Schools may use the electronic form. Please make necessary changes and inserts.
We are glad you are attending the STLP (INSERT HERE)
Student Name: ___________________________________ District: ___________________
School: _______________________________
STLP Coordinator’s Name: __________________________________
What to Bring
Appropriate Dress: While not generally considered professional attire, your clothes should represent your profession, being a student, in a positive manner. You will be identified as the representative of all students in Kentucky. Represent your colleagues appropriately.
Do Not Bring
Inappropriate Items: Absolutely no illegal items or substances will be tolerated at the STLP Showcase. Any student found in possession of any of these items will be removed from the site immediately, at their parent’s expense. All school rules apply at showcase.
Transportation and Arrival Time
It is the responsibility of you/your group to provide your own transportation to and from showcase.
Adult Escort
All student groups must be escorted to the conference by an adult chaperone. The chaperone is expected to monitor their students’ behavior. Students can be expected to attend sessions, exhibit hall and other events inside the large convention center area. Chaperones need to know where the students are at most given moments.
Adult Escort: Relationship to Student:
STLP Signature Date:
Parent/Guardian Signature Date:
All school forms must be brought to the showcase on the day of attendance. Keep forms nearby. If your student has any health issues, please inform the adult working with your child.
Many people have been working diligently to plan interesting and exciting activities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email INSERT HERE or voice INSERT HERE.
(Page 2)
Contact Information
Parent/Guardian Name:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone/Pager: _______________________
Place of Employment
Emergency Contact (if unable to reach parent/guardian)
Special allergies or needs: ________________________________________________
Name: Relation:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Place of Employment
**Special Diets or Special Instructions: ________________________________________________
Does your child have any allergies or needs that we need to be aware of? ____
If yes, describe: _________________________________________________________
Photo/Video Release
Photos and videos are taken for distribution purposes. The pictures or video may be in publications or on the web. STLP is legally required to inform you about publicity photos that might be taken of you and ask your permission.
No last names will be used on the web or in publications.
I hereby give my consent to have any pictures in which my child appears to be used for publicity and other purposes related to the promotion of the Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP).
I give permission for the pictures to be used. q YES q NO
q Other: ______________________________________________________________
Name of Student: ____________________________________________________________________________
Your behavior is critical for success. Your responsibility is to respect the rights of all other participants and to behave in an appropriate manner.
As a participant
· I agree to attend and interact throughout the entire student involvement area. (Sitting and just visiting is not an option. I am at the conference to help and learn.)
· I have gone over rules with my STLP Coordinator.
· I will utilize the technology and Internet connectivity provided in a responsible manner and will not do anything that violates the Acceptable Use Policy of my district and the Kentucky Department of Education.
· I agree to cooperate with the rules, with others and be personally responsible for my behavior at all times.
· I am to listen to my chaperone.
· All school rules and regulations on student behavior apply on this trip.
· I am to wear my badge at all times and an adult could report my name if seen causing problems.
· I am not to leave the building without permission from my chaperone.
· I realize I could be asked to leave if any problems arise.
· I agree to be responsible for my actions and to always act in a manner that will favorably reflect all of Kentucky’s students.