Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)FORM AICS-5

AICS Search Request Form – Confidential Section

This form is for you to request searches of the confidential section of the Australian of Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS),after you have searched the public (non-confidential) section of the AICS at the NICNAS website.

If a chemical cannot be found on the AICS using the AICS search function on the NICNAS webpage, it may be as a result of one of the following:

  1. The CAS No or chemical name you entered is incorrect, or
  2. The chemical name you entered is not a CAS-preferred name, or
  3. The chemical is deemed to be on the AICS but is not actually listed. This is the situation for unprocessed naturally occurring chemicals (e.g. cold-pressed oils), or
  4. The chemical you searched for is an alloy.Alloys are deemed to be mixtures and are thus not eligible for inclusion(except for stoichiometric alloys which are eligible) on the AICS, or
  5. The chemical is in fact not on the public AICS.

Please tick the box, indicating that you have considered all of the possible situations (1-5) above.

If you are satisfied after considering the above situations that the chemical is definitely not on the public AICS, then you need to ascertain if it is on the confidential AICS. Note that if a chemical is not on the AICS, it is considered to be a new chemical, and can only be introduced under Section 21 of the ICNA(1989) Act as a new chemical.

A search of the confidential AICS cannot proceed unless you:

  1. List the CAS-preferred chemical name and/or CAS Registry Number (Chemical Abstracts Number) for each chemical;
  2. Attach the search result showing that the chemical was not found on the public section of the AICS;
  3. Sign the Declaratory Statement at Section 3 confirming that your company has a bona fide intention to introduce the chemical(s) into Australia.

A search request form that does not meet ALL of the above criteria will be deemed incomplete, and the request will be returned to you.Please note, provision of the molecular formula is not obligatory for the search but may assist in cross-referencing.

Please return form to: / AICS Manager
GPO Box 58
Sydney NSW 2001 / Or email (preferred) to:
For assistance completing the form, please call (02) 8577 8800 or free call 1800 638 528. Alternatively fax to (02) 8577 8888.


Section 1: /

Requestor details

Contact Name: / ABN:
Business Name & Address:
Town / Suburb: / State: / Postcode:
(If same as Business Address, state AS ABOVE)
Mailing Address:
Town / Suburb: / State: / Postcode:
Phone: / Fax: / E-mail:
Section 2: /

Chemical details

Chemical Name / CAS Number / Molecular Formula
Section 3: /


  1. The chemical(s) have been searched and not found on the public section of AICS (please attach search result).
  2. The company has a bona fide intention to introduce the chemical(s) into Australia.

Signature: / Date:

Note: It is an offence under the Act to supply a statement which is false or misleading.

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