Education in Modern SocietyQuiz Three
Form A Fall 2007
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1. A new policy requiring teachers to pass an exam to obtain or renew a license would be implemented by:
a. Teacher education programs in colleges and universities
b. Local school districts
c. National accreditation agencies
d. State department of education
2. A Nation at Risk charged that the United States:
a. Should direct more educational resources to the underprivileged
b. Needed to have a more child-centered educational policy
c. Had been committing “unilateral educational disarmament”
d. Had failed to develop a social action curriculum to fit the times
3. A teacher who does not intervene to stop a fight in which a students is seriously injured may be liable for:
a. Malfeasance
b. Misfeasance
c. Nonfeasance
d. Malpractice
4. After the Serrano case, Proposition 13 was passed by voters in California to:
a. Equalize funding between poor and wealthy school districts
b. Limit increases in the property tax rate
c. Replace the property tax with the income tax as the primary source of revenue for public schools
d. All of the above
5. If Wisconsin and Minnesota decided on equal funding for all public school students, this would be an example of:
a. Interstate Collusion
b. Buckley Amendment
c. No Child Left Behind Legislation
d. Interstate Equity
6. As seen in the “Cheating” segment, which of the following is one thing that teachers did in order to prevent cheating in their class?
a. Blame the children’s parents
b. Blame the grandparents of the student
c. Talk to the principal about the issue
d. Do not leave the classroom
7. Categorical grants are:
a. State funds provided to school districts to raise test scores in critical subject areas, such as reading and math
b. State funds used to equalize funding among local student districts
c. Federal aid programs targeted at specific educational needs such as special education
d. Funds provided to states by the federal government to spend at their discretion
8. Jonathan Kozol is profiled in chapter 9 and is talking, among other things, about vouchers. He thinks vouchers are:
a. The best hope for the poor
b. Used mainly by the wealthy
c. Used for public schools only
d. Used for private schools only
9. From the “Alternative Visions” segments, what type of school was Urban Academy?
a. Alternative, public, magnet high school
b. Private, Catholic, technology-focused school
c. Language and fine arts academy
d. Performing arts, communication, public school
10. TRUE or FALSE: Historically, wealth was determined by property, not money.
a. True
b. False
11. Statistically, what is the best indicator of student success?
a. Amount of education of the father
b. Amount of education of the mother
c. Amount of extracurricular activities the school offers
d. Amount of money a school district spends on each student
12. In San Antonio v. Rodriguez (1973), the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the responsibility of reforming school finance rests on:
a. The shoulders of the newly created Educational Reform and School Goals Commission
b. Local school districts
c. Federal government
d. States
13. In the 1950s, Milton Friedman began advocating freedom of choice in education: He believed:
a. Parents should be able to choose where to send their children to school
b. Teachers should choose their curricula from within broad district guidelines
c. Students should have ultimate flexibility in determining class schedules
d. Students should be able to choose between an academic and vocational track
14. The Moodle video in Chapter 9, talks about Match charter school. The principal at Match:
a. Was rarely in the building
b. Was a young, Black woman
c. Greeted each child at the door
d. Was the chief disciplinarian
15. TRUE or FALSE: Teachers are allowed to encourage their students to attend certain religious meetings.
a. True
b. False
16. John Goodland surveyed parents, teachers, and students about the goals of schools. He found that:
a. Parents, teachers, and students’ rank four main goals (academic, social/civic, vocational, personal) “very important”
b. Parents, teachers, and students hold sharply differing views on school goals
c. Parents, teachers, and students believed that the most important goal of school was teaching civic responsibility
d. Parents, teachers, and students said that teaching morals and emotional wellbeing are less important than academics
17. Local school boards are responsible for all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Negotiating teacher salaries
b. Issuing teacher licenses
c. Hiring and firing teachers
d. Local school boards are responsible for all of these functions
18. Research by Gilligan found that moral development in males versus females is different. Males see_____ as most important, while females see_____ as most important.
a. Justice, love
b. Right, wrong
c. Punishment, rewards
d. Beginning, end
19. Which of the following is NOT part of the five-factor theory of effective schools?
a. Strong leadership
b. A clear school mission
c. A safe and orderly climate
d. Teachers with Masters’ degrees
20. Serrano v. Priest (1971), was a California Supreme Court decision on sources of educational funding that:
a. Validated the estate tax
b. Declared the property tax unconstitutional
c. Validated the sales tax
d. Declared the income tax unconstitutional
21. The contemporary approach to a moral education, designed to exemplify and instill the core attributes of a moral person, is called:
a. Comprehensive values education
d. Wholistic values education
c. Character education
d. Axiological education
22. Learning how to participate in a complex democratic society is part of a school’s:
a. Explicit instruction
b. Moral developments
c. in loco parentis
d. Hidden curriculum
23. TRUE or FALSE: Magnet schools were created during the Nixon administration as an alternative to out-dated facilities.
a. True
b. False
24. The Family Rights and Privacy Act is also known as:
a. Due process
c. Title VII
d. The Buckley Amendment
25. According to a class lecture on December 2nd, ONE thing that Americans do so poorly as a generation is:
a. Travel to non-European destinations
b. Speak others’ languages
c. Secure jobs in math and science professions
d. Think critically about our strengths
26. The most widely known for-profit schools in America are:
a. Catholic schools
b. Lutheran schools
c. Edison schools
d. Franklin schools
27. The right to an “adequate education” is:
a. Not a protected right under law, it is a responsibility on the part of the citizens
b. Mandated by federal civil rights laws, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act
c. Provided for under many state constitutions and laws
d. Guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution
28. The major share of funding for public education is paid for by the:
a. Federal government through educational mandate such as NCLB
b. Local schools districts through operating property tax levies
c. State, a major portion of its budget
d. Private investors who donate large sums of money called scholarships and grants
29. TRUE or FALSE: John Goodland, in A Place Called School, focused on academic, vocational, social and civic, and personal development of children within schools.
a. True
b. False
30. Under federal law, teachers are protected from discrimination in employment EXCEPT on the basis of:
a. Disability
b. Sexual orientation
c. Religious affiliation
d. Race or ethnicity
31. What do we call the three criteria determining the legality of government funds used in religious schools?
a. The voucher standard
b. The Friedman test
c. The 1964 Civil Rights Act
d. The Anti-establishment clause
32. According to one discussion in Chapter 9 of the text, which of the following is NOT correlated to school effectiveness?
a. Technology use
b. Monitoring student progress
c. Strong leadership
d. Setting high expectations
33. Which of the following would constitute a violation of students’ First Amendment Rights?
a. The school librarian restricts student access to the internet using a software filter program
b. School administrators censor an article on teenage homosexuality in a student newspaper written by the journalism class
c. The faculty decides not to include Of Mice and Men and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings in the ninth-grade curriculum because these books deal with age-inappropriate issues
d. A student is suspended for wearing a Pepsi t-shirt on “Coke Day” to protest the corporate sponsorship of the school
34. Which of the following is most closely associated with the goal of desegregating schools?
a. For-Profit schools
b. Open enrollment
c. Magnet Schools
d. Vouchers
35. Which students, under Title IX, are protected from sexual harassment in schools?
a. Male students
b. Female students
c. GLBT students
d. All students
36. Which of the following is NOT in the Six Stages of Kohlberg?
a. Learning right from wrong
b. Right and wrong are dependant peer influences
c. Justice is most important
d. Avoiding pain and seeking pleasure
37. The idea that schools would be more effective if they functioned in a free-market, and competed against one another, is known as:
a. One-For-All Theory
b. The Choice Concept
c. Deluder Satan Act
d. Hidden Curriculum
38. Historically, the major purpose of public schools was to:
a. Transmit knowledge
b. Educate citizens about their human rights
c. Reconstruct society
d. Both A & C are correct
39. Which of the following is NOT a Wave of Educational Reform?
a. Increased funded federal mandates
b. Teacher empowerment
c. More courses, more testing
d. Full service schools
40. Choose the BEST answer. Urban schools are:
a. Attracting experienced, talented teachers
b. Rarely have sports teams
c. Property tax poor
d. Improving each day