The Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC) - draft
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Regular Members Present:
Jim Decker (Chair)
Bob Thompson (Vice Chair)
Carol Brown
Amy Carr-Richardson
Hamid Fonooni
Will Forsythe
Rich Franklin
Linda Mayne
Ravi Paul
Regular Members Excused:
Ex-Officio Members Present:
Meaghan Johnson and Linner Griffin
Ex-Officio Members Excused:
Academic Program Planning and Development:
Kimberly Nicholson
Brody School of Medicine: Daniel Goldberg and Lloyd Novick
College of Education: Crystal Chambers, John Harer and Vivian Mott
College of Fine Arts and Communication: Laura Prividera, Sachiyo Shearman and Deborah Thomson
Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences: Terry West
Actions of Committee:
I. Call to Order
1. Report on Graduate Council (GC) Actions
The GC has not met since the last GCC meeting, however the GC minutes from the 02-06-13 meeting were read at the 03-19-13 Faculty Senate (FS) meeting. This set of minutes contained the proposed standard operating procedure (SOP) developed to help facilitate the 5000-level policy approved last year by the chancellor. Chair Kain of the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) played a role in the development of this SOP as a collaborative effort. FS senators discussed and voiced their opinions regarding the need for undergraduate and graduate objectives within 5000-level courses that include undergraduate students. The FS made a motion, which passed, to provide formal advice against the split objectives (undergraduate and graduate) within these courses. It is the opinion of the FS that undergraduate objectives should not be included in graduate-level courses. This formal advice regarding the 02-06-13 GC minutes will now move forward to the chancellor as a FS resolution. This sequence of events may have a direct impact on packages that include 5000-level courses with two sets of objectives. The FS will have a copy of the SOP at their next meeting with an anticipated report from the UCC.
2. The 03-06-13 GCC minutes were approved electronically and forwarded to the Graduate Council for agenda placement
II. Brody School of Medicine, , Department of Public Health – concurrent submission with Item III
Proposal of New Course: MPH 6150
Approved as amended
(1.) Revise justification
(2.) Revise course description
(3.) Revise course credit
(4.) Revise changes in degree hours of your programs
(5.) Revise course objectives
(6.) Revise assignments and grading
(7.) Revise marked catalog copy
III. Brody School of Medicine, Department of Bioethics and Interdisciplinary Studies – concurrent submission with Item II
Proposal of New Course: HUMS 6150
Approved as amended
(1.) Revise justification
(2.) Revise course description
(3.) Revise course credit
(4.) Revise affected degrees or academic programs, other than your programs
(5.) Revise course objectives
(6.) Revise assignments and grading
(7.) Revise marked catalog copy
IV. College of Education, Department of Library Science
Prerequisite Revision of Existing Course(s): LIBS 6014, 6018, 6026, 6031, 6345
Approved as amended
(1.) Replace “P/C: LIBS 6010; or consent of chair” with “P/C: LIBS 6010 and consent of chair” for courses LIBS 6014, 6018, 6026, 6031
Deletion of Existing Course(s): LIBS 7010, 7981, 7982, 7983, 7991, 7992, 7995, 7996
Approved as amended
Revision of Existing Degree(s): MLS
Approved as amended
(1.) The unit asked to notify Dr. Susan Ganter of MLS revision and the impact this will have on add-on licensure (077) for students.
Deletion of Existing Licensure: North Carolina School Media Support Supervisor Licensure
Approved as amended
V. College of Fine Arts and Communication, School of Communication
Revision of Existing Course: COMM 6240
Approved as amended
(1.) Revise method of delivery
(2.) Revise justification
(3.) Revise changes in degree hours of your programs
(4.) Revise course objectives
VI. College of Fine Arts and Communication, School of Communication
Proposal of New Certificate: Certificate in Health Communication
Approved as amended
(1.) Dr. Thompson advised the unit that they will need to submit their new certificate request to the Educational Policies and Planning (EPPC) committee following GC approval and that there will not be an available EPPC meeting until the fall.
(2.) Dr. Griffin confirmed that unlike Distance Education (DE) degrees, there is no appendix submission requirement for DE certificates.
(3.) Revise the marked catalog copy and #2 and #4of the proposal document to reflect that students currently enrolled in the MA in communication are not eligible to earn the certificate in health communication
(4.) Remove the reference in #14 to the ability to complete the certificate in 15 weeks
Prerequisite Revision of Existing Courses: COMM 6210, 6220, 6221, 6224, 6226, 6230, 6240
Approved as amended
(1.) In all courses presented for revision, replace “P: Admission to MA in communication or graduate certificate, or consent of graduate program director.” With “P: Admission to MA in communication or graduate certificate in health communication, or consent of graduate program director.”
VII. College of Education, Department of Higher, Adult and Counselor Education
Proposal of New Courses: LDHE 7501, 8070, 8080
Approved as amended
(1.) Revise method of delivery (LDHE 7501, 8070, 8080)
(2.) Revise justification (LDHE 7501, 8070, 8080)
(3.) Revise course description (LDHE 7501, 8070, 8080)
(4.) Revise course credit (LDHE 8070, 8080)
(5.) Revise changes in degree hours of your program (LDHE 8070, 8080)
(6.) Revise course objectives (LDHE 8070, 8080)
(7.) Revise course assignments and grading (LDHE 7501, 8070)
(8.) Revise marked catalog copy (LDHE 7501, 8070, 8080)
(9.) Dr. Griffin asked the unit to be sure to coordinate with the Department of Educational Leadership when they resubmit their additional curriculum requests in the fall, as they involve the doctor of education in educational leadership (EdD).
VIII. College of Human Ecology, Department of Child Development and Family Relations – postponed to the first available agenda in the fall
There were no faculty from this unit in attendance at the GCC meeting to present the package.
Proposal of New Course: CDFR 6100
Postponed to the fall
Prerequisite Revision of Existing Course: CDFR 7409
Postponed to the fall
IX. Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology
Renumbering and Revision of Existing Course(s): BIOL 5800 (to 6240), BIOL 5810 (to 6242), BIOL 5821 (to 6244), BIOL 5400, 5401 (to 7400, 7401)
Approved as amended
(1.) Revise requested action (BIOL 6242)
(2.) Revise course description (BIOL 6240, 6242, 6244)
(3.) Revise changes in degree hours of your programs (BIOL 6240; 6242; 6244; 7400, 7401)
(4.) Revise affected degrees or academic programs, other than your programs (BIOL 6240; 6242; 6244; 7400, 7401)
(5.) Revise course objectives (BIOL 6240, 6242. 6244)
(6.) Revise course topic outline (BIOL 6240; 7400, 7401)
(7.) Revise marked catalog copy (BIOL 6240; 6242; 6244; 7400, 7401)
Revision of Existing Degrees: MS in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Approved as amended
X. Old Business
Discussion of proposed memorandum to accompany the 03-06-13 GCC minutes
The final version of the memorandum was drafted by the committee
XI. New Business
Marked Catalog Copy:
II. Brody School of Medicine
Department of Public Health
MPH: Public Health
6000. Public Health Practice (3)
Foundation for public health administration. Introduces MPH degree program. Applied focus on public health problems, issues, and resources of eastern North Carolina. Describes how empirical assessment of population health status informs managerial decision-making and describes the organization of the public health infrastructure. Overview range of practice in public health and of tools and resources for health improvement.
6002. Ethics and Law in Public Health (3)
P: MPH 6000 or consent of instructor. Core issues and skills for public health administration and practice. Focuses on public health law, ethics, legislation, media relations, human services management, and emergency preparedness.
6003. Occupational Health (3)
Assessment of occupational health problems and risk factors focusing on analyzing and reducing health hazards in the workplace.
6005. African-American Health (3)
Comprehensive, holistic, and sociocultural perspective focusing on national, regional, state, county and local African-American health and health disparity issues leading toward developing public health interventions.
6006. Making Sense of Data (3)
Interpretation and use of public health data. Overview of public health data management and decision making skills by the use of real life examples.
6007. Global Public Health: A Global Perspective (3)
Explores the issues related to the fields of medical anthropology and public health leading toward developing global health interventions.
6008. Ethnic Health and Health Disparities (3)
Explores the issues related to ethnic health and health disparities, leading toward developing new public health intervention programs.
6009. Capstone Experience in Ethnic Health and Health Disparities (3)
P: MPH 6005, 6007, 6008; or consent of instructor. Integrates critical thinking concepts, research strategies, public health skills, and culturally competent training culminating in a final project.
6010. Fundamentals of Environmental Health (3) Same as EHST 6010
Effects of environment on human health with focus on rural environment. Considers water supply and wastewater disposal, water quality, solid and hazardous wastes, air quality, occupational health and safety, food protection, and vector control.
6011. Introduction to Epidemiology (3) Same as HLTH 6011
Introduces methods and concepts of epidemiologic methodology and application of epidemiology in public health.
6013. Behavioral Sciences and Health Education (3) Same as HLTH 6013
Introduces concepts of role of social factors in health and illness as well as health education/promotion. Overview of relationships between various social factors, with health outcomes. Includes theories and approaches of health education/promotion programs.
6020. Research Methods (3)
Synthesize material from social and behavioral sciences, biostatistics, and epidemiology to better understand health problems.
6021. Epidemiology of Chronic Disease (3)
P: MPH 6000, 6011; or consent of instructor. Epidemiologic measures, statistical methods, and quantitative models specific to chronic disease epidemiology.
6022. Epidemiology of Infectious Disease (3)
P: MPH 6000, 6011; or consent of instructor. Provides concepts involved in understanding causes, transmission, and control of infectious disease as well as policies, methods, and tools employed in surveillance, detection, investigation, control, and prevention of disease outbreaks.
6023. Epidemiology of Cancer (3)
P: MPH 6000, 6011; or consent of instructor. Study design and epidemiologic methods used in cancer epidemiology research
6025. Delivery of Healthcare Services (3)
P: MPH 6000 or consent of instructor. Overview of delivery and effective leadership of healthcare services.
6027. Applied Mixed-Methods Research (3)
P: MPH 6020; BIOS 7021 or consent of instructor. Mixed-methods data collection and analysis, with focus on use of qualitative and quantitative software.
6035. Interdisciplinary Rural Health (3) Same as NURS 6035
Theoretical base and skills for interdisciplinary rural health practice.
6036. Fundamentals in Agromedicine (3)
Occupational and environmental illnesses, injuries, and prevention in agriculture (farming, fishing, and forestry).
6040. Long Term Care Administration (3)
P: MPH 6000 or consent of instructor. Overview of delivery of long term care services with an emphasis on the knowledge and skills needed for effective leadership.
6050, 6051, 6052. Independent Study (1,2,3)
May be repeated. May count a maximum of 6 s.h. toward degree. P: Consent of advisor. Study of topic not otherwise offered in public health curriculum or in greater depth than is possible within context of regular course.
6100. Aging and Health (3) Same as GERO 6100; SOCI 6100
P: Consent of instructor or Center on Aging associate director for educational programs. Analysis of behavioral, social, and cultural influences upon health status of older adults and intervention strategies.
6150. History of Public Health in the Modern West (3) Same As HUMS 6150
P: Graduate standing. History of the rise of organized public health systems in the West with emphasis on the contribution such understanding can make to contemporary practices, policies, and priorities.
6200. Community Health Organization and Leadership (3)
P: COHE 6000 or MPH 6000 or consent of instructor. Leadership, community organization, planning, advocacy and communication skills for administration of community health centers and integrated health care systems.
6600. Planning Public Health Programs (3)
P: MPH 6013. Development and delivery of public health programs.
6605. Evaluating Public Health Programs (3)
P: MPH 6013, 6600. Evaluation of public health programs, including formative, process, impact, and outcome evaluation.
6610. Nutrition and Public Health Issues (3) Same as NUTR 6610
P: Consent of instructor. Examines science base for community nutrition, including problem identification, interpretation of nutritional data and scientific issues, public health policy, societal and health trends, and emerging legislative issues related to nutrition and public health.
6670. Public Health Perspectives on Maternal and Child Health (3)
P: Enrollment in master of public health degree program or permission of instructor. Introduces students to maternal and child health (MCH), with primarily a domestic focus. Emphasis on understanding the role policies and programmatic issues play in MCH. Students will gain an understanding of key issues for MCH populations.
6903. Comprehensive Field Placement (3)
240 hour field placement. P: Consent of instructor. Students must have substantial previous experience in public health at the professional level to be eligible for this course. Project development and demonstration of academic knowledge with learned public health core competencies in professional public health practice settings.
6904. Introduction to Field Placement (1)
P: MPH 6000, 6002; MPH 6010 or EHST 6010; MPH 6011; MPH 6013 or HLTH 6013; MPH 6020; MPH 6035 or NURS 6035; BIOS 7021; or consent of instructor. Introduces the student to leaders from different healthcare entities; providing information and discussion on both field placement and career ladder opportunities in their specific healthcare domains.
6905. Applied Field Placement (2)
240 hour field placement. P: MPH 6904. Demonstration of academic knowledge with learned public health core competencies in professional public health practice settings.
6991, 6992. MPH Professional Paper (2,1)
May be repeated. Only 3 s.h. may count towards the degree. P for 6991: MPH 6000, 6002, 6011, and 6020 or consent of instructor. P for 6992: All core courses or consent of instructor. Includes applied learning exercise on the implementation of public health and epidemiologic research methodology. Students develop a research proposal (6991); implement their proposal, analyze their results, and write a public health research article (6992) that is ready for submission to a peer-reviewed scientific journal.