Cheerleader Contract
This statement is intended to inform cheerleaders (parents, relatives, other interested parties and prospective cheerleaders) of various policies (e.g. travel, appearances, alcohol, drugs, nutrition, practices etc.) of the Platte Valley Middle School Cheerleading program. In all policy and program matters, members of the cheer-squad shall be exemplary representatives of PVMS. These policies are outlined in the following pages.
Platte Valley Middle School, the district and the community endorse involvement in cheer building activities that contribute to the healthy, supportive, and interactive school culture at the middle school level. Membership on a cheer team offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, teamwork, leadership, and involvement in diverse activities. The attitude, dedication and enthusiasm of the team members are just as important as the skills involved in cheerleading. Members of the cheer team must be committed to the highest level of athleticism, performance, self-discipline, respect for the school and others, personal exemplary conduct, and the performance of all responsibilities related to the pursuit of school spirit and pride. Furthermore, cheerleaders must demonstrate a proven ability to balance academic requirements and demands with extra-curricular and personal activities.
It is our pledge to our students, teachers, parents and community to continue to organize, conduct, and maintain a high quality Cheerleading Program at Platte Valley Middle School. To support that goal, this contract has been created in order to communicate the Cheerleading program guidelines.
Please read the contract carefully and be sure that you understand the rules and policies completely. All members of the Platte Valley Middle School Cheerleading team will be held accountable for these rules and policies.
Cheerleaders understand that teamwork and the maintenance of discipline are keys to the success of the program. Cheerleaders are dedicated to promoting spirit, enthusiasm, and a positive winning attitude through example. Adherence to the Program Rules and Regulations is vital to achieving these goals. All members realize that the manner in which they conduct themselves, in or out of uniform, directly reflects on the entire team and school.
It is recognized that these rules and regulations are necessary to maintain team morale, team of individual discipline, and effective learning. Consistent enforcement of rules and regulations is also necessary to ensure the safety and general well being of each team member. Participation in Cheerleading is voluntary, not mandatory. It is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked by the Coach, Athletic Director, or Principal when a Cheerleader violates the rules and regulations.
The Platte Valley Middle School cheerleading program is a sport and is legislated by CHSAA (Colorado High School Activities Association). As a cheer program it's first and foremost responsibility to the student is to support and not compromise the student's academic career/ secondly, the program should aid in developing the student athlete into a responsible, mature, independent adult. Specifically, the program is a means of improving the student's mental and physical well-being. Cheerleading is a sport where the student (1) will be provided leadership training; (2) will develop the ability to make decisions; (3) will enhance the ability to respond to life's situations, e.g. conflict, anger and frustration, win/loss, and react in an appropriate manner; (4) will contribute to social development, e.g. awareness of one's self, development of self confidence, development of interpersonal relationships; and (5) generally will maximize the opportunity for student growth, change and maturity.
The Platte Valley Cheer program can have up to 2 squads 7th grade and 8th grade, depending on how many join during that season. We will be cheering all home games: football, cross country, volleyball, boys basket ball, girls basket ball, wrestling and track. On some occasions maybe some tournaments depending on room and budget at that time.
In addition to games, practices, pep-assemblies the coach may choose to have the cheer team attend a number of public relations and/ or fundraiser events each year. The Cheerleaders shall appear only at events/activities which will reflect positively on them as individuals and as representatives of the middle school cheer team. When attending events all team members must be dressed appropriate for the occasion and situation. Many times “team” attire will be required. If not dressed appropriately, team member will be sent home and it will count as an unexcused absence. Athletes must ARRIVE fully dressed and ready to go to any and all events.
The Platte Valley School District and CHSAA have a policy that will be followed. However, coaches are able to set higher standers for their athletes. The Platte Valley Middle School Cheerleaders have a NO TOLERANCE policy for use of the aforementioned items.
Members of the squad shall adhere to the following rules: Cheerleaders shall not posses or use tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and/ or controlled substances. Cheerleaders who violate these rules shall be subject to serious disciplinary measures up to and including immediate dismissal from the squad. (Please refer to District Code). Cheerleaders will automatically be dismissed from the team upon violating these rules.
All Members must have:
1)A current sports physical on file with the athletic office.
2)A signed PVMS Athletic Contract on file with the athletic office.
3)A signed PVMS parent permission form on file with the athletic office.
4)A signed cheer contract on file with the coach
5)A signed parent contract with the coach.
Athletes must meet and maintain the minimum amount of classes required by CHSAA and the PVMS.
1)Academic eligibility is determined on a weekly basis, and is for Monday- Saturday of the next week. Two academic F's given in a week will render the athlete ineligible for the following week. If an athlete is ineligible for 2 weeks in a row they will be dismissed from the squad, during that season.
2)If a student becomes ineligible, she/he may practice with the team but cannot participate in any games, competitions, or events during the period of ineligibility.
3)Members must maintain good grades, citizenship, attendance, class performance, and teacher recommendations during their time on the team.
4)I understand that homework and school is a priority, however, ALL athletes are still required to be at all games, practices, etc.
1)Cheerleading is a team sport and one person being absent or late greatly affects the entire team. Absences and tardies should be avoided when possible.
2)Absences due to work schedules, outside of activities are UNEXCUSED
3)Routine doctor appointments should not be scheduled during scheduled cheer activities. However, this is absolutely unavoidable, advance approval must be given by the coach, followed by a doctor's note verifying the appointment.
4)Absences due to family illness, funeral, or emergency are generally EXCUSED. PARENTS MUST CALL THE COACH even if the office is informed.
5)3 unexcused absences may result in dismissal from the team.
6)Excusing an absence is at the sole discretion of the coach.
1)SAFETY is our priority
2)Cheerleaders must be at designated area (library, or band room)
3)All cheerleaders must be in the designated a tire for practice. This consists of hair up, no jewelry (OF ANY KIND). Gym shorts, tee shirt and tennis shoes.
4)NO GUM/ or eating during practice.
6)NO CELL PHONES!!! If a parent needs to contact the athlete, call the main office or the coaches cell phone!
1)Any illness or injury shall be immediately reported to the coach and/or athletic trainer.
2)Any injury suffered during practices, games, or other official functions should be treated by the squad members family physician. Expenses for such treatment shall be paid by the squad members personal insurance.
3)Coaches will make any and all necessary medical decisions when necessary, (i.e. calling an ambulance)
4)If an injury or illness incapacitates a squad member, he/she shall not be permitted to practice and cheer for a period of time as determined by the coach, athletic trainer or doctor. A doctor's note will be required to return to cheerleading activities.
1)All assigned games are mandatory. Cheerleaders must assume that our teams will make it through the play offs.
2)Members are required to arrive at games as scheduled by the coach 30 min. before to warm up and stretch.
3)Members are required to dress in assigned uniform for games and events.
4)Uniforms must be clean and neat. Team athletic shoes must be clean. Cheerleaders will not loan out ANY piece of cheer uniform or team wear to anyone for ANY reason.
5)If your not in COMPLETE uniform you will sit the game.
6)Hair must be pulled back from the face and secured in tight/clean ponytail (if shoulder length or below). No messy hair.
8)Make-up should be worn in moderation
9)No chewing gum or eating during a game ( in between games OK)
10) No socializing with friends, parents, spectators etc. while the game is in progress
Placement for stunt groups, performances, and cheer lines is the decision of the coach. At any time leading up to a performance, if a team member does not have the routine clean enough for performance or does not have the tumbling/ jump skills required, they may be asked to sit out the performance. All team members are expected to progress in their skills.
The increased athletic activity in cheerleading has resulted in an increased concern for safety. Cheerleading involves a variety of gymnastics, motions, partner stunts, rotations, dance and heights; participation in cheerleading involves a certain amount of danger of personal injury. Cheerleaders are placed on notice that improper conduct of cheerleading activity may result in catastrophic injury. In becoming a participant in this program, a cheerleader voluntarily assumes the risk in involved by participating in cheerleading practices games, and other activities.
1)Cheerleaders will be able to play other sports (with in the building) but can't cheer while they play that sport, however after sport is finished they will be able to come back to cheerleading.
2)Promoting good sportsmanship by way of example is required at all times. Members must not use foul language at practices, in school, at games, camp, competitions, etc.
3)Public displays of affection are never considered appropriate, especially in uniform, at games, or in school.
4)Proper appearance is required at all times, with clothing appropriate for occasion and withing the school dress code.
5)By being a part of a cheer team, you are accepting the fact that your actions are more prominent than those not associated with such activity. Because of this, exemplary behavior is mandatory at all times, anywhere in the community and at all school functions where your are recognized as a representative of Platte Valley Middle School.
6)Cheerleaders must display behavior in class, including being on time, not skipping and not cheating.
7)Cheerleaders must respect facilities
8)Each cheerleader is an individual and all instances are looked at individually. It is imperative that each cheerleader worry about themselves and their own actions and situations. Worrying about the behavior/actions of another is the job of the coaching staff. NOT the individual team members or parents.
9)I am not the social police. Please handle all “drama” the best you can with each other BEFORE you bring the coaching staff or administrative staff into the picture.
11)If there is a situation there is protocol and order to follow.
1. Athletic discuss with coach after 24 hours have passed.
2. Parent: discuss with coach after 48 hours have passed. And after the athlete has met with coach.
3. If no solution can be made then athletic director or administrator may be involved.
4. I have an open door policy, but please know that no individual will come before the good of the team. Please make sure that the contact made with the coaches is at an appropriate time and place. NOT DURING OR BEFORE A PRACTICE. Please also know that my time at home with my family is my time and will NOT be interrupted by cheerleading issues. Meetings can be scheduled.
5. Certain issues are NOT up for discussion..... ie other cheerleaders, placement in performances, basic coach decisions.
12)Parents:you need to be the constant calm for your child. They will have ups and downs, good and bad. DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN THEIR DRAMA!!
1)Unexcused absence: laps
2)Uniform/dress code violations: (dirty wrinkled, hair not fixed, etc.) will be asked to change and sit with coach during a game.
3)Public display of affection: laps
4)Disrespect in any form: (talking when I am talking, whispering about another team member to another member.): push ups
5)Unsafe practices: sit ups
6)Gum chewing are eating at practice or during games: squats
7)In appropriate postings to public internet sites such as My Space, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.(no gossiping on other members of your teammates in a negative manner): off squad
8)Discipline for alcohol consumption, drug, use or use of tobacco products will follow district and school policy; can result in immediate dismissal from the team.
9)This list is not all inclusive. The coach reserves the right to add or subtract items as necessary.