Approved 20 Million Trees Grants Round Three Projects to begin in the 2017/2018 financial year

App ID / Project Title / Project Description / Applicant Name / Grants Total (GST Incl.) / No. of Trees (above 2m mature) / State
20MTR3-16 / Biodiversity Urban Corridors Project / Albany Biodiversity Urban Corridor Project is a key objective of the City of Albany's Urban Tree Strategy, which aims to identify, re-create, conserve and enhance urban and peri urban environments for greater flora and fauna connectivity. Western Ringtail Possums require dense jarrah, marri, Sheoak, and peppermint tree corridors, which allow them to travel between pockets of urban remnant vegetation. Lake Seppings is a key corridor that supports possums to travel between Mt Clarence and Emu Point habitats.With the support of South Coast NRM and local Albany Bushcare groups, this project will assist in revegetation works as well as supporting extensive community consultation to ensure the successful implementation and long term viability. This will achieve sustainable revegetation and complement ongoing conservation efforts for Lake Seppings. / City of Albany / $96,500 / 50,000 / WA
20MTR3-38 / Community conservation at Wirrina / Conservation Volunteers Australia and the District Council of Yankalilla will create critical food and nesting stepping stone habitat at Wirrina on the Fleurieu Peninsula (FP) for the endangered Black Glossy Cockatoo (BGC).Due to clearing of Woodland in the 1900’s on the FP habitat was lost to the BGC.As a result the birds are restricted to Kangaroo Island (KI).This community focussed project will enhance fragmented remnant Drooping Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) Low Woodland and associated canopy and understory species such as S.A. Blue Gum (E. leucoxylon) and Pink Gum (E. fasciculosa) via tubestock planting.The habitat enhanced by this project will provide foraging and nesting sites 17km north from currently established vegetation well within forging range at the point of FP. / Conservation Volunteers Australia / $110,000 / 25,000 / SA
20MTR3-43 / Belvidere Revegetation Project / This Project will create, improve, and protect current areas of significant Heritage listed vegetation and other regional Conservation Parks and Reserves, through the revegetation of EPBC listed Peppermint Box Grassy Woodland.It will support habitat of three nationally threatened flora species and over seven state rated bird species throughactivities includingdirect seeding, tubestock planting, and pest and weed control. / Trees for Life Inc. / $68,002 / 26,000 / SA
20MTR3-58 / Steinfield Mallee Woodland Restoration / This Project will revegetate 40 hectares of Mallee Woodland habitat that supports the nationally threatened Regent Parrot, Red-Lored Whistler and Mallee Fowl. The project will create an important stepping stone habitat, facilitating movement and survival needs and creating a refuge for these threatened species and other regional fauna and flora species. This habitat will be restored using direct seeding methods. / Trees for Life Inc. / $56,254 / 19,000 / SA
20MTR3-60 / Coondoo Connections / The project will create and enhance habitat for Koala, Mary River Cod and Giant Barred Frog.It will strengthen buffers for adjacent subtropical lowland rainforest along Coondoo Creek, which is part of the Tinana Creek Riparian Corridor High Conservation Value Forest managed by HQPlantations. The site contains remnant lowland rainforest and flood plains, interspersed with permanent and ephemeral billabongs. Revegetation will occur on 17.7 ha along the south side of Coondoo Creek,which was previously invaded by a dense stand of pine wildlings, and a further 12.09 ha along a smaller tributary nearby. Revegetation will primarily be achieved by planting seedlings raised from local seed sources. This will be supplemented by actively encouraging any natural regrowth arising following the harvest of the pine wildlings. / HQPlantations Pty Ltd / $107,580 / 26,425 / QLD
20MTR3-65 / RtBC Habitat Enhancement - Salvana / Conservation Volunteer Australia’s (CVA) and Greening Australia (GA) are partnering to help revegetate cleared sections of CVA’s Salvana Conservation Reserve. This will improve the links between the West and Central blocks of the Little Desert National Park, creating a 132,000 ha biodiversity corridorand improving the conservation value of the region. Biodiversity and climate change resilience will be provided for threatened species like the South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (RTBC) (Calyptorhynchus banksii graptogyne) and theMalleefowl (Leipoa ocellata). The project will help protect and enhance critical feeding and habitat resources for the threatened RTBC, includinglinking fragmented patches of remnant vegetation benefiting local biodiversity and threatened species alike. The project will be carried out by CVA, GA, volunteers and the local community. / Ben Holmes / $109,604 / 24,000 / VIC
20MTR3-69 / Wilmot Biodiversity Regeneration Program / This Project will seek to greatly enhance a largely bare and barren portion of degraded farmland through the reintroduction of an array of native species of shrubs and trees, most notably the Eucalyptus nova anglica; a threatened species in this region.
Wilmot has been practicing regenerative agriculture for the last five years and has made extraordinary improvements in land condition, waterways, ecology, and soil carbon. The next phase of this regeneration is to plant back a significant amount of native trees to make some big gains in biodiversity and carbon cycling.
Trees will be planted along existing fencelines connecting native bushland areas on and around the property. This will create wildlife corridors for native birds and animals, improve biodiversity, slow wind across the landscape, and create far better nutrient cycling through the ecosystem. / Wilmot Cattle Company Pty Ltd / $82,313 / 20,224 / NSW
20MTR3-70 / Carnaby's habitat in the Moore catchment / Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) are endemic to WA but are rapidly in decline with total population estimates of less than 60,000. Past and continuing clearing of breeding and forage habitat is threatening future survival. The project aims to increase Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo numbers through increasing and connecting priority breeding and forage Swan Banksia woodland and Wheatbelt Eucalypt woodland habitat. Planting will take place at 7 sites on 5 farms, and include engaging a local Working on Country Yued planting team. / Moore Catchment Council (MCC) / $110,000 / 35,000 / WA
20MTR3-96 / Mount Urah Koala Habitat Restoration / The project will restore 27.18 hectares of koala habitat at Mount Urah through revegetation activities. Project activities will include fencing the site to exclude grazing activity, assisted seed and lignotuber regeneration,and the planting of 18,000 trees in areas whereregeneration is unlikely. Restoration work on this site will buffer and link the surrounding forest, improving overall habitat values for the koala and providing additional feed trees. / Private Forestry Service Queensland / $110,000 / 20,000 / QLD
20MTR3-106 / Narmbool migration corridors / Narmbool has an isolated population of Litoria Raniformus living in and around some waterbodies.This project will connect habitat refuge around two dams with water bodies by creating a tree corridor. This will support further indigenous plantings and will increase habitat post 2015 bushfire. / Conservation Volunteers Australia / $110,000 / 20,000 / VIC
20MTR3-107 / Joining the dots for Box Gum Woodlands / This project is focused on restoration of White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland across public and private landholdings in the southern tablelands of NSW. Revegetation will be carried out by planting tubestock and direct seeding to directly restore the threatened woodland community and benefit a range of associated threatened fauna such as the Regent honeyeater and Superb Parrot. The community will be involved through seed collection, plant propagation and tree planting activities, with a high level of ownership of each project to ensure its longevity. / Greening Australia Capital Region / $70,785 / 15,000 / NSW
20MTR3-110 / Figtree Bend Rainforest Restoration / This project will be undertaken in partnership with a local landholder and community volunteers to restore 4 ha of degraded pasture back to nationally threatened Lowland Rainforest Endangered Ecological Community through revegetation with 10,000 native locally endemic tubestock. The project will also enhance the riparian corridor of the Wilson's River and improve habitat for locally significant populations of the nationally threatened Koala. / Conservation Volunteers Australia / $102,982 / 10,000 / NSW
20MTR3-114 / Bringing Back Woongarra Scrub / This project will re-establish 5 hectares of microphyll to notophyll vine forest known as Woongarra Scrubon land which is part of Baldwin Swamp Environmental Park.Hardy, pioneer species will be planted to form the basis of the new forest to enhance a 3.5km green corridor which runs through Bundaberg.Activities include seed collection, propagation, and planting, andwill involve local Landcare nurseries, volunteers, and indigenous people. / Bundaberg Regional Council / $21,200 / 6,000 / QLD
20MTR3-116 / Planting for Yarra Pygmy Perch / This project will enhance biodiversity values and assist in the protection of threatened species including the Yarra Pygmy Perch, Australia Grayling and Swamp Greenhood at an integrated catchment scale through habitat protection and augmentation of 8.94 ha of Herb-rich Foothill Forest, Estuarine Wetland and Swamp Scrub habitat. The capacity of individuals and organisations to understand and manage vegetation for multiple benefits will increase through participation in re-vegetation activities by project site holders and students. This project will also reduce the impact of invasive plant and animal species through re-vegetation and control works. This will be achieved by enhancing and linking existing vegetation patches to create vegetation corridors in the project areas, improving water quality in the process. / Heytesbury District Landcare Network / $73,238 / 18,000 / VIC
20MTR3-120 / Tallebudgera Koala Habitat Restoration / The project aims to increase, restore and connect koala habitat at Schuster Park, Tallebudgera. This will be undertaken through the planting of 20,000 koala food and habitat trees, and community engagement and assisted restoration to control threats from invasive weeds. / City of Gold Coast / $86,000 / 20,000 / QLD
20MTR3-122 / The Restoration of the Waterview Site / AlburyCity’s wastewater treatment plant is located within close proximity to the Murray River and the surrounding Albury Ranges area which contains Box Gum Grassy Woodland. The treatment site area covers approximately 550 hectares includinga waste water treatment plant, remnant and riparian vegetation, creek lines, and open paddocks. This project will focus on revegetating approximately 48 hectares and restoring it to its natural state of Box Gum Grassy Woodland. These plantings will improve the biodiversity value of the site, provide connectivity to the Albury Ranges, and improve the riparian habitat along the creeklines which provide important linkages to the Murray River and Wonga Wetlands. / Albury City Council / $99,350 / 16,800 / NSW
20MTR3-127 / Restoration of Banksia Woodland / This project will restore 1 hectare of Banksia Woodland in Queens Park Regional Open Space. The restoration will buffer an existing Threatened Ecological Community (Banksia Woodlands on the Swan Coastal Plain) and link it to other areas of fragmented native vegetation.The City of Canning will direct seed a completely degraded area (0.8ha) and infill a degraded area (0.2ha) with tubestock. Seed and plants used will be endemic to the area. The restoration will protect the existing Banksia Woodland and extend the area of habitat for wildlife including the Threatened Carnabys Black Cockatoo and the Forest Red Tail Black Cockatoo. The City will implement this project in partnership with local environmental group Friends of Queens Park Bushland. / City of Canning / $34,160 / 8,250 / WA
20MTR3-143 / Improving the East Moorabool river / This project builds on the revegetation work by the previous 20 Million Tree project: Wombat Forest to Brisbane Ranges - A Linked Moorabool landscape. Some of the planned revegetation areas are already fenced and ready for ground preparations prior to tree planting. The East Moorabool river is one of the most degraded rivers in the catchment and this project will dramatically enhance existing native vegetation and existing vegetation linkages. / Moorabool Catchment Landcare Group Inc / $110,000 / 27,200 / VIC
20MTR3-146 / Moree Water Park Nature Refuge / The Moree Water Ski Club ( MWSC) has partnered with the Moree Plains Shire Council ( MPSC) , Job link Plus and the Work for the Dole program to create a Nature Reserve within the Moree Water Park by planting thousands of native trees and shrubs in the coming years. The project has already planted 1500 natives most under drip irrigation. This project’s goals are to focus on tree and native shrub species that will further support native birds and reptiles particularly those attracted by the adjoining man-made lakes. / Moree water Ski Club Incorporated / $29,500 / 7,000 / NSW
20MTR3-148 / Swift Parrot: Winter Wanderers. / This project will revegetate 52.38 ha of suitable habitat for the threatened migratory Swift Parrot by reinstating natural food sources and planting key winter-flowering species.It will improve the extent, condition and connectivity of the EPBC Threatened Ecological Communities: Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa) Grassy Woodland and Box Gum Grassy Woodland.The project will strategically revegetate with 25800 plants (16800 >2m) to increase the extent of food tree habitat and structural diversity in fertile areas on private land.Winter food trees are distributed patchily across the landscape and therefore more areas need to be planted to increase food tree availability, particularly in relatively fertile areas that provide more reliable resources, which have been disproportionately cleared. / Goulburn Broken CMA / $100,000 / 16,800 / VIC
20MTR3-155 / Restoring threatened EP Blue Gum, Lipson / This project will be undertaken on the Warratta Vale property near Lipson. It will enhancea section of Salt Creek with 6,500 trees and 5000 understory plants established via direct seeding, providing species richness and recreating EP Blue Gums woodland. The planting will also conserve the remaining EP Blue Gums and remnant vegetation in this section of Salt Creek by increasing the biodiversity and enabling long-term health and viability of the creeklines native vegetation. / Eastern Lower EP Landcare Management Com / $22,550 / 6,500 / SA
20MTR3-165 / Restoring VVP Woodlands to Northern CLL / Less than 0.01% of Pre European Victorian Volcanic Plains (VVP) vegetation remains, with remnant areas threatened by fragmentation and clearing. This project will revegetate 31.9 hectares of cleared agricultural land across the northern Corangamite Lakes Landcare (CLL) area with EPBC listed endangered VVP Grassy Eucalyptus Woodlands to increase spatial extent of the EVC and habitat area. Plantings will establish contiguous and stepping stone corridors to improve connectivity between VVP woodlands lying at the northern end of the CLL area, (near Skipton and Enfield State Forest) and Pomborneit and Jancourt Conservation Reserves at the southern end. Participating landholders will make significant co-contributions to grant funds. / Landcare Victoria Inc / $105,710 / 29,070 / VIC
20MTR3-177 / Moresby Range Restoration / This project will revegetate 40ha of Moresby Conservation Park to restore the Priority Ecological Community which provides habitat for threatened species including Carnaby's cockatoo, Moresby Range drummondita, box mallee, Hoffman's spider orchid, and bracted grevillea.
The area is frequented by Carnaby's cockatoo and revegetation will include species which will increase feeding habitat for this threatened fauna species. It will also increase and improve habitat and provide connectivity between populations of Hoffman's spider orchid and Moresby Range drummondita, and increase the population size and habitat for box mallee and bracted grevillea. / Parks and Wildlife Service / $96,880 / 34,092 / WA
20MTR3-184 / Restoration of a Tasmanian Devil den / The project involves restoring approximately 30 hectares of native forest on an ex-pine plantation site.It will protect a maternal Tasmanian Devil den, karst landforms including extensive caves and sinkholes, and improve native forest connectivity. Reforestation will use a combination of direct seeding and planting, and follow up weeding and fire management will occur.The project will be supported by the Forest Practices Authority (FPA) who will monitor the maternal devil den site as part of their effectiveness monitoring. / Norske Skog Boyer / $33,000 / 31,000 / TAS
20MTR3-188 / GIPA Rainforest Regeneration Project / Guanaba Indigenous Protected Area (GIPA) is owned & managed by Ngarang-Wal Gold Coast Aboriginal Association Incorporated (NWGCAA). Recent surveys of GIPA have field validated a large portion of Lowland Rainforest of Subtropical Australia as well as documented several EPBC listed threatened species.
This project will protect, enhance and contribute to knowledge about this important ecological community and the plants that grow within. Revegetation activities along critical buffer areas will provide Indigenous training and employment opportunities, whilst alleviating threats of degradation and fire. / Ngarang-Wal Gold Coast Aboriginal Associ / $100,727 / 20,000 / QLD
20MTR3-197 / Central Wheatbelt EPBC habitat security / The southwest of Western Australia is Australia’s only recognised biodiversity hotspot. The Avon river basin is home to the EPBC listed Eucalypt Woodlands of the Western Australian Wheatbelt threatened ecological community (TEC). With over 100 species listed as threatened under the EPBC Act, the biodiversity assets of this region are both highly fragmented and in decline. This is further compounded by the threats posed by non-natives.
This project will take place within the TEC and will assist in securing habitat for a number of species including the Numbat, Western quoll (Chuditch), Woylie, and Malleefowl, as well as other EPBC listed species. Project in-kind activities, including sophisticated threat mitigation and stock exclusion, will secure habitat from vertebrate pests to improve functionality. / Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management Inc / $110,000 / 40,000 / WA
20MTR3-223 / Building Future Superb Parrot Habitat / This project aims to build strategic habitat for the threatened Superb Parrot along the Broken Creek corridor, providing connectivity and increased extent of core habitat while reducing edge effects. The 52 hectare site will be revegetated with indigenous species, through direct seeding and tubestock planting of shrubs and trees. Seed production will be considered to provide a genetically robust seed source for future revegetation projects. / Goulburn Broken CMA / $100,000 / 16,000 / VIC