Intermediate Accounting I (303)
Spring 2015, TR 8:00-9:50 PM, COBB 112
Dr. William W. (Bill) Stammerjohan, PhD, CPA Office Hours: T 10:00-11:30 & 1:00-4:00
E-mail: W 1:00-4:00
Phone: 257-3828 R 10:00-11:30 & 1:00-2:00
Office: COBB 309
· Accounting 201 and 202 with grades of “C” or higher
· Must have a “C” or higher in 303 to progress to 304
· The purpose of this course is to increase your understanding of the preparation and use of financial statements to communicate with those outside the organization.
· Intermediate Accounting, Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield, 15th edition, Wiley Publication.
· Systems Understanding Aid, Arens and Ward, 8th edition, Armond Dalton Publishing.
Policies and Special Accommodations
· All applicable laws, regulations, and procedures of the College, University, State, and US will be followed.
· Cell phones and other communication devices must not be active in class. You may not use your cell phone as a calculator on exams.
· The Louisiana Tech Honor Code will be enforced and may be viewed at
· Any student requiring special accommodations must provide me with a letter of authorization from the Office of Disabled Student Services.
Class Preparation
· Each assigned chapter including appendices must be read before the first day of discussion of that chapter.
· Assignments and homework problems must be completed before class.
· You must bring your book and calculator to every class meeting.
· Five mini exams will be given over the last portion of the assigned class periods.
· Each mini exam will cover material covered up through the last class period before that mini exam.
· There will be no make-up of mini exams.
· One half the comprehensive final exam score will replace mini exams missed for documented health and/or family emergencies (This policy cannot be used more than twice.)
· The IFRS material and self-test questions at the end of each chapter may be part of the exams.
· The comprehensive final exam will cover the material in all seven chapters.
· Graduating seniors must take the comprehensive final exam early
System Understanding Aid (SUA) Project
· This project will be completed and turned in five segments.
· These projects are due at the beginning of class on the day they appear in the schedule.
· Each segment will be graded for accuracy.
· You may consult with your fellow students, but each student must submit his or her own work.
· Prepare a copy of your homework assignments to be collected and graded.
· These assignments will be collected at the beginning of class.
Class Participation
· You will be assigned in-class practice problems on many non-exam days
· You must be present, have your text book, and attempt these problems to receive participation points
Five Mini Exams @ 50 points each 250
Comprehensive final exam 100
System Understanding Aid Project (five segments @ 20 points each) 100
Homework (15 assignments @ 2 points each), (collect 17 & drop 2) 30
Class Participation (Including: attendance and attempting in-class assignments) 20
Total Possible Points 500
Note: Your letter grade will be based on the total points you earn on the Exams, SUA Assignments, Homework, and Class Participation.
450-500 pts. = A
400-449 pts. = B
350-499 pts. = C
300-349 pts. = D
299 or below = F
Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Plan
You will go to Moodle and find the following:
1. Course Syllabus (detailed with class schedule, including chapters and/or topics, course objectives)
2. The URL for connecting to Moodle:
3. Assignments (e.g., from text materials, instructor developed materials, etc.)
4. Assessment (e.g., SUA’s, homework, and examinations)
5. Other Course Related Materials (e.g., Lecture Notes, etc.)
Affirmative Action Statement
· Louisiana Tech University adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights laws, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or disability.
· The Title IX Coordinator is Carrie Flournoy, President's Office, P. O. Box 3168; phone: (318) 257-3785; E-mail:
· The Section 504 Coordinator is Linda Grifin, 305 Keeney Hall; phone: (318) 257-2445; E-mail:
Accounting 303, Spring 2015, ScheduleDate / Topic / Chpt. / Homework / Other Assignments / Mini Exam
Mar / R / 12 / Introduction, financial reporting standards / 1
T / 17 / Conceptual framework / 2 / Ch2: Q2,4,5,8,10,11,13,16,19,25
R / 19 / AIS-Accounting equation, accounting cycle, journal entries, and trial balance / 3 / Ch3: Q1,2,11,12; E1,4
T / 24 / AIS-Trial balance and adjusting and closing journal entries / 3 / Ch3: E10, 16 / Bio Sheet / #1
R / 26 / AIS-Income statement and balance sheet / 3 / Ch3: E19,22 / SUA #1
T / 31 / AIS-Income statement and balance sheet / 3 / Ch3: P4,6
Apr / R / 2 / The income statement, single and multiple step / 4 / Ch4: Q1,2,3,4,5,6,7 / #2
T / 7 / Payroll accounting / SUA #2
R / 9 / The income statement, earnings per share and change in accounting principle / 4 / Ch4: E5,9,13, 14
T / 14 / The income statement, single and multiple step, and retained earnings / 4 / Ch4: P1,4 / SUA #3
R / 16 / The balance sheet / 5 / Ch5: Q1,2,3,4,6,7; E6,11 / #3
T / 21 / The balance sheet / 5 / Ch5: Q21,22; P5
R / 23 / The statement of cash flows / 5 / Ch5: E15,16
T / 28 / The statement of cash flows / 5 / Ch5: P6,7 / SUA #4
R / 30 / Time value of money / 6 / Ch6: E1,7,11 / #4
May / T / 5 / Pension cost & TV$ problems / 6 / Ch6: P8,13
R / 7 / Pension cost & TV$ problems / 6 / Ch6: P11
T / 12 / Cash balance, accounts receivable, unrealistic interest rates, bad debt / 7 / Ch7: E1,4,18; P4,5 / SUA #5
R / 14 / Accounts receivable transactions / 7 / Ch7: P10 / #5
T / 19 / Bank reconciliation and journal entries / 7 / Ch7: P11,13,14
R / 21 / Comprehensive Final Exam