Kimpton Parish Council Annual Report 2008/9

Kimpton Parish Council Annual Report 2008/9 / 2008/ 2009
Kimpton Parish Council Annual Report gives a review of the activities of the Council and the financial report for the year ending 31st March 2009 / Published
May 2009

Parish Room

Kimpton Memorial Hall

Hall Lane


Herts SG4 8RB

T/F: 01438 832573


Chairman’s Report

Looking at my first report of a year ago, it is very pleasing to recognize the significant progress your Council has made in 12 months on your behalf. To assist your memory; Kimpton was jubilant to win Herts Village of the Year 2009 (West), the appointment by of a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) for our parish shared with Ickleford Parish Council, continued lobbying to secure suitable homes for tenants following the closure of Probyn House, establishment of the Kimpton Parish Paths Partnership and the opening of the new Recreation Ground football pavilion. The pavilion was officially opened at the beginning of the 2008/9 football season and as all who have either used or visited will testify – it is truly an excellent additional asset within the Parish.

An extremely well supported Kimpton Village Day was held in the Memorial Hall, in November organised by your Parish Council. The day was to promote Kimpton businesses and to seek views from electors on a number of issues - plans for a new housing development build at Lloyd Way and the requirement from the elderly in our Parish to continue to live independently, an application for permission for an area suitable for model aircraft flying off Ballslough Hill, planting of fruit trees in Garden Fields and a consultation exercise on Kimpton Play Strategy 2008 – 2018.

Subsequent consultations have proved how difficult it is to please everyone. However, the Village Day allowed a large number of parishioners to voice their views about impending projects.

July 2008 saw the retirement of Mrs Diana Diggines, Head of Kimpton Primary School after 20 years service. At the Village of the Year award presentation we used the occasion to present an engraved glass bowl to Mrs Diggines in recognition of her work within the community. The new Headmistress was welcomed in Septemeber and has quickly settled into her new and very important role.

The Council approved to fund, for two years, a dedicated part-time PCSO to the Parish. This post is shared 50/50 with Ickleford Parish Council and will be reviewed in the coming year. Any comments arising from personal experience related to this enhanced level of policing would be most welcome.

It was good news when several allotment holders decided to get together to form a Kimpton Allotment Association. The Parish Council can be much more effective in managing the allotment resources when this can be achieved through much improved communication with a properly regulated association working for the benefit of its members.

No Chairman’s annual report would be complete without giving thanks to Mr Bob Finch and the Kimpton Bench Working Party. Everyone will have seen the improvements around the parish - in the allotments, the Churchyard, Peters Green, Recreation Ground, the Memorial Hall plus their role in supporting many community and fund raising events.

Turning to the next financial year, I would like to bring your attention to Kimpton Memorial Hall. It is some 30 years since this building, integral to the whole community, was rebuilt and the time is upon us when serious renovation and improvement of the facilities is required. We would hope that you share our desire to support the Trustees and Executive Committee in this refurbishment to ensure we have an excellent facility for the future.

It is my sincere hope that everyone is already well aware of the significant threat posed on our way of life by Luton Borough Council. Together with their consortium of developers, Luton Bourough Council has published proposals, currently undergoing a consultation process, to expand the urban area of Luton, to the East of its present boundaries into our North Hertfordshire rural area. The Parish Council will represent your views to Luton Borough Council and continue to keep residents informed of development proposals as they are published.

The Parish Council is here to provide local services and represent the community to other organisations. We have 10 meetings of the Council arranged for next year and should very much welcome your support through your attendance and participation - there is always a time for members of the public to voice their issues and concerns. We are grateful to residents who already contribute to the work of the Council by being members of specific working parties. We value their professional contributions and volunteer time given to improve our Parish.

Finally, we do work as a team, and therefore I am extremely grateful to all my fellow Councillors, for all their hard work and support. Thank you, also, to our colleagues at District – Cllr John Bishop and at Hertfordshire County Council Cllr Richard Thake, both of them usually available at Parish Council meetings. Last, but never least, our Clerk, Carina Helmn – thank you – from us all.

Cllr David Reavell


Kimpton Parish Council

Working Party Representatives and

Representatives to Outside Bodies


  1. Representatives to Kimpton Memorial Hall Management Committee

Cllr Baker and Cllr Hills

  1. Representative to Peter’s Green Village Hall Management Committee

Cllr Davies

  1. Representative to Kimpton Primary School Governing Board

Cllr Reavell

  1. Footpath and Way Marking Working Party

Cllr Baker and Cllr Marsh

  1. Major Emergency Planning Working Party

Cllr Baker, Cllr Davies and Cllr Reavell

  1. Sports Council

Cllr O’Brien and Cllr Reavell

  1. Open spaces, Village Greens, Recreation Grounds, Allotment and Playgrounds Working Party

Cllr Baker, Cllr Davies and Cllr Marsh

  1. Kimpton Rovers Football Pavilion Working Party

Cllr Baker, Cllr Davies and Cllr Reavell

  1. Tree Planting Working Party

It was agreed to ask Mr P Dyer to continue as Chairman

  1. Youth Initiatives

Cllr Curry, Cllr Hills and Cllr O’Brien

  1. Kimpton Parish Plan

Cllr G Curry and Cllr J Marsh

  1. Kimpton Bench Working Party

Cllr C Baker, Cllr G Curry and Cllr J Marsh (Mr B Finch – Leader)

  1. Kimpton Development Plan Working Party

Cllr C Baker (Chairman), Cllr G Curry, Cllr J Marsh and Cllr J Palmer

  1. Kimpton Environment Working Party

Cllr J Marsh and Cllr J Palmer

  1. Probyn House Working Party

Cllr C Baker, Cllr G Curry and Cllr D Reavell (Chairman)

Financial Report

Kimpton Parish Council employs the Parish Clerk as its Responsible Financial Officer to carry out the day-to-day administration, to prepare and present the annual accounts for audit and prepare an annual budget. Councillors consider future projects and agree the Annual Budget in November for the following financial year. The accounts and financial procedures are verified by an independent internal auditor. The six monthly internal audit was performed in November 2008 and no issues were identified in the figures or processes used to handle the parish’s finances. The internal auditor will carry out a final review in June 2009 for the year end Annual Accounts 2008/9. The annual accounts were approved at the Parish Council meeting held on 27th May 2009, as detailed on page 5 of the Annual Report. The Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2009 has been completed and will be sent to the External Auditor, BDO Stoy Hayward LLP Chartered Accountants.


It was necessary to increase the Parish Council precept for 2008/9 by 19% from £52,350 to £62,230 as the Council agreed to fund a part-time PCSO and audit regulations required that provision be made to maintain a sufficient level of council reserves. However, receipts were boosted by the second installment of the Parish Amenity Capital Investment Fund so that the income figure for grants rose from £3,459 in the year ending 31 March 2008 to £27,000 for this financial year. In total, receipts were £94,587, a rise of 57% but with expenditure only up 4% this gives a year-end balance increase from £19,250 to £42,807.

As part of the commitment of the Council to provide community facilities available to all residents, the Council kept the allotment rentals and sports rentals to an inflationary rise only.


The grass cutting contract remains competitive and ensures that public areas of the village are maintained to a high standard. The contract was extended to include the wildflower bank at Parkfield Sports Ground.

Items purchased throughout the year for the upkeep and improvement of the village includes the provision of new fence and rails at Parkfield Sports Ground, new bins at Parkfield Sports Ground and Recreation Ground and a new dog bin. The Council has maintained the hedgerows at Parkfield and Recreation Grounds at a neighbourly level, paid for the dog bin servicing and Playground inspections.

Parish Council grants were awarded to Kimpton Memorial Hall Management Committee, Peters Green Village Hall Management Committee and the Campaign to Protect Rural England. Kimpton Parish Council supports Neighbourhood Watch by funding the room hire for meetings and providing free photocopying.

‘Saving money’

The Parish Council has been able to supplement the precept by use of grants from North Herts District Council e.g. Parish Enhancement Fund and Herts County Council e.g. Parish Paths Partnership. In addition the parish has benefited from 5 new benches and 2 bins supplied free of charge by Herts County Council, 7 fruit trees funded by North Herts District Council, 100 hedgerow trees funded by Kimpton May Festival and Kimpton Horse Show and all were installed or planted, free of charge, by the Kimpton Bench Working Party.

Carina Helmn

Clerk to Kimpton Parish Council

Kimpton Parish Council

Annual Accounts Year Ended 31st March 2009

Bank totals
Balance at 1st April 2008
Current Account / 5332.78
Business Tracker / 13897.06 / 19229.84
Petty cash / 20.51 / 19250.35
2007/8 / RECEIPTS / 2008/9
52350.00 / Precept / 62230.00
522.50 / Sports Rental / 300.00
3459.18 / Grants and other income / 27000.59
655.00 / Allotment Rental / 770.50
1051.69 / Interest received / 279.12
0.00 / Loans received / 0.00
2143.34 / VAT repaid / 4006.86
60181.71 / TOTAL / 94587.07
25726.86 / Operational costs & staff / 31404.07
27397.84 / Property and Premises / 17178.99
1746.53 / Parish Office / 2140.62
737.00 / LGA 1972 S 137 / 167.00
1395.24 / Parish Buildings and other / 7730.23
1544.77 / Professional fees / 1402.76
104.77 / Finance charges / 40.00
0.00 / Assets purchased / 0.00
6846.68 / Loan repayments / 6846.68
2729.60 / VAT input / 4100.67
68229.29 / TOTAL / 71011.02
Balance at 31 March 2009
Current Account / 28629.71
Business Tracker / 14176.18 / 42805.89
Petty Cash / 1.89 / 42807.78
Increase for the Year / 23557.43

Cllr D ReavellMrs C Helmn


Date: 27th May 2009Date: 27th May 2009

Contact Details

Parish Councillors
Cllr Chris BAKER / E:
Cllr Geoff CURRY / E:
Vice-chairman / T: 01438 833418
Cllr Kim HILLS / E:
Cllr Jon MARSH / E:
Cllr Sue O’BRIEN / T: 01438 832446
Cllr Jon PALMER / E:
Cllr David REAVELL
Chairman / E:
Correspondence sent to the Parish Room will be forwarded to Councillors
Parish Clerk
Carina HELMN / Kimpton Parish Council
Parish Room
Kimpton Memorial Hall
Kimpton, Herts, SG4 8RD
T: 01438 832573

North Herts

District Councillor

Cllr John BISHOP / 8 Cresswick
Hitchin, Herts, SG4 8HU
T: 07836 630194

County Councillor

Cllr Richard THAKE / Hindsmount
Maydencroft Lane
Hitchin, Herts SG4 7QB
T: 01462 434711

The Rt. Hon. Peter Lilley MP

/ The House of Commons
T: 01582 834344

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