The minutes of the Memorial Gardens Trust meeting held on Monday 28th November 2016,
in the Meridian Centre, 201, Queen Street, Withernsea.
Present: Chairman Dave Edwards (DE), Mr T. Dagnall (TD), Mr B. Cloke (BC), Mr K Hardcastle (KH), Mr M. Lloyd (ML), Mr Eric Saxby (ES),and Mr Patrick Wilkinson (PW), Lucy Carter (LC) and Felicity Walmsley (FW)
David Hillman Barnett (DHB)-observing only.
Jayne Moxon (JM) Secretary to the Trustees, Kerri Dawson (KLHD) Deputy Clerk.
Press: 0. Police: 0. Public: 0.
Minute / Points raised or agreed / Action By828
836 / To elect Vice-Chairman. Cllr Patrick Wilkinson elected.
Co-option of new Trustees. Cllrs FW, LC and DHB co-opted as new trustees.
Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. None.
Declarations of Interest:
To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. BC declared an interest as a property owner backing onto and adjoining Memorial Land.
Cllrs TD and FW declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 8a of the agenda as members of the Big Local.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.
Minutes: To confirm that the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2016 are a true and correct record of that which took place. The minutes were AGREED and signed.
Public Participation: To agree public participation. Agreed. Philip West, supporting churches in South Holderness asked about the use of Memorial land for a play in Easter 2017. Details are to be submitted for the next meeting.
Cllr BC spoke on behalf of a neighbouring resident who is a recent victim of a car crime on the shared ten foot behind Queens Terrace; The ownership of the lamp post will be looked into. Residents own security lighting was suggested as was resident’s possible contributions to CCTV in the area.
The Clerk will enquire into the cost of CCTV inclusion on the current system, though the location may be a problem.
Secretary to the Trustees report. The Clerk needs further clarification from the proprietors of Castle Cafe as to what is required to the extractor fan.
Items to consider/agree/adopt by the Memorial Gardens Trustees.
To approve structure of plant machinery for fountain project. Time scale to be questioned as was due before the season of 2017. Also the use of car parking spaces needs confirming.
Meeting adjourned to allow Mr Crawley, Chairman of Big Local to speak.
Big Local is awaiting a reply from ERYC re: tenders. Until Big Local has seen them it won’t be moving forwards.
Back to meeting.
An update is required from Big Local once a receipt of the tender’s information. Item deferred
Trustee Reports for reporting only. Car Park barriers to be chased up.
Meeting closed at 8.25pm. End. / JM