As we begin the month of March we also begin a new season in the church year as we start the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday (which falls on March 1 this year). And Lent happens to be one of my favorite seasons in the year.

I know that may sound a little strange. Lent, after all, is a time when we say “goodbye” to the “Alleluias” that are so much a part of our worship of God during the rest of the year in every other season. The tone of worship and the tone of the scripture readings start to take on a little more of a somber nature. The time of Lent is set aside to spend some much needed time reflecting on the suffering and death of Christ. It’s not exactly the most joy-filled time of the year. So it may seem a little strange to place this, of all seasons, on my list of favorites.

However, for as long as I can remember (and I can remember a lot of years now), Lent has been a time of understanding and appreciating both worship and worshippers in a new light. I appreciate worship in a different way because during the season of Lent we often do something different, something that is as valuable for me as the Sunday morning experience and yet not the same as Sunday morning. I appreciate the worshippers in a new way as well because Lent has been associated as a time not only for worship but also for sharing food and fellowship with people with whom I do not usually get to share food and fellowship during the rest of the year. A weekly meal has been a part of our tradition at LCLC for some time. A weekly meal was a part of my home church tradition five decades ago. In these meals I have learned to appreciate God’s children and my extended family in new and enlightening ways.

This year will be no different. We will share food and fellowship on our Wednesdays in Lent starting on March 8 at 6:00 p.m. We will share worship that is different from the Sunday morning experience – but no less valuable or meaningful – beginning on March 1 and continuing each of the Wednesdays in Lent at 7:00 p.m. Hopefully through these experiences we will continue to learn more about God and more about each other. I find that I always do. I hope you will as well.

This year, as we look forward to the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation event of Luther nailing the 95 Theses on the church door on October 31, 1517, we will be using the Lenten season to reflect on one of Martin Luther’s most influential writings – the Small Catechism. The Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion will each get a week of emphasis. Hopefully you will be reminded of some of the things you learned in the past. Hopefully, you will also learn something new from these treasured words of Luther. I am certain that it will be an opportunity to worship God in a way that’s just a little different from our Sunday morning. And I am certain that it will be an opportunity to get to know those who worship God in new ways as well.

I hope you will be able to make at least one of the Wednesday evening experiences this year. And I pray that this season, whether it is among your favorites or not, will be one that is filled with the knowledge of the love and presence of Christ in your lives each and every day.

In Christ,

Pastor Lester Spies


Attendance General Building

1/22/17 50 $1,015.00 $ 97.00

1/29/17 54 $2,775.00$ 36.00

2/05/17 63 $2,722.00 $ 175.00

2/12/17 50 $1,865.00 $ 30.00

If you have any questions pertaining to your statement, contact Laurie Powers at 255-3096.


Financial Update

In January, our total income was $10,349.60. Our expenses were $11,978.95. We had a deficit of $1,629.35 in the month of January. Last year we had a deficit of $3,824.36 in the month of January. In 2015 we had a deficit of $4,543.00 in the same month. Thank you for your continued support of the ministries of Lutheran Church of the Living Christ. If you have any questions regarding our current financial situation, please feel free to contact Barry Landowski or Pastor Spies.


Confirmation 2017

For those involved in the final year of the Confirmation program, we will have one more class session on Sunday, March 26 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the parsonage (W147N10304 Heritage Hills Pkwy) to watch the movie Luther and to discuss some church and Reformation history. Confirmation itself will be held on Sunday, April 30, during worship. Thanks for a wonderful year of learning!

First Communion Instruction for 5th Graders

For fifth grade youth (or those older who have not had First Communion and would like to participate), Pastor Spies will be offering First Communion classes on Sunday, March 5 and Sunday, March 19 following worship for about 30 to 45 minutes each of those weeks. Then we will be celebrating First Communion on Easter Sunday, April 16, during the worship service. Please see Pastor Spies if you have any questions or concerns.

Big Cedar Bluegrass at LCLC on

Friday, March 17

Mark your calendar and plan to attend an evening of music at our church. Big Cedar, one of the most popular bands in this area, will present a concert of Appalachian-style Bluegrass and Bluegrass Gospel music. The concert will be on Friday, March 17 from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. Their previous performances at Living Christ have all been well received. Several community members come to this event. We would love to have a great showing from the congregation as well.

A suggested donation of $10.00, or $8.00 with a can of food for the Food Pantry is requested. Children under 12 are free. Because this is the St. Patrick’s Day concert, be prepared to hear a few Irish tunes during the evening.

Lenten Worship and Meals Schedule

Wednesdays in Lent worship services will be held each Wednesday from Ash Wednesday, March 1 through Wednesday, April 5. Beginning on Wednesday, March 8, a meal will be served at 6:00 p.m., and all services begin at 7:00 p.m., including the Ash Wednesday service (however, no meal will be served on Ash Wednesday). If you would like to help be a part of one of the meals, please see the sign-up sheet in the back of the church or contact Pastor Spies. Looking ahead, please note that we will also have not made final decisions on the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services in April. It is likely that one service will be held at LCLC and one at Memorial, but no final decision has been made at this time. There will not be a Wednesday evening service (or meal) during Holy Week.

Should these days and time not work for you and your schedule, please consider coming to Memorial Lutheran Church on Thursdays at noon during the Lenten season. A lunch and worship service will be held on Thursdays during the Lenten season. The service itself will, in general, be a repeat of the Wednesday evening service at LCLC. But this will give you another opportunity for food, fellowship, and worship should the Wednesday evening not work for your schedule.

Women’s Bunco Night

Our next Bunco night is Tuesday,March 21 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Please join us for a fun evening and don’t forget to bring your new or nearly new item for our prize table. Our hosts for the evening will be Virginia Loberg and Laurie Powers. Please contact Shelley Erdman 262-502-4162 with any questions.

Boy Scout Food Drive for Menomonee Falls Food Pantry

Please support our local BOY SCOUTS drive for the Falls Area Pantry on Saturday, March 18. If a bag is delivered to your house, just fill it up with non-perishable food items and put it outside your front door by 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 18. A boy scout will pick it up, or you can drop it off in a food drive barrel at your nearest Pick 'n Save. Volunteer help is needed at the Pantry from 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. to date check and sort food. Make your own schedule. Children under age 13 must be with an adult and able to perform the work.You do not need to sign up in advance to work.See

ELCA World Hunger - God’s Work ~ Our Hands

Today, 1 in 9 people in the world face hunger. We can respond to this need through the ELCA World Hunger efforts. During Lent (March 1 to April 16) our congregation annually contributes with a 40 Days of Giving fundraiser. Our Sunday School students will have a “Buck a Chick” campaign. Kids may give on their own or with their family. Our walls will be decorated with their Chick giving/color pages. Families may also fill a “coin box” during the 40 days. Or checks can be written to LCLC with “ELCA WH Lent” in the memo line. Our gifts to ELCA World Hunger will make a life changing difference. For more info see or call Linda Stehman at 414-434-0932


Readings and Hymns

March 5, 2017 (Special Lenten Service)

First Sunday in Lent

#660 – “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me”

#229 – “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”

#341 – “Jesus, Still Lead On”

Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7

Eating of the tree of knowledge

Psalm 32

Mercy embraces those who trust in the Lord.

Romans 5:12-19

Death came, life comes

Matthew 4:1-11

The temptation of Jesus

March 12, 2017 (Special Lenten Service)

Second Sunday in Lent

#377 – “Lift High the Cross”

#479 – “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”

#507 – “How Firm a Foundation”

Genesis 12:1-4a

The blessing of God upon Abram

Psalm 121

I lift up my eyes to the hills; my help comes from the Lord.

Romans 4:1-5, 13-17

The promise to those of Abraham’s faith

John 3:1-17

The mission of Christ: saving the world

March 19, 2017 (Special Lenten Service)

Third Sunday in Lent

#107 – “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”

#499 – “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

#343 – “Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer”

Exodus 17:1-7

Water from the rock

Psalm 95

Let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation.

Romans 5:1-11

Reconciled to God by Christ’s death

John 4:5-42

The woman at the well

March 26, 2017 (Special Lenten Service)

Fourth Sunday in Lent

#104 – “In the Cross of Christ I Glory”

#581 (ELW) – “You Are Mine”

#448 – “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound”

I Samuel 16:1-13

David is chosen and anointed

Psalm 23

You anoint my head with oil.

Ephesians 5:8-14

Live as children of light

John 9:1-41

The man born blind

Summer Camp 2017

Registration forms for Summer Camp 2017 are anticipated to reach the office desk in the near future! If you have not received a registration form and would like one, please call Connie Meyer-Schroeder or Pastor Spies at the church or simply pick one up before or after worship when they are received. The theme for this year’s program with Crossways Camping Ministries has not yet been announced. Crossways offers many exciting options at three different camp sites. Programs begin for children who have just completed the 1st grade (a half week experience for grades 1-3) and continue for all ages through High School. Please note that most fees normally go up after March 15th. The brochure and registration form will provide much more information. Or, feel free to visit them at call them at (920) 882-0023, or email them at .


Edward Dahly03/04

Laura Helleckson 03/05

Laurie Broetzmann03/06
Dana Hanson03/06

Sydney Sawatzke03/07

Tim Rabideau03/08

Nathan Kobza03/10

Bryan Bell03/12

Stefan Weber03/12

Nick Spalsbury03/13

Nick Boegel03/14

Allen Schmidt03/16

Bryan Weber03/16

Diane Witzel03/17

Brittany Ward03/18

Brooke Ward03/18

Emily Martin03/19

Sheree Jones03/20

Margaret Wessel03/22

Ethan Zoltan 03/22

Elizabeth Sherman03/23

Brett Kroening03/23

Pam Steinhauser03/24

Chris Kupfer03/25

Jonathan Wizner03/25

Hayden Passolt03/25

Preston Stokes03/26

Rev. Lester Spies03/28

Jace Damrow03/28

Joni Whitehouse03/29

Julie Garvey03/29


Kevin and Sandy Hanson03/09

Michael and Nikki Toughill03/27

Altar Flowers

March 5 Ed and Donna Dahly

March 5 Jean Thompson

March 12 Karen Peters

March 19

March 26

2017 Flower Chart

The 2017 Flower Chart is available on the bulletin board at church. The cost of the flowers will remain at $20 each week and may be given in your offering envelopes. You are welcomed to take the flowers with you after the service to enjoy during the rest of the week. There are still several dates that are open for this year (including dates in the next few months). If you have any questions, please contact Connie Meyer-Schroeder or Pastor Spies.

Serving As We Worship


March 5

9:00 am Emilie Wizner

March 12

9:00 am Sarah Stapelfeldt

March 19

9:00 am Holly Croke

March 26

9:00 am Travis Schmidt


March 5

9:00 am Jonathan Wizner

Harold Lutz

March 12

9:00 am Craig Bernhardt

Annegret Paas

March 19

9:00 am Gene Bonnell

Gary Powers

March 26

9:00 am Herb Cup

Lorrie Cup


March 5

9:00 am Courtney Thomas

March 12

9:00 am Barry Landowski

March 19

9:00 am Rachel Grasse

March 26

9:00 am Mark Schroeder


March 5

9:00 am Pam Steinhauser

March 12

9:00 am Annegret Paas

March 19

9:00 am Debbie Ward

March 26

9:00 am Lora Mickelson

Communion Assistants

March 5

9:00 am John Ward

March 19

9:00 am Laurie Powers

Altar Guild

March 5

9:00 am Annegret Paas

March 19

9:00 am David Weske


March 5

9:00 am Cheryl Roth


9:00 am Jean Thompson

March 19

9:00 am Joan Greethurst

March 26

9:00 am Gina Warlow


March 5

9:00 am Volunteer

March 12

9:00 am Volunteer

March 19

9:00 am Volunteer

March 26

9:00 am Volunteer

March 2017
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
9:30 AM Blanket Making
Ash Wednesday
7:00 PM Worship / 2 / 3 / 4
9:00 AM Worship
Rev. Lester Spies
9:20AM Sunday School
10:15 AM 6th and 7th Grade Confirmation/
5th Grade First Communion Class
Choir Practice / 6
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Office Hours / 7
6:30 PM-8:00 PM
Boy Scouts meet
1:30 PM-3:30 PM
Women’s Group / 8
9:30 AM Blanket Making
6:00 PM Lenten
7:00 PM Worship / 9 / 10 / 11
9:00 AM Worship
Deacon Dennis Schultz
9:20AM Sunday School
10:15 AM6th and 7th
Grade Confirmation
Choir Practice / 13
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Office Hours / 14
6:30 PM-8:00 PM
Boy Scouts meet
at LCLC / 15
9:30 AM Blanket Making
6:00 PM Lenten
7:00 PM Worship / 16 / 17
7:30 PM-10:00 PM
Big Cedar
Bluegrass Band / 18
9:00 AM Worship
Rev. Lester Spies
9:20AM Sunday School
10:15 AM 6th and 7th Grade Confirmation/
5th Grade First Communion Class
Choir Practice / 20
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Office Hours
7:00 PM
Council meeting / 21
6:30 PM-8:00 PM
Boy Scouts meet
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Women’s Bunco / 22
9:30 AM Blanket Making
6:00 PM Lenten
7:00 PM Worship / 23 / 24 / 25
9:00 AM Worship
Rev. Jessica Short
9:20AM Sunday School
10:15 AM 6th and 7th Grade Confirmation
Choir Practice
2:00-5:00 PM 8th Grade Confirmation at Parsonage / 27
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Office Hours / 28 / 29
9:30 AM Blanket Making
6:00 PM Lenten
7:00 PM Worship / 30 / 31