Welcome to Kindergarten!

Pembroke Elementary

This booklet is full of valuable information, please read and contact me with any questions/concerns. I look forward to getting to know you and your child this year. Thank you for allowing me to teach your precious little one! We are going to have a GREAT year!

Teacher- Mrs. Tammy Garr

Instructional Assistant- Mrs. Amy Hibbs

Kindergarten Schedule


7:20-7:45: Homeroom/Morning Work

7:45-9:50: Rotation 1

9:50-10:30: Specials

10:35-11:00: Lunch

11:00-11:30: Restroom Break/Recess

11:30-11:50: Rotation 1 (cont.)

11:50-1:50: Rotation 2

1:50-2:20: Homeroom/Snack/Dismissal

About Mrs. Garr

My name is Tammy Garr, and I will be your child’s kindergarten teacher this year. I am so honored to have the opportunity to teach your child and work with you as well; together we can help to ensure that your kindergartener will have academic and social success. This year marks my 22nd year of teaching, and my second year at Pembroke Elementary. It is my personal goal to instill a love for learning in each child that I have the privilege of teaching,

Rules and Expectations

This is a very important part of our school year and day. It is crucial that the students learn that rukes are in place to keep them safe and help them to have fun while learning. Below you will find our classroom rules and our school-wide expectations. I will also be sending home information about our school behavior plan. Please take time to look over the expectations, incentives, and consequences. You will be asked to sign the letter stating that you have read and agree to the behavior plan.

Classroom Rules School-Wide Guidelines for Success

·  I will listen when others are speaking.
·  I will follow directions quickly.
·  I will keep hands, feet other objects to myself.
·  I will take care of supplies.
·  I will speak kindly to others. / Pembroke Owls are WISE
Willing to learn
Improve ourselves daily
Show respect and kindness to others
Exhibit cooperation and respect

Communication/Daily Folder

I believe that it is important that parents and teachers communicate in order to create the best possible learning environment for your child. My classroom is always open if you would like to stop by to see how things are going at school. My preferred mode of communication is email, which is . I will check my email from school as well as home. You may also call me at school at 270-887-7290. My planning period will be from 9:50-10:30, I will usually be available at this time to speak or meet with parents if needed, and I will usually be at school until about 3:30. Please feel free to contact me about any questions or concerns you may have. I believe that it is better to clear-up any problems early. Often a simple note, email, or phone call can alleviate confusion. If something doesn’t seem “right,” please contact me as soon as possible. Also, please feel free to attend special classroom activities, field trips, and other celebrations throughout the year whenever possible.

Your child will bring home a daily folder each night. Please check for any notes or papers you may need to see or sign in the folder. Please make sure your child brings the folder back every day, this makes it much easier for me to make sure I have all notes and papers from home. There will be a behavior sheet in your child’s folder every night to be signed and brought back to school. An explanation of our behavior policy is located in this packet.

Snack Time

Students will have the opportunity to enjoy a small snack in the afternoon before they go home. Christian County Schools are encouraging healthy snacks – please assist in this effort. I will be sending home a snack calendar, which will also serve as a behavior chart. Please leave this calendar inside the folder so it can be marked daily. If you are unable to supply a snack for the class, please let me know and I will not assign your child a snack day. Snacks should be store bought (not homemade) and easily distributed by your child to their classmates. Pretzels, goldfish, animal crackers, dry cereal, graham crackers, raisins, apples, fruit snacks, etc. make good snacks. If your child has a birthday on a school day, I will do my best to assign them snack for that day and you may send in cupcakes if you like.


On occasion it will be necessary for your child to bring money to school. Always send money in a sealed envelope with the following information written on it:

 Your child’s first and last name

 The amount of money

 The purpose for the money (book order, lunch, field trip, etc.)

 Teacher’s name: Mrs. Garr

With many children to keep track of and several reasons to collect money, this helps me out tremendously and reduces the likelihood of errors. Also, if the envelope is left on the bus or dropped in the hallway, this information will help the money to be returned to my classroom.

Changes in Transportation:

If your child will be getting home differently than normal, I must have a written note, or you must call the school (270-887-7290) to make the transportation change. Do not rely on your child to tell me this information because children often become confused and relay messages incorrectly. If I do not receive a transportation note change by 2:15 your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation. I also ask that you do not e-mail me transportation changes, I may not see your e-mail in time, or if I am out for the day a sub cannot check my e-mail. *I highly encourage parents to allow their children to be transported the way they would normally be during the first few days of school. This will allow for a routine to be created and allow for a smoother transition.*

Changing Classes

Our kindergarten will be departmentalized this school year. Your child will be receiving their reading instruction in my classroom and will rotate to Mrs. Riley’s classroom across the hall for math instruction. We will work together as a team to ensure that your child receives the best instruction possible and that they have their social and emotional needs met.

School Attendance:

Your child’s regular attendance at school is crucial to his/her success. I can’t emphasize this point enough! Please view school as a priority, and see to it that your child attends everyday possible. Pembroke’s start time is 7:20, if your child comes in anytime after that they will be considered “tardy.” Also, if your child misses a day either a parent or medical note is needed once your child returns to school. This must be turned in to the office for documentation. Please see Pembroke Student Handbook for further information regarding attendance.

Accidents happen….

While we have a bathroom in our classroom, Mrs. Riley does not have bathroom in her classroom. Students will have scheduled bathroom breaks throughout the day as well as the opportunity to go when they have the need. However, some students still have accidents. If your child is prone to bathroom accidents, please send an extra pair of pants, underwear, and socks with your child. The clothes can be kept in their backpack and only used when needed. We appreciate your help in this matter because it makes things easier for everyone.

Supply List

·  Glue sticks

·  Scissors (Fiskar’s are best)

·  16-count crayons

·  Block erasers

·  Supply box

·  Kindergarten journal

·  Dry erase markers

·  Regular pencils

·  Medium/Fat pencils

·  2 pocket folders

·  Ear buds

Wish List Items:

·  Clorox Wipes

·  Paper Towels

·  Kleenex

·  Ziplock bags (gallon or quart)

·  Waterless Hand Sanitizer

·  Baby Wipes

·  Play dough

·  Old magazines

·  Water color paint sets

·  Markers

·  Coffee filters or Dixie cups (to use for snack time)