All partners, Steering Committee, Advisory Group, Key stakeholders
Klaipėda,17-19October 2010
Hotel "Old Mill" (Žvejų g. 22, Klaipėda)
October 17(Sunday)
Arrival of participants
21:00 Get-together café “Ryžių malūnas” (located at hotel "Old Mill" (Žvejų g. 22, Klaipėda)
October 18(Monday) (hotel "Old Mill", conference meeting room)
- Opening, welcome words, introducing Advisory Group
- Presentations on all four stakeholder bodies (signed agreements, participants, issues, max. 10-15 min. per lagoon):
1.Curonian lagoon (LT-RU), Boris Chubarenko
2.Vistula lagoon (RU-PL), Piotr Margonski
3.Oder lagoon (DE-PL), Gerald Schernewski or another representative from the lagoon
4.Oresund (SE), Henrik Nielsen/Olof Linden
- Presentations on Case studies (all), approval (max.30 min. per lagoon):
1.Curonian lagoon (LT-RU), Arturas Razinkovas
2.Vistula lagoon (RU-PL), Piotr Margonski
3.Oder lagoon (DE-PL), Gerald Schernewski or another representative from the lagoon
4.Oresund (SE), Henrik Nielsen/Olof Linden
- Case study synthesis: the best practice code, Ramunas Povilanskas (appr. 25 min.)
- Discussion
Coffee and snacks will be served during the session.
Lunch at café “Ryžių malūnas”
- Cooperation and synergy with other projects (Arturas Razinkovas)
- Components 3 and 4:
1.Rationale and road map for C3 and C4(Ramunas Povilanskas)
2.Presentation on pilot programme – how to achieve project results in the most effective way (Ramunas Povilanskas)
15:15-15:30Coffee break
- Project budget and results of first reporting period (Jurga Marackinaite)
- Round table discussion
19:00-21:00 Dinner (Café “Biskvitas”)
21:30 Pub “Kurpiai”(Kurpiųstr. 1a)
October 19 (Tuesday)
- Internal report on the state of environment in the South Baltic transitional waters(Ramunas Povilanskas)
- Creating of a common web-based knowledge exchange platform (Arturas Razinkovas)
- Assessment of project implementation – learning from one’s mistakes(Jurga Marackinaite)
10:30-10:15 Coffee break
- Tasks and deliverables for the next period, discussions (Arturas Razinkovas)
- Insights and generalization (Advisory Goup)
- Next meeting, closing the meeting(Arturas Razinkovas)
Lunch at café “Ryžių malūnas”
Study site visit by boat - Curonian Lagoon
14:00-15:00 Travelling by bus to fisheryvillage Mingė (approx. 1 hour), leaving from hotel
15:00-18:00 Taking a boat „Forelle“ from village Mingė to Curonian lagoon (approx. for 3 hours, depending on weather conditions)
18:30 dinner in the village Mingė
20:00-21:00 back to Klaipėda by bus
October 20 (Wednesday)
Check out till 12:00
No / Name, Surname / Institution / E-mail / Room / Check-in / Check-out1 / Boris Chubarenko / Atlantic Branch of P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) / / 1 single / Oct.16 / Oct.20
2 / Lidia Leytsina / Atlantic Branch of P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct.20
3 / Marta Arent / University of Szczecin (Poland) / / 1 single / Oct.16 / Oct.20
4 / Dominik Zawadzki / University of Szczecin (Poland) / / 1 single
vegetarian / Oct.16 / Oct.20
5 / Stanisław Musielak / University of Szczecin (Poland) / / 1 single / Oct.16 / Oct.20
6 / Kazimierz Rabski / EUCC Poland (Poland) / 1 single / Oct.16 / Oct.20
7 / Piotr Margonski / Sea Fisheries Institute (Poland) / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct.20
8 / Lena Szymanek / Sea Fisheries Institute (Poland) / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct.20
9 / Monika Zakrzewska / Maritime Office in Gdynia (Poland) / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct.20
10 / Gerald Schernewski / EUCC-Germany / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct. 19
11 / Alberto Basset / EuroFedMedLag (Italy) / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct.20
12 / Mikhail Durkin / Helcom (Finland) / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct. 19
13 / Henrik Nielsen / World Maritime University (Sweden) / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct.20
14 / Olof Linden / World Maritime University / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct.20
15 / LeoViajar / World Maritime University (Sweden) / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct. 19
16 / Alexander Ivanov / Balttechmordirekcia (Russia) / / 1 single / Oct.17 / Oct.20
17 / SWE stakeholder / ? / ? 1 single
18 / Artūras Razinkovas / Coastal Research and Planning Institute, Klaipėda University (Lithuania) / / -- / -- / --
19 / Jurga Maračkinaitė / Coastal Research and Planning Institute, Klaipėda University (Lithuania) / / -- / -- / --
20 / Ramūnas Povilanskas / EUCC Baltic Office (Lithuania) / / -- / -- / --
21 / LT stakeholder / Stankevicius
Center of Marine Research, Ministry of Environment / -- / -- / --
22 / LT stakeholder / Kairys
Environmental Protection Agency / -- / -- / --
23 / LT stakeholder / Arvydas Švagždys
Rusnės nature fund / -- / -- / --
24 / LT stakeholder / Aušra Feser
Neringa municipality / / -- / -- / --
-- / -- / --
VENUE MAP, Hotel “Old Mill”, Žvejų g. 22, Klaipėda