Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy
158-20 101st Street
Howard Beach, NY 11414
Mission Statement
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy in partnership exists to serve God through faith and love while providing a quality academic foundation. Our school promotes a safe and supportive learning environment while uniting in worship and adapting to change and diversity. Inspired by our Intercessor, The Blessed Mother, we recognize the value of each individual and the gifts that God has given them.
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide information about our school that will assist you as parents in working with the faculty to provide the best education possible for your children. The focus of all education is the growth and development of the human person.
The special nature of Catholic education enables us to ensure that your child’s intellectual growth is coupled with his/her spiritual growth to become true disciples of Christ. We work to accomplish this in a nurturing yet challenging atmosphere within a Catholic Christian perspective. Our aim is to guide our students to a sense of responsibility, self-discipline and an appreciation of each person’s uniqueness.
This can only be accomplished by a sincere interest and cooperation between the home and school. We encourage your participation and support of our school activities, especially school liturgies. As we strive to help your children develop a positive faith experience, we know that our example as Christians is the model for our students to follow. It is your example at home through prayer, service and participation in the Mass that encourages and fosters your child’s Catholic development morally and spiritually.
Thank you for entrusting the education of your children to us. The Board, Administration, Faculty and Staff of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy assure you of our complete dedication to this task.
Miss Marybeth McManus
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy is dedicated to building an atmosphere of love, trust and care among students, parents and staff. We share with the family the threefold mission of the Catholic Church: to teach the Gospel message, to build community in the life of the Church and to provide service to the Church and world community.
At Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy we are actively involved in forming the whole person spiritually, mentally and physically. Students develop a positive life outlook and self-image through the teaching that all of God’s creation is worthy of respect, have a right to their dignity and are special in the eyes of God.
Through the integration of Catholic religious truths and values within the curriculum, students develop insights into the problems that face individuals and society today. Students also acquire skills to address these issues effectively. Through prayer and in conjunction with parents, priests and community, our mission is to instill a love of life, respect for others, an eagerness to learn and a willingness to grow and follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action.
In addition to our educational purposes, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy bases all of our activities on the Christian teaching of the essential equality of all persons as rooted in the Fatherhood of God, Christ’s love, and our supernatural destiny.
Thus, we shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or ethnic origin in the administration of educational and admission policies and athletic or other school-administered programs as subscribed to by all Catholic elementary schools/academies in the Diocese of Brooklyn.
- Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy is administered by the Principal, Miss Marybeth McManus. The faculty and staff consist of an administrative assistant, twelve full-time teachers, four part-time teachers and several assistant teachers. In order to help organize and support the efficient operation of the school, the school office is open daily from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM for school business.
- If you need to meet with the Principal, please contact the school office first to set up an appointment. If an emergency arises, and you need to see the Principal immediately, we will make every effort to accommodate you.
- Teachers are available for set conference days throughout the school year. If you have any questions or concerns about your child at any other time during the school year, please call the school to set up an appointment to meet with the teacher. It is unsafe to conduct such meetings while teachers are dismissing students, as they must have their full attention on the children.
- It is always recommended that you discuss any concerns you have with the teacher first and then request to meet with the Principal if needed.
- Please note that our school calendar is always available for your review on our website for easy referral. You will receive a calendar update each month with any changes or additions to the original calendar. Letters/memos from the Principal and Teachers are sent home as needed. Please read all correspondence and refer to the calendar updates in order to be fully informed of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy events.
- Whenever possible, please send all items for the school office with your child. These will be delivered to the office in the teacher’s office envelope. We do not recommend sending cash payments with your child.
- Emergency situations sometimes require that a student call home. On such occasions students may come to the office with their teacher’s permission and use the school phone.
- Children MAY NOT call home for forgotten homework, projects, lunch or other items, and we ask that you not bring these items to school for your child. These items may NOT be accepted for delivery to your child.
***Please know that the administration, faculty, and staff take very seriously our commitment to you, your children and the education community of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy. We strive to keep communication lines open, resolve any issues swiftly and fairly and to be supportive of the needs of our school families.
- Early Morning Drop Off/Arrival and Dismissal
- Early Morning Drop Off begins at 7:15AM. Students will be supervised by the teacher on duty.
- Students in grades Pre-K for All to Grade 8 should plan to arrive at school between 7:55 and 8:00 AM. Grades K to 8 enter through the main 101st street doors that are located on the church side of the building. Pre-K for All students should enter through the main 101st street doors that are located on the church side of the building.The students in the 2 and 3 year old program enter and exist through the main entrance located at 101st Street.
Parents of the Pre-K for All program must accommodate their child to their classrooms.
- Teacher supervision of each classroom in Grades Pre-K for All through Grade 8 entrances begins at 8:00 AM.
- School doors DO NOT open before 7:55 AM regardless of weather conditions, so please plan accordingly.
- Parents are reminded that double parking is NOT permitted around the school, and there is NO PARKING where buses pick up or drop off children. This is a SERIOUS SAFETY ISSUE, as children can be injured trying to get around double-parked cars where other drivers cannot see them. Please be conscious of this.
Daily Schedule
- Grades K - 8: 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM with lunch/recess from 12:05 - 12:45 PM. First class period begins at 8:20 AM.
- Pre-K for All : 8:00AM – 2:20PM
- Nursery Full Day: 8:30AM – 2:15 PM Nursery Half-Day: 8:30AM – 12:30pm
- Two Year Old Program: Tuesdays and Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
On the first Friday of some months, dismissal for all grades is at 12 noon to allow for Faculty Conferences.
- Parents in grades Pre-K for All-Grade 8 may meet their children at dismissal time at the back parking lot located on 100st Street. Parents are not permitted to wait for their children inside the building.
For the safety of all the children, please DO NOT approach teachers with questions, etc at dismissal time.
- All parents and children are to leave the school and school grounds at dismissal, unless there is an appointment scheduled with the principal or teacher. Loitering by students in the schoolyard or around school grounds is not permitted beyond 2:30 PM.
- Students are not permitted to be anywhere in the school building after dismissal unless requested by a faculty member/administration or unless they are participating in a supervised after school activity.
- If a student forgets anything at dismissal time, s/he is NOT permitted to come back into the building/classroom to get it without permission from the principal. This is a precaution to ensure the safety of our students.
- Children will only be permitted to go home with the parent/guardian designated to pick the child up.
Please DO NOT take another child home with you unless the teacher has been notified in writing by that child’s parent. If you know that you or your regular pick-up person will not be able to meet your child at dismissal, please let the teacher know in writing. In the case of an emergency, please call the school office and let us know who will be picking up your child.
Bus Service
- Bus service is provided for students who meet the Department of Education requirements for age and distance from school. Parents wishing to have their children ride the bus should complete the form that is sent home in September. Students who take the bus are to remain seated at all times while the bus is moving, they should speak in moderate tones, and they should obey all safety rules required by the bus company/driver. Any student who is consistently unruly on the school bus will be prohibited from riding the school bus. Also, students who are not approved by the Board of Education are not permitted on the school bus.
Please do not compromise the driver by asking for your child to ride without NYC Department of Education consent. Students who ride the school bus are met in the morning and escorted to the bus in the afternoon. Bus passes for yellow bus service will be furnished for those students who live outside the area for yellow bus service.
- Absence and Lateness
Consistent school attendance is necessary for academic success. If your child is sick, or there is a medical or family reason for his/her absence, your child will be marked legally absent, provided you send in the required note upon your child’s return to school. Other absences such as extended weekends, vacations, or absences not reported by a parent in an absent note, are considered illegal absences. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy’s attendance policy consists of the following:
- A written, signed note from the parent/guardian must be presented to the teacher for re-admission to class following an absence. This is a New York State requirement, and notes are kept on file for one (1) year. The note must include the dates of absence as well as the reason.
- If your child has a contagious illness (strep throat, pink eye, lice, chicken pox, etc.), please notify the school office immediately.
- In the interest of your child’s safety, it is mandatory that you report your child’s absence to the school office by 9:00 AM.
- Each student is responsible for any missed work/tests during his/her absence and should be prepared to make up any missed tests on the day s/he returns to school unless other arrangements have been made with the principal or teacher. Parents should not take students out of school for vacations, etc. In that event teachers may not be able to provide work for the student to take on the vacation. The student will have to complete all missed work upon his/her return.
- You may call the office between 8:30 and 9:30 AM to report your child’s absence and request that your child’s class work and homework be sent to the office for pickup between 2:15 and 3:00 PM or that it be sent home with a sibling or friend. Calls received after 9:30 AM will not guarantee that your child’s work is ready for that day.
- Any student who is absent in excess of 35 days during a school year risks both his/her re-registration
For the following year and promotion to the next grade. Excessive absence may cause retention of the student in the current grade.
- Students who are absent excessively may also be asked to provide doctor’s notes in addition to parental absence notes.
Lateness/Leaving before the School Day is Over
- Morning Prayers begin at 8:10 AM each morning, and students are expected to be in their classroom at this time. Students in grades K-8 who arrive after 8:10am should escort themselves upstairs to their classrooms.
Any student arriving after 8:10 is considered late and must stop at Miss Janice’s desk.
Lateness is recorded in the New York State attendance register. Lateness is very disruptive to the teacher, other students, and requires a great deal of record keeping by the school office. Please work with your child on arriving on time for school.
In addition, students who are consistently late may be asked to meet with the principal in the morning, have an in-school suspension, or be required to attend detention.
Please notify the school if your child (ren) will be leaving school early.
Illness during the School Day
- Parents will be notified and expected to take their child home in the event of illness during the school day. If your child is sick before school, please keep your child at home.
- If a child requires medication during the school day, the parent or parent’s delegate may come to school to administer the medicine. If there is a school nurse available, s/he can also administer the medication. If your child is old enough and able to self-medicate, please advice the school office in writing and the medication will be kept in the office with your note and instructions. No faculty or staff members are authorized to dispense education.
If a child has an Epi-Pen we ask you to bring in two of them to school. One will go in the nurse’s office and the other to your child’s teacher. Please label all plastic bags /containers that contain the Epi- Pen.
Release of Pupils from Class
- If a child needs to be released during the school day, an explicit, written, signed request from the parent/guardian must be submitted to the teacher, who will notify the school office. The parent/guardian must sign the child/children out at the main office. Except in cases of emergency or unforeseen circumstances, a phone call to the school is not adequate authorization to release a student; the request must be in writing.
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy has a No Nit Policy. If your child has nits/or lice they will be sent home.
- Students’ Bill of Rights
Each child has the right to work in a school atmosphere that is conducive to good spiritual, physical, aesthetic, intellectual, emotional and social growth. It is expected that this environment will help him/her experience living and learning in a Catholic Christian community. Each child has the right to be treated with respect and fairness by those children and adults with whom s/he interacts each day. Each child has the right to be provided with a safe and secure environment.
- Students’ Responsibilities
In order for students’ rights to be respected and to maintain good order and safety for all concerned, students are expected to assume the responsibility for adherence to the teachers’ regulations in the classroom and in the general school community. In addition, parents and students are expected to conform to the guidelines listed in this handbook. A signed letter of intent to comply with school guidelines will be maintained for each student by your child’s teacher. This letter of intent serves as your contract with the school. The students’ responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Obedience and respect to all persons in authority.
- Courtesy and use of appropriate language at all times and in all places.
- Respect and cooperation among classmates and other Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy students.
- Timely completion of assigned tasks and homework and daily preparedness for class.
- Respect and care for school property, including desks and textbooks.
- Silence in appropriate places and at appropriate times.
- Proper safety and hygiene habits.
- Regular attendance and punctuality.
- Responsibility for any missed work and tests during an absence.
10. Appropriate Catholic Christian behavior when in school uniform, whether on or off school grounds.