Title:Stutt Frank Video

Duration: 2:05 minutes


Frank MachatschekdiscussestheShell Rimula engine inspection process at Stuttgart Bus Company.

Stutt Frank Video Video Film Transcript

[Background music plays]

Bright, uplifting music.

[Video footage]

A yellow bus comes to a stop, ready to turn into a main road, as cars drive past.

[Text displays]



[Frank Machatschek speaks]

We are here in the workshop of Stuttgart Bus Company…

[Video footage]

Frank Machatschek speaks to the camera, from inside the workshop.

[Text displays]



[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…one of the largest and most innovativepublic transport companies in Germany.

[Video footage]

The camera pans around the workshop from a high angle.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

Field trials are a very important partof our product developmentbecause…

[Video footage]

Close-up of the Mercedes emblem.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…we are testing our lubricantsunder real-world driving conditions.

[Video footage]

A driver is shown at the wheel of a bus, driving. The camera then cuts to a road, with a yellow bus turning around a corner.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

Eight years ago,we started the field trialwith Stuttgart Bus Company…

[Video footage]

Frank Machatschek speaks to the camera, from inside the workshop.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…using our synthetic Shell Rimula 5W-30low-viscosity engine oil technology.And today, after a total test distanceof 535,000km,we'll dismount an engine…

[Video footage]

A yellow bus has been elevated, whilst a Shell employeestands beneath it, looking up, with a tool in his hand.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…and we will bring the engineto our lab in Hamburg,and we will conducta joint engine inspection…

[Video footage]

The same Shell employee sticks a long white narrow tube up into the engine.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…together with Stuttgart Bus Company.

[Video footage]

The same Shell employee is standing under the bus again, but this time is joined by Frank Machatschek, who is observing, and a co-worker, also standing under the bus. The co-worker is using a tool above his head, which is attached to the bus.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

When we develop and test Shell Rimulahigh-performance engine oils…

[Video footage]

Frank Machatschek speaks to the camera, from outside the workshop. There are two yellow buses parked in the background.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…we want to push boundaries further,so normal operating conditionsare not enough.We want test conditionsto be as severe as possible.

[Video footage]

The camera pans around, showing a blue sky with white clouds. A large white sign appears reading “SSB – Omnibusbetriebshot Gaisburg”.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

Stuttgart Bus Companyproved to be ableto give our test oil a really hard time…

[Video footage]

Frank Machatschek speaks to the camera, from outside the workshop.There are two yellow buses parked in the background.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…mainly because of a few things.First, due to the hilly terrain and steep gradients…

[Video footage]

The camera cuts to a road alongside houses, where a bus is driving towards the camera, before disappearing off-screen.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…our buses consumeup to 30% more fuel…

[Video footage]

The camera films from the front of a moving vehicle, along a winding road with a panoramic view on the left-hand side of the road. There are benches on the pavement on the left, where a person is sat overlooking the view. Two pedestrians are walking, one alongside the road and the other, across it.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…compared to the same enginesin the same vehicles on flat terrain.

[Video footage]

A bus drives past shops, towards the camera, before disappearing off-screen.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

Secondly,Shell Rimula enabled usto extend the oil drain interval significantly from 60,000km…

[Video footage]

Frank Machatschek speaks to the camera, from outside the workshop.There are two yellow buses parked in the background.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…which is the current maximum recommendedoil drain interval for this application,up to 130,000km…

[Video footage]

Another Shell employee is standing below an elevated bus, inspecting it.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…which basically meansone oil drain in two years.

[Video footage]

The camera cuts to a yellow container into which oil is being drained, in the workshop.

[Video footage]

A Shell employee is stood behind another bus, and is draining oil out of it.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

Last but not least,we have conducted this field trial,over an extremely long period of time

of eight years…

[Video footage]

The same employee takes a small clear bottle of oil to a workbench. He places the bottle on the table and sits down. There is a white piece of card on the table that he straightens out. There is also a roll of masking tape on the table.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…so that we can also provethe long-lasting engineprotection capabilitiesof our Shell Rimula product.

[Video footage]

The same Shell employee pours a large container of oil into an engine.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

So if the engine still looks good at the end of the test…

[Video footage]

The engine of a bus is lowered down to the ground.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…we can be sure that Shell Rimula is the right technology…

[Video footage]

Frank Machatschek and another Shell employee inspect the engine, before it’s transported to another area of the workshop by two workers.

[Frank Machatschek speaks]

…the right choice,delivering value to our customers.

[Background music plays]

Bright, uplifting music.

[Video footage]

Shell logo appears on white background.

[Text displays]