Artsmark Toolkit
Useful information for teachers and schools applying for Artsmark 2006/7 round
Page Three
Page Four
New criteria for Artsmark 2007 Round
Contributing to the outcomes of Every Child Matters
Sharing and celebrating the arts
Page Five
General guidance notes and tips for applying
Page Six
Checklists and deadlines
The assessment procedure, results and the Awards Ceremony
Page Seven
List of practitioners and artists practicing in Derby and Derbyshire
Page Eight
List of potential projects and events taking place in Derby
Page Nine
Current Artsmark schools in Derby
Advice options from teachers in Derby
Pages Ten and Eleven
Suggestions for Network Cluster Schools
Page Twelve
Contacts, Networks and Resources
Arts in Education Network Group
Primary Schools Dance Network Group
Derbyshire Arts Partnership
Useful Resources
Welcome back to another school year. I hope you have had a well-deserved break and feel ready for the new term. As you know, the Artsmark deadline for 06/07 applications is 17 November, meaning the application process is already upon us.
Over the summer holidays, I have compiled a Teachers’ Toolkit that gives information on the forthcoming Artsmark application, including changes to the 2007 round. All of this information is on the Artsmark website and this toolkit in no way compensates for the guidance notes or application form, which I recommend that you read thoroughly.
You will find that this toolkit offers you information on arts events and projects taking place in the city and a list of network groups and meetings that you are invited to be involved in or attend. There is also an extensive list of arts practitioners working in the city who you may wish to contact with regards to working with or employing for potential projects in your school and community.
There is information on current schools in the city that already have Artsmark as well as a list of schools who have expressed an interest to, though not confirmed, apply for Artsmark this year. I have made suggestions for Network Clusters of schools, from which teachers may wish to work together in putting together the applications. The information I have given may be of use to you when meeting targets and fulfilling criteria necessary to achieve an Artsmark award.
If you have any difficulties in filling in the application form or reaching the required targets, please ring the Artsmark help line on 0800 056196. The Artsmark team are in place to best guide you through the process and answer your questions, though I am happy to assist you in your application wherever possible.
If you wish to be part of the Network Cluster Schools (detailed on pages 10 and 11) or contact me in relation to the toolkit or your Artsmark application, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks
Wenna Stockdale
Arts in Education Co-ordinator, Derby City Council
01332 716612/
New criteria for 07 round
As anticipated, there have been some changes for the Artsmark 2007 round. Although full details are available to download from the Artsmark website, in short, these changes are as follows:
Contributing to the outcomes of Every Child Matters
All applicants will now be asked to provide an example of how they use the arts to meet three of the five outcomes of Every Child Matters.
Management of provision and assurance of quality
All schools will be asked to determine how they are planning to develop personalised learning in the arts.
Sharing and celebrating the arts
Schools will be asked to identify how they work in partnership with other schools to increase arts experiences for their pupils and if they offer arts opportunities to the community.
Continuing professional development (CPD) and areas for development
All schools are asked to identify their CPD and to identify the impact of their arts provision throughout the section areas that they have completed.
Secondary and independent schools only
Schools that are offering fast-track GCSE’s at Year 9 and post-16 qualifications at Year 11 must identify these accredited opportunities.
Contributing to the outcomes of Every Child Matters
This new criteria has been updated to reflect changes in recent legislation and to challenge schools to improve their arts provision. I would recommend that all schools should use the Enjoy and Achieve strand as this, in essence, speaks for itself. You may want to use the Be Healthy and Stay Safe strands through PSHE and Citizenship or by creating visual artwork, dance, drama or song that reflects children’s thoughts and learning around areas relevant to these strands, such as bullying, physical exercise and having a balanced diet. Other examples are given in the guidance documents.
Sharing and celebrating the arts
There is a list of other schools who have Artsmark or who may be applying for it this year on page nine. Pages 10 and 11 have suggestions for Cluster Network Schools that you may also find useful. You may want to conjoin with these schools to produce and art exhibition or performance, or have sharing days when children and teachers alike can share a variety of artwork. You may wish to work as part of your cluster groups or share work through other events and organisations, such as assemblies, Christmas shows, Diwali and shared music concerts. Other examples are given in the guidance documents.
General guidance notes and tips for applying
The level of award you should apply for is dependant on several factors that include:
- Arts provision in curriculum time
- Out-of-hours activities and opportunities
- Participation in out-of-hours activity and, where relevant, uptake of GCSE and A’ Levels in arts subjects
- Opportunities for enjoyment
- Visits and partnerships either to or from artists and arts organisations
- Continuing professional development (CPD)
Although the criteria for each are explained in detail in the application form, the general consensus is that your art provision must be greater and more varied with each level of award. The amount of provision and opportunities required are also much smaller in infant schools, with the quantity of requirements increasing with each key stage. You may need to expand on your current provision to apply for a particular level of award, though you can refer to planning throughout the academic year in some cases. This means that even if you are not fulfilling certain criteria at the time of application, on the basis that you will undertake such activities within the academic year, you are able to apply for the award. There are also several options throughout the application form so you can set up provision or operate in a way that best suits your school and addresses its requirements or issues. Artsmark also takes into account factors that determine certain targets as difficult, such as size of school and transport issues. If you are anticipating on applying for Artsmark Silver or Artsmark Gold but find that the quantity of provision and activity you need to be offering is too great, you can apply for the lower award that may make the application process easier and the set targets as more reachable and maintainable.
Remember that you do need to provide an Overarching Arts Policy for your school. There is guidance as to how to write an arts policy on the Artsmark website, though I do have an example copy. Please let me know if you would like a copy of this.
Checklist and deadlines
Although all of the information is downloadable as part of the Artsmark guidance notes, the checklist and suggested timeline in particular are really useful documents. Referring to these before you begin the application process will help you to ensure that your implemented strategies and policies are in place and that you are always at the right stage of the application, which will maximise your chances of achieving the award at the level you are applying for. It is recommended that you begin the application process with immediacy in the new academic year to ensure you are able to send your completed application by the deadline, 17 November 2006.
The assessment procedure, results and the Awards Ceremony
Although the application deadline is in November, full assessment procedures will not take place until the new year. In most cases, if you are applying for Artsmark or Artsmark Silver, a validator will not visit your school and the assessment will be based on your application form only. However, a validator will visit all schools applying for Artsmark Gold and in some cases, validators will visit schools that are applying for either Artsmark or Artsmark Silver. Validators may also recommend you receive a higher or lower award should your application be stronger or weaker than the award you are applying for. Schools will be informed of their achievement in May 2007 (date yet to be confirmed). The results will also be entered on to the Artsmark website. Successful schools will be invited to an awards ceremony in July (date and venue to be confirmed) where two of the school’s pupils will be invited on to the stage to receive the school’s award. The award you receive will be valid for three years though, unless you achieve Artsmark Gold, you may apply for a higher award within those three years. If you are to achieve this, the award will be valid for a further three years.
List of practitioners and artists practicing in Derby and Derbyshire.
Most of the artists listed below have experience of working with schools though you are responsible for checking content, quality and quantity of workshops and ensuring that artists have insurance and are CRB checked:
Q Arts- 3D Development and Animation, Public Arts, Photography, Installation, Animation, Live Art, Carnival/Festival/Fiesta, Graffiti Art, Film and Video Production, Cross Art Form
Stone Soup Project- 3D Development and Animation, DJ-ing, Storytelling, Performance Poetry, Performance, Web Design and Development, Animation, Graffiti Arts, Dance, Film and Video Production, Music
Spiral Arts- Public Arts, Textiles, Craft, Installation, Carnival/Festival/Fiestas, Sculpture, Recycled Art, 3D Art and Jewellery-
Babbling Vagabonds- Mime, Storytelling, Performance, Installation, Theatre, Literature, Drama, Carnival/Festival/Fiestas, Film and Video Production, Willow Sculpting, Puppet Craft-
Vina Ladwa- Storytelling, Performance, Graffiti Art
Andy Mason- Craft-
Louise Ashley- Poetry-
Helen Frances- Storytelling-
Helen Chambers- Performance, Writing,
Nusantara- Shadow Puppets-Making and Performing, Music, Dance, Carnival/Festival/Fiestas, Drama, Story Telling, Textiles
Lola Adodo- Poetry, Performance Poetry, Performance,
Moira Ferguson- Craft and Ceramics-
Viva Orchestra- Performance, Music-
Steve Coley- Creative and Visual
Tony Fisher- Poetry, Performance Poetry, Photography, Literature, Journalism, Film and Video Production-
Uprise Arts- Storytelling, Poetry, Performance Poetry, Live Art, Film and Video Production, Interactive Painting with Children
Sarah Duff- Dance, Creative Movement-
Cidihna Fursan Bendixen- 3D Development and Animation, Performance, Installation, Carnival/Festival/Fiestas, Dance, Film and Video Production-
Red Earth Theatre Company- Theatre, Drama, Integrated Theatre
Children’s Music Workshop-Music writing, Singing, Performance-
Shifting Sands Theatre Company- Comedy, Mime, Storytelling, Performance, Theatre, Drama, Animation, Carnival/Festival/Fiesta, Circus Skills, Street Art
Pear Tree Arts- Pear Tree Arts aims to support, engage community involvement and opportunities through various art mediums. This is to be achieved by working with key partners, the community and artists-
List of potential projects and events taking place in Derby
As well as artists and organisations practicing in Derby, there are also a number of festivals, projects and events that you may have the opportunity to take part in throughout the next year. It may be possible to use some of these opportunities to support your Artsmark application:
Bicentenary of the Abolition of The Slave Trade- A community and schools based project that will take place between March and October 2007. This will give schools the opportunity to take part in writing, literature, film, photography, visual arts and crafts. Various themes may be explored through this festival, including Liberation, Geography and History, as well as learning about and practicing arts from other cultures. If you would like to register your interest in being involved in this event, please let me know as soon as possible.
Viva Music and Singing Projects- Viva Orchestra, along with Children’s Music Workshop, will be working at various schools across the city to produce a singing concert that will take place at the Assembly Rooms. This promises to be a very exciting project for schools to be involved in, though the amount of schools able to be involved is limited. For more information, or to register your interest in taking part in this project, please contact Marianne Quintrell ()
Diwali- Every year, several schools take part in workshops, exhibitions and performances for Diwali. Surtal Arts will offer the majority of these opportunities, which are limited. Please contact for more information and to find out how you may be able to get involved.
Children’s International Theatre and Dance Festival- Although full details are yet to be confirmed, the Children’s International Theatre and Dance Festival promises to offer a range of opportunities and theatre visits for children across the East Midlands throughout June 2007. To register your interest in attending any children’s performances or taking part in workshops, please contact me.
Creative Arts Markets- The Creative Arts Market in Derby will take place towards the end of 2006. Around 50 artists and arts organisations will have a stall, giving you the opportunity to find out about and meet artists from the city and county. You will also have the opportunity to meet other teachers who you may be able to work with in creating partnerships and finding out about other school-based arts projects in the city. You will be informed and invited to the event as soon as the date and venue is confirmed.
Current Artsmark schools in Derby
Although the national average of schools that have Artsmark stands at 13%, 26% of Derby schools currently have Artsmark. These schools are as follows:
Chellaston Infant School
Portway Infant School
Portway Junior School
Arboretum Primary School
Homefields Primary School
Derby Moor Community Sports College
Artsmark Silver
Ridgeway Infant School
Borrow Wood Junior School
Chellaston Junior School
Gayton Community Junior School
St Peter’s C.E Junior School
Ashgate Primary School
Grampian Primary School
Parkview Primary School
Springfield Primary School
St Alban’s Catholic Primary School
Wren Park Primary School
StWerburgh’s C.E Primary School
Littleover Community and Millenium Sixth Form Centre
Woodlands Community School
Artsmark Gold
Shelton Infant School
Rosehill Infant and Nursery School
Chellaston Junior School
Oakwood Junior School
St Werburgh’s C.E Primary School
Noel-Baker Community School
Advice options from teachers in Derby
Although relevant teachers from the schools listed above may be able to offer you advice and information with regards to applying for the Artsmark award, Mandy Fogg from Chellaston Junior School and Anthony Leigh from Shelton Infant School have offered their help to teachers who are new to the application process.Their contact details are as follows:
Chellaston Junior School- email (FAO Mandy Fogg), telephone: 01332 701460
Shelton Infant School- email (FAO Anthony Leigh), telephone: 01332 700353
Suggestions for Network Cluster Schools
We have a record number of schools interested in applying for Artsmark for the 06/07 round and taking this into consideration, it may be useful for the schools to be grouped into clusters. Between yourselves, and with my assistance should you require it, you can meet when necessary, share ideas, support each other’s applications and develop targets and strategies. As one of the Artsmark criteria is to share artwork with other schools, this could be a way that, as a cluster of schools, you could work to do this, as well as work as a support or network group for the application process itself. You may wish not to take part in the cluster groups or you may have decided that you are now unable to apply for Artsmark this year. For this reason, I have made suggestions for cluster groups but have not added the names of teachers. If you do wish to join a cluster group please let me know and I will put you in contact with other teachers who have also expressed an interest in being part of the cluster group.