Bandura’s Bobo Doll Study

Phase 1 - three groups of children saw aggressive film.

control group "C"- saw film with no consequence.

reward group "R" - saw film and saw the model rewarded for aggression.

punishment group "P"- saw film and saw the model punished for aggression.

Result - children in the "P" (aggression punished) condition later showed LESS aggressive behavior in a “free play situation.”

Phase 2 - Did the children “learn” aggression even though they didn’t display it?

Result - YES, when offered prizes for reproducing the aggressive behavior they saw, all groups displayed aggressive behavior.

Bandura says - this suggests that crime depicted in the mass media, even if the criminal is punished, teaches aggressive and illegal behaviors.

Violent video games and aggression - Bartholow & Anderson (2002) had college students play a violent video game (Mortal Kombat), or a non-violent video game


The students later competed against each other in a second game in which the winner “punished” the loser by, delivering a “noise” over earphones. The noise could be

set by the winner from 0 to 100


Students who had played the “violent video game” delivered louder "noise" than

students who played the non-violent "golf" game.

Regarding violence in the media, Bandura recommends that:

1. parents and others encourage media executives create more constructive shows and games. and

2. parents monitor and control their children’s access to media violence.

Efficacy expectations - beliefs by the person regarding whether or not they can perform some task successfully.

Four sources of information and relative importance in determining “efficacy expectations”

1. Performance accomplishments - most important of the four, past experiences in which one has been successful (personal mastery experiences).

2. Vicarious experiences - having watched others of similar capability succeed or fail.

3. Verbal persuasion - e.g., "go on, you can do it."

4. Emotional arousal level - higher arousal usually impedes performance.


Bandura relies on the “experimental method.”

Showed that manipulation of “antecedents" (environmental conditions) can alter cognitions which can in turn alter behavior.


"Modeling" - has been used in many situations to help alleviate fears and develop effective behaviors.

Bandura and Menlove (1968) demonstrated the effectiveness of modeling.

Dog-phobic children were exposed to a “model” who interacted with a dog showing no


Some children saw a single model,some saw multiple models, and some were in a

control (no model condition).

Improvement was made in the model condition and was even better in the multiple model condition.

guided participation modeling - the client watches an effective "model" perform a behavior (e.g., a social skill), and then, with assistance from the model, attempts the behavior himself/herself.

Simply watching (observing) a model demonstrating effective coping is NOT as effective as guided participation modeling.

Applied value - Bandura’s social learning theory has been influential in the areas of

education and behavior therapy.