Application form for ACENDIO research grants
(all fields are MUST fill outfields, otherwise the application cannot be sent to ACENDIO. The maximum length for applications is 450 words, starting from the research topic).
- Are all applicants ACENDIO members?yes / no
- Researchers - 1
First name
e-mail address
e-mail address (retype to make sure we get a correct e-mail connection)
Researcher -2
First name
e-mail address
e-mail address (retype to make sure we get a correct e-mail connection)
Researcher - 3
First name
e-mail address
e-mail address (retype to make sure we get a correct e-mail connection)
- Research topic
Explain the topic in max. 3 sentences (the website allows max. 75 words)
- What can this research contribute to the development of ACENDIO’s aims and mission?(max. 50 words)
- In which of ACENDIOs research agenda topics does your application belong?
(max. of two topics can be chosen – to be clicked on)
☐Multi-centre studies exploring specific research topics on the development, use and evaluation of SNLs and eHealth
☐ Implementing nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcome classifications in different specialty settings (e.g. psychiatric nursing, intensive care units, home health care etc.)
☐ Access to patient data, collecting and using big nursing data
☐ Ethical issues (e.g. the common good versus privacy and the individual)
☐ The relationship between using nursing data and quality of care
☐ Documentation models, evaluation of standards-implementation (e.g. clinical decision support standard)
☐ User perspectives on eHealth (e.g. competencies, informatics literacy, attitudes)
☐ Citizens including aging with support by eHealth (e.g. assistive devices, ethical issues, informatics literacy)
☐ Education and nursing informatics competencies
- Background: What is already known on this topic, what is the research gap?(max. 150 words)
- Reasons for starting a study together - why is this study needed, why together?(max. 75 words)
- Research question(s)(max 30 words):
- What is the expected benefit of three persons from three countries working together on this topic? (max. 40 words)
- For what activities do you plan to use the ACENDIO grant?(max. 20 words)
- Starting and final dates
- Date of reportsubmission (2 years after starting date) to be published on the
ACENDIO website Year: ...... Month ......
- Possible conferences to present results?
December 9, 2017, ACENDIO board decision October 2017