Premise Pass Fail N/A Performance Pass Fail N/A
1. Current License Displayed□□□ 12. Record keeping □□□
2. Housekeeping□□□ 13. Storage□□□
3. Lighting □□□ 14. Pest Control□□□
4. Adequate Temp. Control□□□ 15. Sanitation□□□
5. Adequate Ventilation□□□ 16. Waste Disposal□□□
6. Fire Extinguisher□□□ Animal Care
Enclosures 17. Classification & Separation□□□
7. Space Requirements□□□ 18. Adequate Food□□□
8. Interior Surfaces□□□ 19. Adequate Water□□□
9. Structural Strength□□□ 20. Selling or adoption of injured/□□□
10. Shelter from the Elements□□□ diseased/abnormal animals
11. Drainage□□□ 21. Minimum Age to Sell & Adopt□□□
22. Tethering□□□
Pass – met all elements of the particular requirement23. Euthanasia □□□
Fail – failed to meet one or more elements of the particular requirement24. Humane Care□□
At the beginning of the report, write the establishments licensable activity. Refer to the appropriate establishment information sheetsfor additional inspection and report writing guidance. A pre-license inspection that passes, write at the end of the report:This establishment meets therequirement for a Ga. Dept. of Agriculture license.
1.Is there a current license displayed? {when you receive an application and fee write in the report: I received the application and license fee of $______, cash; check #; money order #}
2.Is the premiseclean and in good repair?{building & grounds}
3.Is general lighting in the indoor housing facilitysufficient? {general lighting must provide sufficient illumination to protect the pets health; allow adequate housekeeping; allow adequate inspection}
4.Is adequate temperature maintained? What maintains the temperature - heater; a/c; etc.? {the indoor pet housing facilitytemperature must be maintained between 45F & 85F}
5.Is adequateventilation provided? What provides the ventilation - a/c; doors; windows; ventilation fan; etc.?{indoor pet housing facilitymust have ventilation so as to minimize drafts;odors; moisture condensation}
6.Is there afunctional fire extinguishing device in the facility? What is the devise - fire extinguisher; sprinkler system;water hose;etc.?
7.Are primary enclosures providing the pets with sufficient space?{sufficient space allows them to turn about freely; easily stand; sit; lie; perch; swim; etc. in a comfortable and normal position}
8.Is the surface of eachindoor housing facility pet enclosuresubstantially impervious to moisture?
9.Is each pet enclosure, indoor & outdoortransport vehicle, in a good state of repair as to prevent injury or suffering? Is there a suitable resting surface in each dog & cat enclosure with a grated or mesh bottom?Is there a receptacle between each vertically stacked pet enclosure?
10.Are the petsbeing provided with shelter from rain, snow, cold and sunlight atthe outdoor establishment?Is sufficient and clean bedding material or other reasonable means of protection being provided when necessary?
11.Is the excess water in each pet enclosure being eliminated? Is there a closed drainage system in the pet enclosure and is the drainage system equipped with a trap to prevent sewage backup? Is there a cover for the drainage system in the pet enclosure?
12.Do all applicable records appear to be correct? Are all records maintained for a period of twelve months? {write in the inspection report the beginning & ending dates of the records that were inspected}{write in the inspectionreport or the documents checklist all forms & rules that are being left and/or downloaded at the establishment; and/or emailed to the establishment}{records to be inspected include but not limited to: incoming; outgoing; monthly bird inventory; certificate of veterinary inspection; animal shelter agent/foster home; agency transfer; etc.}
13.How are the supplies & food &bedding stored?
14.Is an effective program for pests control maintained & who performs the pest control? {establishmentowner, pest control company, etc.}
15.How often are the pet enclosures cleaned and disinfected? Is soiled bedding removed & replaced? Are pets prevented from getting wet when hosing is used in their enclosure? Are the pets in nearby enclosures protected from being contaminated with water and other waste during cleaning/disinfecting? {cleaning/disinfecting includes but not limited to – pet enclosures; equipment; cat litter & pans; grooming tables & equipment & floor; pet transport vehicle enclosures}
16.How Is waste being disposed of? {waste includes but not limited to animal & food waste; bedding; dead animals; debris}
17.How is pet classification & separation accomplished? {housed separately; separated by compatibility; separated by sex; separated by size;separated by temperament; separated per pet owners request; etc.}
18.How often is adequate food provided? How often are the food bowls washed? {adequate food means palatable; non-contaminated; nutritionally adequate food that is fed according to species requirement}
19.How often is adequate water provided? How often are the water bowls washed? {adequate water means clean; fresh; potable water offered at suitable intervals according to species requirements}
20.Is the person that is receiving a pet with an apparent health related condition made aware of the condition in writing prior to change of ownership?
21.Pets that are sold, offered for sale, exchanged, or offered for adoption must be at the minimum age.Is the person that is receiving a pet that is not independent of parental nurturing provided written care and feeding recommendations prior to the change of ownership?
22.Is temporary and/or permanent pet tethering done? {permanent tethering can only be done in a secure fenced area} {tethering devices must be of a type commonly used for the size pet involved and attached by a well fitted and appropriate devise};
23.Requirements for animal shelters where certified laypersons perform euthanasia: Is euthanasia being performed in the order of preference IV, IP, IC {IV injection is 1cc per 10 lbs. of body weight; IP injection is two to three times the IV amount; IC injection is 1cc per 10 lb. of body weight – IC injection on unconscious pets only}?In cases of extraordinary circumstance where the dog or cat poses an extreme risk or danger to the person performing euthanasia is any other humane substance or humane procedure used other than hypodermic needle injection of sodium pentobarbital or a derivative of it? Is there a euthanasia certification letter on file?Are any dogs or cats left unattended between the start of euthanasia and death? Are the euthanasia-controlled substance records kept on approved forms and are the forms properly signed by the layperson performing the euthanasia and the witness?Are the euthanasia records maintained for one year?Is there a current D.E.A. registration form, for controlled substance storage, with the licensed veterinarians name and shelter’s physical address? Is the controlled substance storage done properly?
24.Does it appear all pets are receiving humane care? {this requirement must be marked fail if any requirement fails because of any act; omission; or neglect; which causes unjustifiable physical pain; suffering; or death to any living animal} {a violation must be written if this requirement is marked fail}