Application for Project Funding

1.0 / About the Organisation
1.1 / General Information
1.1.1 / Name of the Organisation / KARNATAK HEALTH INSTITUTE
1.1.2 / Postal Address and telephone / Ghataprabha, Dist-Belgaum-591 310,
Numbers in India / Karnataka State,
386231, Fax-386566
1.1.3 / Postal address and telephone
Numbers in U.S.(if applicable) / N/A
1.1.4 / Tax Id / PAN – AADFK0362L
1.1.5 / FCRA Registration No. / 094440033
1.1.6 / Society Registration No.
(if applicable) / 1) XXI of 1860
2) Number in the Register of Bombay Public Trust Act E-63 (BGM)
1.1.7 / Mission and Vision of the
TO GOD – Serving and medicare/surgery,
Education of rural people esp.women &
Children, on health issues.
1.1.8 / Organization WWW address / http : /
1.1.9 / Names and profiles of Directors/
Core people involved in the
Organisation / Attached Annx 1
1.1.10 / Major Focus Area / Basic Health AcademicEducation
Village Health Clinic Non-formal
Nurses Training
Other Projects - Udyog Kendra for
women, Bal-Bhavan /
Childrn Welfare,
Educating rural
masses -through
1.2 / Background/History
1.2.1 Please explain briefly your Organisation’s history, how and when it was
Formed etc.
In 1929, young Dr.G.R.Kokatnur, back after advanced medical studies in
U.S.A., shocked his peers when he announced his ambition :
Establishing a rural health center with advanced medical facilities.
Impressed by his devotion, the then Government of Bombay, granted him
149 acres of land in Ghataprabha. Dr.Kokatnur soon found other like minded
friends like Dr.N.S.Hardiker, veteran freedom-fighter, and Dr.M.K.Vaidya, (1948-49) an eminent Surgeon, who attracted other specialists to this ambitious giant project.
Dr Kokatnur’s dream took concrete shape in 1935, when the Karnatak Health Institute and T.B.Sanatorium were established and started functioning. KHI Hospital started with the Objectives of serving the rural poor, especially the women and children from villages, at Minm. Costs that the patient can afford easily. Right from it’s inception (1935), it started Giving free maternity service as also other medical services at extremely low costs or Even at times no costs! It’s main feature was that, it emerged as a pioneering T.B.Sanatorium.
Brief History
Over the past 68 years since then, the KHI has evolved into a bustling hospital
Complex, with professionals looking after projects in basic health services, village health clinics, health education to rural masses, as also in primary education, vocational enterprise and social welfare. (For details refer Annx 2)
1.2.2 / Briefly explain project that have been implemented by your Organisation in the
Past. Also include details of any organization that funded the organization for
These projects. Highlight the achievements of these projects. (See Annx 3)
PROJECTS (1955-1989) : (1) Mahila-Mandala (Women’s Socio-cultural
Groups) In Rural Areas (2) Balwadies, (A Creche), Aanganwadi
(Children’s Day-care), in villages. Mid-day meals for children.
Village-heatlh Clinics for women. (3) Vidyamandir (School upto
std.VII) in KHI And Gymnasium (4) `Udyogkendra’ the Vocational
Training for Rural women, at KHI (1962) and was the Govt.
Diploma (Sewing) Examination center, till 1999-2001. Then this
programme and (5) Village health-clinics maternity homes
(6 villages) of Govt. was closed (6) Dairy-business : revolving
credit to women
(1990-2001) : (1) Vocational Training for women included woodcraft, toys,
and onwards dolls making, embriodary etc.various courses are conducted .
(2) Mahila-Mandals (Women’s Social Clubs) are being replaced
by the “Self-Help-Groups”, includes economic empowerment . of women. (Both the projects for economically back-ward)
(3) Dairy-Business modernized; added activity : vermicomposting
(4) Educational Health Museum (Mini Museum getting expanded
into the world-standards (In Process)
(5) Modernising Health-services, adding latest-hospital
machinery/equipment (This is in process)
(6) “Bal-Bhavan” for children’s profound development (GK,
Games, sports, health, talent)
(7) Personality-development and Leadership-training for staff/
(8) Medical conferences/seminars (Educational Workshops)
1.2.3 / Please explain your interaction/relationship with other non-profit organization,
Government agencies, schools, universities etc.
1) With Central Social – Welfare-Board, for the crèche/Balwadi. Reimbursement from the Board, for expenses incurred by us for above
Purposes. There is delay in getting the same, and reimbursement received
so far, are of very intermittent nature.
2) We have developed excellent rapport with other NPO helping us and
Keep reporting to them regularly, about progress made. Sir Dorabjee
Tata Trust, Mumbai, has been supporting our School of Nursing to the
Extent of Rs.12/- lacs per anum, and have such commitment for 3 years.
3) Leaslie Sawhny Programme, another NPO under House of Tatas, of
Which Shri Arvind Deshpande is Hon.Secretary and Advisor, has been
with intimate relationship with KHI, eversince our CMO Dr.Kiran
Vaidya was felicitated and awarded by LSP with Brig.John Dalvi
Award, for unique social service.
Also, our staff went all the way to Devlali at LSP’s training
Center, for training in “Leadership and Team-Building”, and this
Was fully sponsored by Leslie Sawhny Centre, Devlali.
4) We inter-acted and revived our age old contact with “People for
Progress in India”, at Ceatle (USA), and they responded with warmest
Regards and worthy financial assistance to our Udyog Kendra i.e.
Vocational training center for women. Similarly the Pitsburg
Venkateshwara Temple and individuals from Maharashtra Mandal
Handsomely contributed
1.3 / Financial Information (Please attach a copy of last two years Auditor’s Report)
Annx.4 (Senidng the same via air mail)
1.3.1 / Annual Budget (EXPENDITURE) / Rs.1.35 crore + 0.25 crore = 1.60 crore
(Revenue) (Capital) (Total Out-Lay)
1.3.2 / Current funding sources of the
Organisation / Indigenous : Hospital Activities & Medical Store, Nationalised Banks, Other Banking Companies (Semi-Govt), Sir Dorabjee Tata Trust, Lesly-Sawhney Programme (House of Tata’s), Other Charitable Institutions & Individuals
From abroad : People for Progress in India (PPI) from Ceatle, Maharashtra Mandal,
Venkateshwara Temple, Pittsburg
1.3.3 / Bank/Branch/Account Details
(Indian) / Syndicate Bank Ghataprabha & Belgaum, State Bank of India, Gokak
Canara Bank, Belgaum
1.3.4 / Bank/Branch/Account Details
(Foreign) / N/A
2.0 About the Project
2.1 General Information
2.1.1 / Title of the project. Give a brief
2) HEALTH-EDUCATION-MUSEUM (Students and Masses)
2.1.2 / Vision and Mission of Project / Serving the poor rural poor and women and
Children, with medicare at minm./no costs1
-Educating rural masses about health and
2.1.3 / Name of contact person / Dr.Kiran M.Vaidya, M.S.
Chief Medical Officer, KHI, Ghataprabha
2.1.4 / Address of contact person / As above
2.2 Short Term Goals : Please explain in detail, what you expect to achieve through
This project in the next 6 months through 1 year. (Add additional sheets if
1) First survey planned in next qtr (Jan-Mar 2004) : about status of women
And children’s health in Gokak-Taluka, especially those 6 villages, where
We had our Village Health Clinics, namely Nabapur, Yadwad, Dhupdal, Masaguppi, Kolavi & Khanagaon.
2) Then KHI intends to shape-up these centers (With Mahila-Mandals in
6 villages), with ideas befitting into requirements of today, i.e. with new
faces of “Self-Help-Groups” concept as nurtured/propounded by the
Government of India, with NGO-participation and co-ordination
3) Reviiving our former schemes for women-welfare-step-by-step : (The next
6 months) : Steps : 1) Health of Women and Children
2) Primary Education and Vocational training
3) Economic Empowerment of women (Self-Help-
Groups activised)
Of these, No.1 is our Short-term-goal and 2 and 3 are in long-term
Perspective, we thrive to achieve
A modest beginning has been made by :
1) Starting a Self-Help-Group in Karnatak Health Institute which after 1 year’s
Savings, have started a small business of running an evening-pantry/
Coffeeshop for inpatients and their relations living/admitted in KHI
This group is regularly working for more than 2 years now
2) Another group of women has joined vocational training from Feb, 03 and
In the beginning of next year, shall be formed into a new SHG.
In this training centre we inpart training in various vocations, including that of sewing & tailoring, embroidery, wooden toys & soft toys making, and making of fancy dolls.
Recently, in Dashara-Durga Pooja Utsav in Hyderabad, organised by “Kristi-Gosthi” a Bengoli cultural organization, these fancy dolls were exhibited and widely appreciated, resulting in 100% sale in just two days (150 dolls yielding price at an average of Rs.70/-).
This was only a trial effort, and the total success of the same has inpired us to help wide spread marketing and thereby forward the entire benefit for the cause of economically rehabilitating these poor rural women of SHG.
3) For profound development of School-children, we have started “Bal-Bhavan” in KHI recently. We have trained two teachers of KHI for the
Purpose .
Thus, short-term goals are already on hand!
1) OPD 5159 4907 5112
2) IPD 596 624 678
3) TB Sanatorium(New admissions) 30 37 21
4) Gynaecology (Consultation) 1293 1282 1315
5) Maternity 168 199 216
6) Czerian 15 22 30
7) Family-planning 37 45 46
8) Gynac-surgery 59 33 59
9) Ultra-sonography 235 340 331
10) Paediatrics 4 2 5
11) Opthalmalogy 63 13 53
12) Dentistry 91 65 126
13) E.N.T. 53 36 54
14) Artificial Limbs 17 23 27
15) B.C.G. 86 105 133
16) Polio-triple 14-7 11-14 13-13
Besides the above, concessions and freeships are given to many patients,
In the category of : Children, women, (Gynaec/Maternity) TB-Cases, OPD
Consultations etc. with Ratio : 20 to 30% of the cases)
2.3 / Long Term Goal : Please explain in detail what are your long term goals
From this project? (Add additional sheets if necessary)
Long-term Goals :
1) Extending medical services to villages in Gokak Taluka, starting with
6 villages as stated above, in 2.2. Utilising Women SHG strength in
the long-run, for the purpose, for local co-ordination and to help our
para medical/medical staff
2) Gradually implementing innovative ideas of women empowerment
Through promotion of economic development activities amongst
The rural women
3) Linking Groups to Banks for Financial assistance for their small
Businesses. Group’s capital formation through inculcating habits of
Savings more and more, for better life.
4) Networking of village health centers (Clinics) and groups through
NGO co-ordination (Here NGO is Karnatak Health Institute
5) Through this networking, which includes networking for primary
Education purposes and Health-education amongst the rural
Masses on the one hand, and marketing-network on the other, for
Helping groups achieve market sustainability for their business-
6) Over a period of time, total community-involvement in development
Process (educational and medical) is facilitated, through KHI as NGO
With co-ordination with volunteering women-groups on local
Village level.
This can be explained by following “Development Cycle” :-
(Our Long-run perspective)
---- Project Area : Gokak Taluka, 6 villages
---- Referral Centre : Karnatak Health Institute
---- Infrastructure : 4 creches, 2 villages- Maternity-homes,
15 Balwadies
---- Transport : KHI Ambulance, OR Tempo-trax
UNIT-COSTS (One Village As unit)
STAGE I : Survey of 6 villages, where Mahila-Mandal is active
i) Co-ordinators honorarium p.m. 800.00
ii) Local field-workers (2) 1000.00
iii) Transport-costs (50kms. @ 4/- for 6000.00
(30 days)
iv) Printing and Stationery (Reports) 1000.00
v) MSC TA/DA of Staff (30 daysX3X20) 1800.00
vi) MSC expenses 400.00
Survey-costs Stage 1 RS.11,000.00
A) Doctor’s visit 1 500.00
Nurses 2 400.00
Technician (Lab) 1 300.00 1200.00
B) Investigation per patient (20 X 200) 4000.00
(10 ANC + 10 PNC cases @)
+ ANC medicines @ 60/- 600.00
+ PNC medicines @ 50/- 500.00
MSC. Services 200.00
C) For six villages (x6) 39,000.00
STAGE 3 : Delivery at KHI 10 Normal 3000.00
10 Extra-normal 15000.00
and transport of 20 patients 7000.00
@ 350/- (Average) ______
25000.00 25,000.00
For 6 Villages/month ------
Stages (2+3) 64,000.00
Add : Admin/Gen.Expenses : (Per month)
1) Clerk-cum typist 500.00 p.m.
2) Printing and Stationery 500.00 p.m.
3) Project co-ordinator 1500.00 p.m.
4) Field-Workers (2) 1000.00 p.m.
5) Promotional/educational 1500.00 p.m.
6) Girl-related issues and education 1000.00 6,000.00
Total costs/p.m. (64+6) 70,000.00
Therefore, annual budget comes to Rs.8,40,000.00
b.f. Rs. 8,40,000.00
Add : Equipments required : Rs. 60,000.00
a) Sex-education
b) Women-related education
c) Education on HIV/Prevention of aids
Add : Survey-costs (Stage 1 above) Rs. 11,000.00
TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT (one year ) Rs.09,11,000.00
NB : It’s important to note here, that charges for the services considered are
25% (or even lesser) of charges elsewhere/any other hospitals.
BREAK-UP (Costs)
A) Annually, 20 X 12 = 240 delivery cases worth Rs.2,16,000.00
Medicines worth Rs. 90,000.00
1440 investigations wrth Rs.2,88,000.00
Consulting worth Rs. 86,500.00
Education worth Rs. 60,000.00
Ambulance and worth Rs. 84,500.00
Annual costs of Medical services Rs.8,25,000.00
B) With Admin expenses (per year) 72000
MSC Exp. “ 3000
Survey one time 11000
86000 Rs. 86,000.00
Total costs A + B Rs.9,11,000.00
Educational Health Museum is the latest, that we have thought of as an
Attractive yet essential medium for health-awarness and education amongst
Rural people. Pictures, Exhibits, Models are the most effective medium for learning with interest. Electronic media, if added, will bring “Colours” to entire efforts of effective education through slides and film-shows (even with use of CD), especially for highschool/college students (Benefitting large spectrum of students from Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra). Both indoor/outdoor exhibits/models/games will be utilized for the purpose.