In Cáceres, on 1st of MONTH of YEAR.

For one party, Dr. Segundo Píriz Durán, Vice-chancellor of the University of Extremadura (Decree 255/2014, 18th November).

For the other, Mr/Ms. REPRESENTATIVE, with ID nº: ID NUMBER, POSITION at NAME OF INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME; with VAT number: COMPANY TAX CODE REGISTRATION NUMBER; Address: ADDRESS (POSTCODE) TOWN REGION; who claims to have sufficient legal ability to represent the mentioned entity.

Both parties possess the power, competence and legitimization necessary to formalise this Agreement of Educational Cooperation. Both


1st.-  That NAME OF INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME is interested in contributing to the training of university graduates within the specific fields of the sector/branch: SECTOR/BRANCH.

2nd. - That being interested in the establishment of an Agreement of Educational Cooperation pursuant to the Royal Decree 592/2014, 11th July (BOE nº 148, 30th July), upon the regulation of the external academic internships of university students, according to what is set out in article 7 regarding the formalisation of these Educational Cooperation Agreements, they


To sign this agreement to facilitate the carrying out of curricular and extracurricular internships of students from the University of Extremadura at NAME OF INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME and also to the following clauses


1.-  The relationships between the student, the collaborating institution and UEX will be established and normalised in line with the corresponding regulation of external academic internships developed by the University of Extremadura. A training plan will be developed, with the objectives, competences and activities to be developed by the student in agreement with articles 6 and 7 from the RD 592/2014.

2.-  The student-organisation collaborative relationship will not imply a higher commitment from the organisation tan that which is set out in this agreement and in the aforementioned Royal Decree, nor will any type of contractual relationship be expected.

3.-  The curricular internships will be of the duration established by the verified statement of the degree programme, while the extracurricular ones, which are voluntary, should not take up more than 50% of the academic course, so that the student can combine the internship with the corresponding studies at the University. In order to choose either of these two internship paths, the students will have to be enrolled in one of the courses of the UEX or its associated centres, with preference given to those doing curricular internships if places are limited. According to mobility, through the specific national and international programmes, students from other universities that are carrying out studies at UEX will also be apply to benefit from this agreement. Students will not be able to maintain any contractual link to the business or institution where they undergo their internship.

4.-  NAME OF INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME will offer, yearly, according to its possibilities and in agreement with the corresponding centre of the University of Extremadura, a specific number of positions

5.-  The University of Extremadura will propose a fixed number of students to carry out internships, from those which NAME OF INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME will select those who, according to their judgement, appear favourable in terms of the characteristics of the department where they are to be integrated.

6.-  With the aim to keep up to date, at all times, the register of student participants under this Agreement, NAME OF INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME will inform the University of Extremadura of the enrolment or disenrollment of students benefiting from this agreement, as well as any noticeable incidents.

7.-  The student-interns will be governed by the rights and duties set out in article 9 of the RD 592/2014.

8.-  A professional tutor at the collaborating institution will be chosen along with another academic from the University of Extremadura, with the functions, rights and duties set out in articles 10, 11 and 12 of the aforementioned Royal Decree. The University will acknowledge and certify the labour carried out by the business as a collaborating organisation, as well as its tutors.

9.-  Having finished the internship, the tutor of the collaborating entity must provide a final report to the corresponding centre and, if seen appropriate and agreed, a midway report, with mention to the generic and specific competences of the training project.

10.-  The University of Extremadura will inform the School Insurance Office of the signing of this agreement, requesting the extension of the insurance until the end of the internship period. Any accident will be covered by such insurance and by the University of Extremadura itself, via its Policy of Civil Rights for Students. Likewise, there will be an Accident Insurance Policy for participants over twenty-eight years old, who are not covered by the School insurance.

11.-  In terms of student aid, a monthly quantity of € ECONOMIC AID will be assigned to each student participant, that will be paid by NAME OF INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME, in the way which is determined by the parties.

12.-  It will not be possible to create a formal work contract between NAME OF INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME and the student if this Agreement of Educational Cooperation regarding the student remains unrevoked or has not yet finished.

13.-  The signing of this agreement will not give the right to NAME OF INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME to use the logos or the symbols of UEX in the activities it carried out, whether they be for advertising or other purposes, except if they are previously authorised to do so. For this, an application must be sent in writing to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Extremadura, who may authorise their use, while no reply may be understood as a denial to the request.

14.-  This agreement will be valid for four years following the date of its formalisation, renewed if, having finished this period, neither of the two signatories have presented their desire to terminate the agreement. However, both parties reserve the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement at any time, if a sufficient and justifiable cause can be given, informing of such in writing to the other party with a notice period of ten days. In this case, the students that are carrying out an internship in that company are entitled to finish it, in the same institution of possible and if not, in another that is designated by their University Centre.

15.-  The signatories promise to comply with the Personal Data Protection Law in force.

16.-  In case of dispute about the interpretation and application of this agreement, judges and courts in Extremadura will have exclusive jurisdiction, refusing the signatories of any other protective laws.

Having read and agreed to the contents of this agreement, both parties sign two copies of this agreement in PLACE, on DATE.

Vice-chancellor / Signed.: NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE

Degree courses offered by UEX

Mark with an X the degrees of interest to the business/company

1.  / Business Administration and Management (ADE)
2.  / Public Administration and Management (AGP)
3.  / Biology
4.  / Environmental Sciences
5.  / Sport Science
6.  / Audiovisual Communication
7.  / Food Science and Technology
8.  / Law
9.  / Economics
10.  / Building and Construction
11.  / Nursery Education
12.  / Primary Education
13.  / Social Education
14.  / Nursing
15.  / Viticulture and Enology
16.  / Statistics
17.  / English Studies
18.  / Classics
19.  / Hispanic Studies
20.  / Finance and Accounting
21.  / Physics
22.  / Physiotherapy
23.  / Geography
24.  / History and Patrimonial History
25.  / History of Art and Patrimonial-historical Art
26.  / Information and Documentation
27.  / Civil Engineering – Civil Construction
28.  / Civil Engineering – Hydrology
29.  / Civil Engineering – Transport and Urban Services
30.  / Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
31.  / Agriculture and Livestock Engineering
32.  / Food and Agricultural Industry Engineering
33.  / Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Industrial Branch) (previously Electronic and Electrical Engineering)
34.  / Automatic and Electronic Engineering (Industrial Branch) (previously Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering)
35.  / Geomatics and Topography Engineering
36.  / Sound and Image Engineering
37.  / Information and Communication Engineering
38.  / Forest Engineering
39.  / Fruit, Vegetable and Garden Engineering
40.  / Computer Engineering
41.  / Software Engineering
42.  / Information and Technology Engineering
43.  / Mechanical Engineering (Industrial branch) (previously Mechanical Engineering)
44.  / Chemical Engineering
45.  / Modern Languages and Literature - French
46.  / Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese
47.  / Mathematics
48.  / Medicine
49.  / Chiropody
50.  / Chemistry
51.  / Work Relations and Human Resources (previously Work Sciences)
52.  / Occupational Therapy
53.  / Social Work
54.  / Hospitality and Tourism Management
55.  / Veterinary