Math 103 - CooleyStatistics for Teachers OCC
Classroom Activity #5 – Standing Tall
This lesson is intended for students to gain conceptual understanding of
The three measures of central tendency. Students willmeasure heights
of classmates,and calculate mean, median, and mode as well as range.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- State measures which describe central tendency and dispersion of a set of numbers.
- Find the median, mean, and mode of a set of numbers.
- Find the range of a set of numbers.
- Use technology (Microsoft Excel or TI graphing calculators) to calculate statistics (optional).
- Tape measure or 2 yard sticks.
- Microsoft Excel or TI graphing calculators (optional).
Instructional Plan
- MEDIAN: Have an odd number of students (at least 9 or more) stand in the front of the classroom, arrange themselves in terms of ascending heights. The height of the person standing in the middle is the median height. Measure this person’s height (in inches) for the solution. Repeat the activity with a different group of students. However, this time use an even number of students (at least 10 or more). The median will be halfway between the heights of the two students standing in the middle. Measure both of these students heights (in inches) and then take the average (mean) of those two heights for the solution.Have students give the definition of median in their own words.
- MODE: Have the same group of even number of students stand at the front of the room.If there are some who are the same height, then the height that occurs most frequently is the mode. (It is possible that no two students are the same height. It is also possible to have more than one mode.) Have students give the definition of mode in their own words.
- MEAN: With the same group of students, have the students compute this by adding up the heights and dividing by the number of students in the group. It is important for the teacher to have the students look at their answer in relation to the entire list of numbers.
- RANGE: Have everyone except the tallest and shortest students in the group to sit down. Measure the distance from the top of one of their heads to the top of the other person's head. That is the range. Guide students to tell you that subtraction can be used to find this.
1.Consider having the students arrange their height data using a stem-and-leaf plot. Use the tens and hundreds digits as the stem.
NCTM Standards and Expectations
Data Analysis & Probability 3-5
- Collect data using observations, surveys, and experiments.
- Represent data using tables and graphs such as line plots, bar graphs, and line graphs.
Measurement 3-5
1.Select and apply appropriate standard units and tools to measure length, area, volume, weight, time, temperature, and the size of angles.
This lesson was obtained from the Educator’s Reference Desk website. (
This lesson has been modified by
Originally created by Tuiren Bratina and Janet Bosnick, University of North Florida, June 1996.
Statistical Concepts: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion