May 28, 2009
The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,
226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:31 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Lori Kokoski, President, Commissioner Ted
Kalo, Vice-President and Commissioner Betty Blair Member and Theresa L. Upton, Clerk.
Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Kalo presented a black male lab mix found on West Rd., Wellington and available eon May 30 at 3 pm
Commissioner Kokoski had a thought for the day: “the only nice thing about being imperfect is the joy it brings to others”
The following business was transacted ______
11:00 am. Investment Advisory Committee ______
a.1 RESOLUTION NO. 09-362
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following Lorain County Job and
Family Services Bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:
H9-1240 Administrative expenses $6,883.09
H9-1242 In county travel $1,768.10
H9-1247 Administrative expenses $1,485.96
H9-1257 Day care in home $1,031.04
SB9-145 Administrative expenses $1,318.03
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the )
Lorain County Treasurer ) May 14, 2009
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain
County Treasurer.
DATE / DESCRIPTION / AMOUNT / INTEREST EARNED / ON / CUSIP# / INV WITH / ACCT # / FROM / ACCT#1 / 5/18/2009 / INT. PAYMENT / $3,194.44 / Federal Farm Credit Bank, PO#08-0056 / 31331GHW2 / FIRSTMERIT / 006470-00
2 / 5/18/2009 / INT. PAYMENT / $25,700 / Federal National Mortgage Assn, PO#07-0022 / 3136F8MD4 / FIRSTMERIT / 006470-00
3 / 5/18/2009 / INT. PAYMENT / $16,875 / Federal Farm Credit Bank, PO#08-0050 / 31331GEW5 / EST / 006470-00
4 / 5/20/2009 / INT. PAYMENT / $18,990 / Federal National Mortgage Assn, PO#08-0032 / 3136F9PV9 / FIRSTMERIT / 006470-00
5 / 5/21/2009 / WIRE TRANSFER / $2,600,000.00 / EST / 5-999739 / STAROH / 15132
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
b.3 RESOLUTION NO. 09-364
In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations:
$ 5,000.00 to be appropriated to: distribution/recorder
$ 5,000.00 to 2540-0000-560-000-01-6200-0000
$ 8,789.00 to be appropriated to: increase to purchase supplies for urinalysis testing/adult prob
$ 5,475.00 to 2560-2560-280-280-03-6000-0000
$ 3,314.00 to 2560-2562-280-280-03-6000-0000
$ 90,000.00 to be appropriated to: 2nd half of yr blanket po/golden acres
$ 50,000.00 to 3420-0000-100-000-05-6200-6218
$ 40,000.00 to 3420-0000-100-000-05-6200-6202
$ 113,000.00 to be appropriated to: 2nd half of yr blanket po/golden acres
$ 60,000.00 to 3424-0000-100-000-05-6000-6004
$ 50,000.00 to 3424-0000-100-000-05-6200-0000
$ 3,000.00 to 3424-0000-100-000-05-6200-6210
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
b.4 RESOLUTION NO. 09-365
In the matter of authorizing various account transfers) May 28, 2009
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account transfers:
Account transfers;
$ 22,672.00 from 1000-0000-100-112-01-6200-0000 proj exp/common costs
To 1000-0000-100-112-01-6200-6222
$ 755.00 from 1000-0000-220-220-01-7070-0000 pay exp in comp software/pros ivd
To 1000-0000-220-220-01-6000-6009
$ 500.00 from 2100-0000-400-000-01-6000-0000 prof serv exp for courts computer sys/dr
To 2100-0000-400-000-01-6200-6218
$ 3,000.00 from 2520-0000-510-000-01-5000-5001 unemployment acct/clerk of courts title fund
To 2520-0000-510-000-01-5110-0000
$ 15,348.00 from 3340-A200-600-I09-05-6200-6280 pay additional bills for fy09/board of mental health
To 3340-A200-600-I09-05-6200-6265
$ 55,500.00 from 7100-7110-300-304-11-7070-0000 proces owda loan installment payments/san eng
To 7100-7110-300-314-11-7070-0000
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
b.4a RESOLUTION NO. 09-366
In the matter of authorizing various funds transfers for the )
Payment of life insurance for county employees for the )
Month of May in amount of $16,558.50 )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various funds transfers for the Payment of life insurance for county employees for the Month of May in amount of $16,558.50
May life insurance / NEW ACCT. / AMOUNTWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT / 1000.0000. / $ 41.25
GENERAL / 1000.0000. / $ 4,158.00
PROSECUTOR IV.D / 1000.0000. / $ 90.75
SUPPORT/DOM / 1000.0000.400.406.02.5080.5081 / $ 107.25
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE / 2000.2000.620.000.05.5080.5081 / $ 41.25
SENIOR CITIZENS / 2020.2020. / $ 8.25
MERIT PROJECT / 2020.2028.400.404.03.5080.5081 / $ -
FAMILY COURT / 2020.2030.400.000.03.5080.5081 / $ -
JAIL TAX / 2200.0000.550.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 1,353.00
DOG & KENNEL / 2220.0000. / $ 16.50
SOLID WASTE / 2260.0000. / $ 49.50
HUMAN SERVICES / 2280.0000. / $ 1,410.75
HUMAN SERVICES / 2280.0000. / $ 66.00
HUMAN SERVICES / 2280.0000. / $ 470.25
LINKAGE PLUS / 2400.0000. / $ -
PAIR PROGRAM / 2460.0000.400.450.03.5080.5081 / $ -
REAL ESTATE / 2480.0000. / $ 107.25
DEL TAX (TREASURER) / 2500.0000. / $ 8.25
TAX UNIT ( PROSECUTOR ) / 2500.0000. / $ 33.00
AUTO TITLE / 2520.0000.510.000.01.5080.5081 / $ 173.25
ADULT PROBATION / 2560.2560. / $ 66.00
ADULT PRO. SUB ACCT. / 2560.2562. / $ -
ENGINEER / 2580.0000.300.300.04.5080.5081 / $ 520.50
VIOLENT OFFENDER / 2600.0000.400.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 8.25
IV.E / 2610.0000.400.000.02.5080.5081 / $ 214.50
DRUG COURT / 2620.0000.400.452.03.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
BRIDGE / 2640.0000. / $ 66.00
VOICES FOR CHILDREN / 2680.0000.400.428.06.5080.5081 / $ 8.25
FRIENDS / 2680.0000.400.432.06.5080.5081 / $ -
YOUTH DIVERSION 2 / 2680.0000.400.434.06.5080.5081 / $ -
IN.HOME DETENTION 1 / 2680.0000.400.438.06.5080.5081 / $ -
JUNVENILE ASSESSMENT / 2680.0000.400.442.06.5080.5081 / $ -
TRUANCY / 2680.0000.400.448.06.5080.5081 / $ 24.75
SPECIAL PROBATION / 2700.0000.400.410.06.5080.5081 / $ -
RECLAIM OHIO / 2700.0000.400.412.06.5080.5081 / $ 33.00
DAY TREATMENT / 2700.0000.400.414.06.5080.5081 / $ 66.00
STEPPING STONE / 2700.0000.400.418.06.5080.5081 / $ 90.75
SEX OFFENDER / 2700.0000.400.422.06.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
RESTITUTION / 2700.0000.400.430.06.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
YOUTH DIVERSION 1 / 2700.0000.400.434.06.5080.5081 / $ 8.25
IN-HOME 2 / 2700.0000.400.438.06.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
RECLAIM TRUANCY / 2700.0000.400.448.06.5080.5081 / $ 24.75
MEDICAID OUTREACH / 2920.0000. / $ -
LINKAGE PROGRAM / 2940.0000. / $ 41.25
TB CLINIC / 3100.0000.570.000.05.5080.5081 / $ 66.00
COURT MEDIATION / 3140.0000.360.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
CHILDREN SERVICES / 3200.0000.580.000.06.5080.5081 / $ 1,262.25
MR/DD / 3280.0000.590.000.06.5080.5081 / $ 2,739.00
MR/DD / 3300.0000.590.000.05.5080.5081 / $ 544.50
MR/DD / 3320.0000.590.000.05.5080.5081 / $ 288.75
MENTAL HEALTH / 3340.A100.600.A09.05.5080.5081 / $ 82.50
COUNTY HOME / 3420.0000. / $ -
COUNTY HOME / 3422.0000. / $ 519.75
DRUG TASK FORCE / 3440.0000.550.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 90.75
CRIME LAB / 3460.0000. / $ 16.50
911 / 3480.0000. / $ 123.75
CHILD SUPPORT / 3520.0000. / $ 561.00
VICTIM/WITNESS / 3560.3560. / $ -
FORECLOSURE / 3630.0000.360.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
PERSONNEL/BENEFITS / 7000.7000. / $ 8.25
SANITARY ENGINEER / 7100.7100.300.304.11.5080.5081 / $ 74.25
TRANSIT BOARD / 7200.0000. / $ 33.00
CHILDREN & FAMILY FIRST / 8100.FY09. / $ 24.75
CBCF / 8300.0000.660.000.14.5080.5081 / $ 198.00
HEALTH DEPARTMENT / 8410.0000.630.000.14.5080.5081 / $ 363.00
HEALTHDEPT/FOODSER. / 8420.0000.630.000.14.5080.5081 / $ 33.00
HEALTH DEPT/WIC / 8450.0000.630.000.14.5080.5081 / $ 90.75
SOIL & WATER / 8850.0000.640.000.14.5080.5081 / $ 33.00
TOTAL / $ 16,558.50
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
There are no advances/repayments for this day. ______
b.6 RESOLUTION NO. 09-367
In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)
Services for various county departments ) May 28, 2009
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.
814-09 CBCF(8300) Local,long distance, international comm svs Time Warner 3,605.50
815-09 CBCF(8300) Re-accreditation Fees American Correction. 8,100.00
816-09 CBCF(8300) New Phone Equipment CenturyTel 9,707.24
817-09 CBCF(8300) Insinkerator Garbage Disposal Unit Electrical Appl. 2,418.40
818-09 CBCF(8300) Systemax Mission 1200R Intel Dual Core Server Global Gov’t Ed. 5,786.20
819-09 CBCF(8300) BPO July-Dec 09 Rental of Staff Uniforms Aramark Uniform 1,684.80
820-09 CBCF(8300) BPO May-June 09 Rental of Staff Uniforms Aramark Uniform 374.40
821-09 CBCF(8300) Re-Roofing of the CBCF Don Dailey Builders 65,000.00
822-09 CBCF(8300) BPO May-June 09 System Maint. Of existing locks Automated Environ. 1,200.00
823-09 CBCF(8300) Amendment to P.O. 2009000263 Supplies for meals Gordon Food 2,000.00
Lorain County Lor/Med CBCF Dept – Total ------$ 99,876.54
824-09 Commissioners Communications Consulting Services Burges & Burges 15,000.00
Lorain County Commissioners Dept – Total ------$ 15,000.00
826-09 Commissioners/BG Amendment to P.O. 2009000422 Internet Svc Windstream Corp. 22,670.72
Lorain County Commissioners/BG Dept – Total ------$ 22,670.72
827-09 Domestic Rel.(2700) Success for youth April & May 09 Catholic Charities 9,731.00
828-09 Domestic Rel.(2680) Alcohol & Drug Counseling April –June LCADA 4,650.00
829-09 Domestic Rel.(2700) Case Manager 1 /2 of Contract Apr-May Catholic Charities 12,528.00
830-09 Domestic Rel. Epoxy Latex Paint, Country Cream and Tehama ICI Paints 2,625.00
Lorain County Domestic Relations Dept – Total ------$ 29,534.00
831-09 Drug Task (3610) BPO Reimbursement of NBI Marine Patrol Avon City 1,703.89
832-09 Drug Task (3610) BPO Reimbursement of NBI Marine Patrol North Ridgeville 1,962.33
833-09 Drug Task (3610) BPO Reimbursement of NBI Marine Patrol Vermilion Police 1,689.95
834-09 Drug Task (3610) BPO Reimbursement of NBI Marine Patrol Amherst Police 2,712.49
Lorain County Drug Task Force Dept – Total ------$ 8,068.66
835-09 Engineers (2580) Repaired sissor on truck bed and plow Newell Equipment 3,676.64
Lorain County Engineers Dept – Total ------$ 3,676.64
836-09 Job & Family (3520) Window envelopes, business reply,etc Moos Printing 1,837.00
837-09 Job & Family (2280) COPS On-Site booklets, profile guides Lisa Lee DBA EDITS 1,128.32
Lorain County Job & Family Services Dept – Total ------$ 2,965.32
838-09 Recorders (2540) A Archive writer yearly contract Casnet 3,188.64
Lorain County Recorders Dept – Total ------$ 3,188.64
839-09 Records Center HMA for Kodak I9620 Archive Writer Casnet 3,188.64
Lorain County Records Center Dept – Total ------$ 3,188.64
840-09 Sanitary Eng. (7100) 214 CPQ Filing Cabinets lt. grey Bobels 1,377.81
Lorain County Sanitary Engineers Dept – Total ------$ 1,377.81
841-09 Solid Waste (2260) Sign for Workforce Development Agency Plastic Lumber 1,074.00
842-09 Solid Waste (2260) SBPO Jan-Dec 2009 Allocation Lorain City Health 60,000.00
Lorain County Solid Waste Dept – Total ------$ 61,074.00
843-09 Transit (7200) Professional Services for New Transit Garage Arkinetics 21,655.00
Lorain County Transit Dept – Total ------$ 21,655.00
844-09 Lorain County CFFC (2280) Gift certificates-HMG families Fligners 2,500.00
845-09 Lorain County CFFC (2280) Gift certificates-HMG families Apples Quality Food 7,500.00
Lorain County Children Family First Council – Total ------$ 10,000.00
846-09 Maintenance Clear Trash Liner Gergely’s Maint 1,528.50
Lorain County Maintenance Dept – Total ------$1,528.50
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
There were no travel expenses for this day. ______
b.8 RESOLUTION NO. 09-365
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:
Amanda Cooke-Szcsepanski / Defense of Indigent Case / 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 / $250.00
Lorain County Sheriff / Defense of Indigent Case / 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 / $74.00
Xepdx/International Paper / Custodial Supplies / 1000 0000 100 110 01 6000 0000 / $833.06
Cintas Corporation / Uniform Rental / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6600 6602 / $326.40
Mullinax / Vehicle Expenses / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 / $585.19
Polen Implement / Vehicle Expenses / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 / $80.36
Rex Pipe & Supply Co / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $139.51
United Refrigeration / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $370.80
Bodnar Printing Company / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 142 01 6000 0000 / $199.50
Summit County Probate Court / Defense of Indigent Case / 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 / $42.00
TOTAL / $2,900.82
Dog Kennel
Harbor Town Animal Clinic / Services / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 / $100.00
Bobels / Supplies / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $136.94
Office Products DBA MT Business Technologies / Copier Lease / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 0000 / $29.95
TOTAL / $266.89
Medically Handicapped Children
Treasurer, State of Ohio / Other Expenses / 2740 0000 580 000 06 7070 0000 / $33,272.50
TOTAL / $33,272.50
9-1-1 Agency
Whitehouse Artesian Springs / Water / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 / $33.75
Bobels / Supplies / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 / $48.03
Bobels / Computer Equipment / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6050 6054 / $102.55
Zee Medical / First Aid Supplies / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 / $130.50
TOTAL / $314.83
Sanitary Engineers
City of North Ridgeville / Lab Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6210 / $1,036.00
Ohio Edison / Utility Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 / $1,078.51
Ohio Edison / Utility Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 / $1,002.30
Ohio Edison / Utility Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 / $2,482.38
Morning Journal / Advertising and Printing / 7100 7100 300 304 11 7220 0000 / $1,263.46
TOTAL / $6,862.65
Wildlife Control Supplies / Supplies / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 / $270.00
TOTAL / $270.00
Golden Acres
Famous Supply / Supplies / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $691.97
Express / Supplies / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $719.80
Briggs / Supplies / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $50.37
PlumbMaster, Inc / Supplies / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $75.16
IVANS / Medicare Billing / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 0000 / $20.49
W W Williams / Generator Annual Service / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6380 6381 / $379.89
D.M. Plumbing & Heating LLC / Yearly backflow testing / 3420 0000 100 000 05 7000 7011 / $160.00
Residential Marketing Concepts DBA Alternatives / Advertisement / 3420 0000 100 000 05 7200 0000 / $395.00
TOTAL / $2,492.68
Thomas Bartha / Hosp Refund / 7000 7000 100 000 12 7070 0000 / $43.38
Fort Dearborn Life / City Dep. Supp. Life / 1030 0000 100 000 01 5080 5086 / $405.45
Medical Mutual of Ohio / Claims / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $268,358.63
Medical Mutual of Ohio / Admin. Fee / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5085 / $147,927.42
Delta Dental / Claims / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $23,610.50
CompDent / Claims / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $389.36
Spectera inc / Claims / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $21,584.32
TOTAL / $462,319.06
Domestic relations
Title iv-e
Melendez, heather / Tuition reimbursement / 2610-0000-400-000-02-7200-7200 / $7,280.00
Total / $7,280.00
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Blair to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.