November 1, 2006
Any Sponsor
Any Street
Normal, NJ 01000
Dear Any Sponsor:
I am writing on behalf of the Portland VA Research Foundation, Inc. to acknowledge receipt of check number 12345 in the amount of $25,000 from Any Sponsor.
It is our understanding that this amount is provided in support of the research project “Any Project” which has been approved for performance at the Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center under the direction of Dr. P. Investigator. Further, it is our understanding that there are no specific restrictions on the use of these funds and that they may be used to pay for any research purpose approved by the Portland VA Research Foundation, Inc.
Please be advised that the Portland VA Research Foundation, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the actual conduct of the research which is the responsibility of the principal investigator with oversight by the Research and Development Committee of the Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Upon completion of the study, it is our usual practice to allow the investigator to use the remaining balance of funds, if any, for the general support of approved research activities. Please advise the Portland VA Research Foundation, Inc. if this is not acceptable to you or if the use of the funds is restricted.
The Portland VA Research Foundation, Inc. is pleased to participate in this research with Any Sponsor. We thank you for your contribution.
Executive Director