AGM – 1st October 2009. 20:00 Walter Evans


Steve Levitt
Emma Roe
Ruth Jones
Sue Smith
Vicky Jennison
Ruth McNeil
Nicola Pitt
Anne-Marie Davis / (SL)
(AMD) / David Linthwaite Sally Nyland
Pip Scorah
Amanda Howitt
Denise Hill
Gillian Barnes
Ginny Gondola-Gray
Bev Scott-Mullen / (DL)
(BSM) / Emma McCrae
Tracy Polson
Sheila Farrar
Maggie Johnson
Nicola Shepperson
Michelle O’Byrne
Felicity Westlake / (EMcC)


Rob Leckie, Hannah Simmons, Julia Sykes, Sue Hidderley-Burton

Item / Action
1 / No matters arising from previous AGM minutes
2 / Chairman’s report
David Linthwaite reported the following:
‘It has been quite a job standing on Anne-Marie’s shoulders. We have had another successful year and all been very busy despite the recession having hit hard during the period. This year the PTFA has perhaps been more circumspect, and have held back a bit in comparison to the previous year where we spent a lot. The PTFA inherited a healthy programme of events. The last year has seen the successful installation of the Trim Trail which has proved very popular.
To re-iterate the main purpose and objectives of the PTFA are; fund raising; to form an important link between parents, carers and teachers; it is less formal than the parent governor forum; it instigates specific fund raising on projects via social and learning events. The PTFA has perhaps not done quite so much of this, in the last year. We propose to continue with current proposals and hope to do more next year.
Most importantly we aim to have fun during the process.
Last year’s May Fair saw an awful lot of good work in its preparation and on the day.
The emphasis has been more on fund raising than spending and a healthy balance of £11,000 in the bank leads onto proposals for how this money ought to be spent.
How autonomous should we be? Might we operate more in our own right – proposals to create a website for the PTFA are very much ‘Work In Progress’ at present. Should we have our own newsletter separate from that of the school?
Should we improve communication with parents out there? It is generally the same faces seen at most meetings and involved in helping/organising events. The receipt of more ideas and more thorough integration would be preferred.
The year’s events included the quiz night, Secret Santa, School disco, Easter egg competition, Rollerworld family event, Bags 2 School and the Summer Ball.
Thanks are extended to SN & NS (Secret Santa), NP (School Disco), EMcC (Easter Eggs), ER (Rollerworld), BSM & SN (Summer Fair), SS (Bags 2 School) & SHB (& many helpers, Summer Ball) (PMN: and also SL & EMcC for the quiz!)
The Bags 2 School was a very successful event – There’s another one coming up in November.
Finally: The Chairperson's role is a vital, important role, but requires much commitment from the school & parents. The current chair doesn’t feel able to offer the necessary commitment any longer now being employed full time with a new position and new company. The decision has been taken to stand down so that the PTFA might be better served in the near future.
DL wished success in future for the next occupant(s) of the seat.
3 / Treasurer’s Report
PS reported:
The Financial Statement was presented and not discussed in detail since the figures spoke for themselves. In summary:
The balance brought forward was: £19,288.87
Income for the year was:£24,423.69
Expenditure for the year was:£31,982.13
Remaining balance around:£11,700
Points of note:
The Bags 2 School finances are missing – the associated cheque was received after the annual account was closed, so £353 will be included in next year’s accounts.
The receipts relating to the Xmas plants and prize draw were mixed prior to being handed to the treasurer so the individual information has been lost. Values presented are combined.
Both the sale of uniform & the easter eggs competition made good profits.
The ‘Boom Box’, bought as part of the wish list, proved very popular with the children, used at the end of play for a short daytime keep fit routine (intended to stimulate the brain!) – Mrs Williams gets all the staff to join in too.
PS was officially thanked and a small presentation was made to PS and SF who it was acknowledged have been the only regular teaching supporters of the PTFA, attending the majority of functions albeit generally in their favourite capacity as bar staff, but also involved in the additional requirements needed to stock and organise the bar too.
4 / Election of committee members
All committee members were stood down, but positions then rolled over, with the exception of:
-Nicola Pitt who, although happy to stay involved with helping out generally, was standing down this year from committee involvement. (A small presentation was made to NP in thanks).
-Sally Nyland who, was standing down from the involvement in the Summer Fair this year (but was happy to promote BSM’s involvement!)
Election of positions, in turn:
Emma McCrae and Nicky Shepperson had offered to take over the position of Chair from David, but on the basis of fulfilling the role as a partnership. They felt this was the best way for them to manage the post, sharing the load.
They were proposed by DL and seconded by DH – and voted on unanimously.
Vice Chair
Denise Hill re-instated – nominated by DL – ER seconded – voted unanimously, no objections.
Steve Levitt re-instated – nominated by SN – R McN seconded - voted unanimously, no objections.
Pip Scorah re-instated - DL nominated – SF seconded - voted unanimously, no objections.
Publicity Secretary
Theresa Hempsall currently holds the post, but was not present at the meeting – decision taken to leave the post open and review at the first meeting after the AGM (Hoping TH will stay on).
Social Secretary – Emma Roe
Emma Roe re-instated – DH nominated – AMD seconded - voted unanimously, no objections.
Mayfair Co-ordinator
Bev Scot Mullen - DL proposed – SN seconded - voted unanimously, no objections.
General Committee Positions (Official titles TBC!)
Tracy Polson – DH nominated – ER seconded
Ruth Jones - Nominated RMcN – AMD seconded
2.0 / Recent Events
2.1 / May Fair 2010.
Bev Scott Mullen has ‘volunteered’ to undertake the arranging of the next May Fair. Following discussions in the last meeting re. changing the usual date for the event (since it was close to the SATs), it was advised that HS’s preferred date for the fair next year was
22nd May 2010 – the week before breaking up from school. There was a query as to whether SATs had moved in this instance. Date still to be confirmed on this basis.
BSM requested that people begin to consider possible themes for the event, and that they might relate to something topical for the year – suggestions arising to-date were ‘The Football World Cup’. / ALL
2.2 / Future Events
2.2.1 / Proposed Barn Dance
It has been difficult to get dates to match for this event, and the decision has been taken to defer the event until next year.
2.2.2 / Quiz
Having deferred the quiz until next year, it was then proposed to bring that forward to fill the gap left by the barn dance, particularly as it had proved a good ice breaker in the past (or at least it was an event where lots of people drank a lot)..
Ecclesbourne have a quiz event on 13th November, Markeaton similarly on Fri 20th November. Friday 27th November 2009 was proposed. (Santa’s Grotto is the following Friday).
SL and Matt Chell. To organise the question element. DH to look into options on fish & chips. Further help promised on the setting up/organising, bar and ticket front. (EMcC)
(Children In Need should not clash this year).
2.2.3 / Living Earth week
EMcC advised that Edward Pickering Simms from St Matthews Church is proposing to show a film in the school ‘The Age of Stupid’ starring Peter Postlethwaite. He will buy the licence, the PTFA is asked to produce and sell tickets for the event. He has been discussing with HS. 3 dates were proposed: 20/21/22 October. Thursday 22 October opted for.
PTFA were offered the value of any profits over and above the cost of the licence (and if there were no profits, the school would not be expected to pay for any loss associated with the licence cost.) The film is rated 12A, and so it was thought it should be made an ‘Adults only’ evening. It was proposed to organise a licence for alcohol if time permitted.
Markeaton Scholl showed the film with tickets at £2.50 each, and made a profit of £90.
Proposal: Start film screening at 19:30. EPS to open a short discussion on the subject at around 21.00, the evening finishing at 21.30. (Note event is only 3 weeks away). Bar licence requires 2 weeks to organise. Opting for 22nd November allows for 1 extra day to organise drinks licence!
Equipment required: laptop and speakers. Smart board and boom box available.
EMcC will co-ordinate. BSM to investigate licence. Extra general help requested for setting up. / ALL
2.2.4 / Bags to School
Note new date – Tuesday November 24th.
2.2.5 / Design a Christmas Card Project
RMcN – gave background to this project. EMcC registered us as a school. Following plans have not been relayed to the school as yet, but RMcN wanted to enlist the help of the PTFA and so requested this to ensure the proposals were viable!
The deadline for provision of artwork is in the next 2 weeks. Every child would need to produce an A4 piece of artwork. The artwork is created into the child’s own Christmas Card. Every card needs entry form. A pack of 12 x A6 Christmas Cards is created. The back of the card says – ‘designed by’ (pupil) and School name – the profits are to be used to raise funds for the PTFA.
£12 cards cost £5.50 – for every pack sold through the school, the school gets £1. If a second pack is ordered through the school) the cost is lower at £4.50 and the school gets another £1. RMcN suggested the school could opt for this to be done as a homework project or a class activity. Proposing that Key Stage 1 might undertake the task in an afternoon at school as an educational art project, this would be where some additional help would be required (largely agreed by those in attendance). Neither parents nor school are charged if packs are made up and not bought.
Forms are stated for return on October 15th (appears last date may actually be October 30th). RMcN is hoping to undertake the project in next 2 weeks, leaving one week for admin and filling in entry forms (another project where parent help may be required).
Cards can be viewed on the internet – BUT need to be ordered through school for the school to benefit financially. The form needs to be filled in with the order when the art is sent off. There was some concern re. chasing money from parents – this is to be further considered. The proposal is to be presented to the staff.
6.1 / ER suggested that as we were starting a new school year with £11K in the bank it was perhaps time for a new school wish list. Ideas as to what teachers may need.
It was confirmed that £2.5K was donated last year – some of which was spent last year and there is more to come hopefully. The garden features in some of the donations taken.
Rob Leckie (via letter) had offered the suggestion that the PTFA fund an ‘essential provisions area’ where useful school resources items could be stored (once purchased) and be utilised ‘on loan’ to any classes who had a requirement for such. An initial wish list could then be submitted. A pre-agreed amount per class, say £250 to each was proposed. The PTFA would own and hold and loan out the items – any damaged equipment would need to be replaced and items added as requested. Rob volunteered to take on board the management. An up-to-date inventory would be required.
Discussion developed as to what ‘items’ were being proposed. It was acknowledged that up to now most PTFA sponsored projects had been fairly major. It was suggested that in many ways there is actually a requirement for some of the more basic class room resources to enrich the curriculum. RMcN suggested that the younger children would really benefit from items such as Construction equipment (the likes of Lego kits) that would supplement the children’s education. Such items can be utilised to help challenges and build on areas that are not so well resourced. KS 1 wanted wish list up and running quickly as there were many areas they could really utilise some support. It transpired that even certain basics such as scissors were in short supply. AMD raised the point that the function of the PTFA is to provide ‘enhancing extras’ – those elements that might be thought of as ‘nice-to-haves’ – more fundamental resources should be provided by the school budget.
SF explained that the issue of resources is a very difficult one for teachers at WE, in that they have a recognised class allowance of £75 to last a year for fundamental resources. Consequently they look to fund many of their own resources themselves for class use and for this reason when teachers move on (whether from one class to another or outside of the school) they generally take their own resources with them. This can leave gaps in ‘new’ classes. Teachers frequently ‘start’ with no resources and find much of the budget can be spent on bare essentials such as paper (and scissors?) leaving little for more ‘less essential’ but equally important developmental items.
There was a fair amount of surprise at the apparent limited amount of funding to the classes. The Local Authority budget apparently goes on the costs of staff. The teachers often resort to buying things from the school fairs and charity shops to supplement their class equipment. The question was raised as to whether there were funding issues.
The requirement for ‘special’ kits, such as Lego was acknowledged as perhaps being more appropriate a request, but there remained concern that PTFA should not be used for funding basics. JM suggested that she would have envisaged the proposed central resource would include items such as TVs, laptops, cameras or videos, not pens and pencils. It was suggested that further discussion may be required. Perhaps a wish list should be provided first.
(Individual specific class needs may make a central resource not practical. In any event would storage would be provided?)
RMcN explained that, whilst in the Foundation stage and reception, parents are asked to make a termly contribution of £5 - £10, this facility is not continued in the following school years. It was subsequently raised that parents are however asked to provide files, white board pens, etc, which is something that is seen as unusual in other schools.
It was suggested that HS had an interest in the provision of a new stage and/or stage lighting for the hall.
Following the various discussions regarding provision of essentials, AMD raised the concern that as a PTFA, and a charitable status organisation, we have a constitution that makes clear to all who support the association that the money will be spent on items that supplement the school and education rather than being a provider of basic needs. Therefore to move away from this would be ‘deceiving’ those who have made donations and would be breaking our constitution.
It was proposed that a wish list per year group be requested.
Once prompted, RMcN explained that they already had a list and that £450 would be a good start to cover various construction items. As this was felt to be an urgent and valid need (and bearing in mind the precedent set in donations to the Foundation Stage for specific, timely needs last year) a donation of £500 was proposed and agreed for Key Stage 1. RMcN passionately thanked the PTFA.
6.2 / Post Meeting Note – Rollerworld.
ER advised that the recent Rollerworld family visit had once more proved very successful. Perhaps slightly less so than the last one, albeit it was winter last time and perhaps more appealing for that reason.
7.0 / Next Meeting
Monday 9th November 20:00 (REVISED FROM Haslams TO THE ABBEY).