give two reasons from your personal experience or the textbook to defend your position!

I agree that play promotes cognitive development because:

I disagree that play promotes cognitive development because:

  1. Babies have learned so much by the time they reach their second birthday! What impresses me most is ______because ______.

CD2 / Psych 2 Term Paper Topic Selection Sheet

5 pointsDue: Nov. 1

Please check TWO topics that interest you.

Impact of Family Issues on Development

____Culture, religion, values

____Communication styles and strategies

____Socio economic issues

Impact of Media Issues on Development

____TV, movies or Cartoons

____Video games: educational and/or age appropriate

____Video games: not educational and/or age appropriate

Impact of Preschool Program on Development

____Center based program types (select two to compare and contrast)

____Program quality

____Program health, safety and/or nutrition

Impact of Play and Social Skills on Development

____Pro-social skills and building relationships

____Equipment, toys, games

____Age-appropriate toys

Impact of Family Health, Safety and Nutrition on Development

____Sanitation and clean environments

____Nutrition and healthy eating

____Toy and equipment safety

____Immunizations, medications, allergies

____Community health issues: smoking, availability of health care services

CD2 / Psych 2In-class Activity SheetFall 2007

Selecting Your Term Paper Topic

10 pointsDue: Nov 8

1. What are the two topics you selected last week?



2. What is important to you about each topic?



3. What do you want to know about each topic?



4. What about this topic do teachers, parents or researchers care about?



5. Review your responses above. Which topic do you have more thoughts, ideas or excitement about?



CD2 / Psych 2Assignment SheetFall 2007

Term Paper Outline and Research Sources

15 pointsDue: Nov 20

Please type this assignment, double-spaced.

The outline is a road map of your term paper, in the form of a list

of what you will talk about in each section of your paper.

This helps you organize your thinking, resources and paragraphs.

Work with the Writing Center to compose a strong outline.


What are you writing about?

Why is this topic important to families, teachers and/or the community?

What history or current events information is related to your topic?

Define the scope of your paper:

What interests you about it? What do you want to find out?

What do you believe is true about your topic? What is your thesis?

Body of your paper:

What do your sources say about your topic?

What sources agree with your thesis statement? Give details and evidence.

What sources disagree with your thesis statement? Give details and evidence.


Based on your research, is your thesis correct or incorrect. Why?

What further questions do you have about this topic, now that you have done this research paper?

Bibliography/Works Cited:

What sources will you use in addition to your text book?

You must use current research, books or articles, not older than 15 years.

You must have a variety of sources.

You must have at least three sources.

Correctly list each source you use.

Go to the Writing Center for help with your outline and bibliography/ works cited before you turn it in!

CD2 / Psych 2In-class Activity SheetFall 2007

Chapter 11:

Family Factors Group Discussion Summary

15 pointsDue: Nov. 13

Please type or clearly write the answers to these questions on a separate piece of paper.

If I cannot read your writing, I will return your work and ask you to type your answers.

  1. Please list and describe three examples of family factors discussed in class.
  1. Give two reasons researchers look at family factors when they investigate child development.
  1. What are some of the family factors you described in your first paper in this course (The Childhood Essay)?
  1. How did your family factors affect your development?
  1. Knowing what you know now about yourself, and about family factors, what would you do differently to ensure your own optimal child development?

CD2 / Psych 2in-class Activity SheetFall 2007

Chapter 7:

Early Experiences Poster

15 pointsDue: Nov. 15

Using the materials available in class, make a mind map style poster to show how one early experience and developmental areas affect each other.

Image(s) and description

of an early experience

CD2 / Psych 2In-Class Activity SheetFall 2007

Chapter 8:

Assignment Name

15 pointsDue: Nov. 15

Before November 14, go to a children’s library or book store to learn about classic and award winning books for preschoolers.

You can also meet with Dana Young in the Gavilan library.

Talk with the librarian or book seller about classic and award winning children’s books. Find out what makes a classic or an award winner.

What criteria are used in each of these cases?

Have the librarian or book seller show you examples of both types of books and books that are not classics or award winners.

Bring the information your learned to class with you on November 15.

We will review a wide variety of preschooler’s books and discuss why they are or are not classics and award winners.

The quality of your participation in this activity earns you up to 15 points!

0 points: No evidence that you went to a library or book store and learned about classic and award winning books. You have nothing to say to your classmates about these books or you are not present at this class meeting.

5 points: A little evidence that you went to a library or book store and learned about classic and award winning books. You have a few things to say, one or two facts to defend what you know, and can correctly answer one or two instructor questions.

10 points: Some evidence that you went to the library or book storeand learned about classic and award winning books. You have several comments to share with the class, and can easily explain the difference between classics and award winners.

15 points: Quite a bit of evidence that you went to the library or book storeand learned about classic and award winning books. You have many comments to share with the class, you can explain the characteristics of classics and award winning books. You make accurate judgments about why a given book is or is not a classic or an award winner.

CD2 / Psych 2Assignment SheetFall 2007

Chapter 9:

Preschooler Toys and Games Response Paper

15 pointsDue: Dec. 6

Please use a separate sheet of paper and write neatly (or type). If I can’t read your writing, I will return your paper and ask you to type it.

After participating in the 12/4 Preschooler Toy and Game Day,

answer the following questions.

  1. What are 3 preschooler toys we used in this activity?
  1. What are 3 games we played in this activity?
  1. Describe how preschoolers sort and categorize items. What kinds of skills are being used during categorizing? How does this early experience help them with learning in school?
  1. Give 3 reasons preschoolers should have access to open-ended toys.
  1. Give 3 reasons preschoolers should play a wide variety of games.

CD2 / Psych 2 Observation and Summary Sheet Fall 2007

Chapter 10:

Preschooler Observation at Gavilan CDC

15 pointsDue: Dec. 13

Go to the Gavilan Child Development Center on Dec. 11, between 9am 11:30am. Observe the preschool classroom for at least 20 minutes, but as long as needed to complete this assignment. Take notes while you observe!

1. List materials (or equipment) that supports learning

-self control:

-self regulation:

-self help:

-self awareness:


2. Describe what you saw a child (or children) do that proves they have

-pro-social skills:


-the ability to make friends:

-healthy attachment to a caregiver:

  1. List something you heard a teacher say to a child that

-encourages them

-praises them

-supports them

-redirects them

5. If you were a teacher in this program, what are 2 things you would be sure to do, to develop strong social and emotional skills?

CD2 / Psych 2Presentation Grading Sheet Fall 2007

Term Paper Presentation Rubric

15 pointsDue: Dec. 18 / 20

Excellent / Very Good / Fair / Poor / No Attempt Made
5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 0
Content / Topic and thesis are clearly stated; points are clearly made; all evidence supports thesis. / Topic and thesis are clearly stated; points are not clearly made; some evidence supports thesis. / Only topic is stated, points are off topic or unclearly stated; opinions only are given. / Topic and thesis are not stated; points are not on one topic; opinions only are stated. / No attempt is made
Organization / Specific examples are given; sources are cited; information flows together well. / Some examples are given; some sources are cited; information flows together well. / Few examples are given; sources are not cited; information does not flow together well. / No examples are given; no sources are cited; information does not flow at all. / No attempt is made
Speaking Skills / Clear and audible 95 – 100% of the presentation; eye contact is made with the full audience; good body posture. / Clear and audible more than half the time; eye contact is limited to some of the audience; nervous body posture. / Clear and audible less than half the time; eye contact is limited to the instructor or one classmate; fidgety body posture. / Not audible for most of the time; eye contact is not made with audience; body posture is seated or slumped. / No attempt is made

Total Presentation Score: ____ / 15