Board Member Position Description: Long Version
The following was adapted from Kenneth N. Dayton's Governance is Governance (Independent Sector, Washington, DC) by the Minnesota Council on Nonprofits and augmented by The Nonprofit Center at La Salle University:
Position Title: Member, Board of Trustees (or Directors)
Function (overview):
Provide governance toxyz organization, stewarding and protecting its mission to ______, while representing the organization to the community and accepting ultimate legal authority for it.
Duties (responsibilities):
- Approve the Institution's philosophy and review management's performance in achieving it.
- Annually assess the environment and approve the Institution's strategy in relation to it.
- Annually review and approve the Institution's plans for funding its strategy.
- Review and approve the Institution's five-year financial goals.
- Annually review and approve the Institution's budget.
- Approve major policies.
- Approve major policies Elect, monitor, appraise, advise, support, reward, and, when necessary, change top management.
- Be assured that management succession is properly being provided.
- Be assured that the status of organizational strength and manpower planning is equal to the requirements of the long range goals.
- Approve appropriate compensation and benefit policies and practices.
- Propose a slate of directors to members and fill vacancies as needed.
- Annually approve the Performance Review of the CEO and establish his/her compensation based on recommendations of the Personnel Committee and Chairman of the Board.
- Determine eligibility for and appoint Board Committees in response to recommendations of the Nominating Committee.
- Annually review the performance of the Board and take steps to improve its performance.
- Review the results achieved by management as compared with the Institution's philosophy, annual and long range goals, and the performance of similar institutions.
- Be certain that the financial structure of the Institution is adequate for its current needs and its long-range strategy.
- Provide candid and constructive criticism, advice, and comments.
- Approve major actions of the Institution, such as capital expenditures and major program and service changes.
- Drive the development of a strategic plan that identifies budget requirements, and then determine appropriate fundraising goals.
- Develop fundraising priorities, policies and approaches.
- Target, rate and approach potential donors.
- Contribute an amount of personal significance (and ensure achievement of 100% board give).
- Monitor and evaluate fundraising campaigns.
- Be assured that the Board and its committees are adequately and currently informed - through reports and other methods - of the condition of the Institution and its operations.
- Be assured that published reports properly reflect the operating results and financial condition of the Institution.
- Ascertain that management has established appropriate policies to define and identify conflicts of interest throughout the Institution, and is diligently administering and enforcing those policies.
- Appoint independent auditors subject to approval by members.
- Review compliance with relevant material laws affecting the Institution.
- Passion for the mission of the organization;
- Minimum of one year’s experience as a volunteer for the organization, preferably on a board committee, or similar experience in a like organization;
- Documented commitment to execute the role and responsibilities of board member for this organization;
- Absence of any conflict of interest with the organization;
- Willingness and ability to play a leadership role in this organization.
Board Member Position Description: Short Version
It is the purpose and responsibility of the Board of Directors to oversee and direct all affairs of "X Org" according to its mission, by-laws and the concepts of fiscal responsibility. The Board is responsible for long term planning, marketing, financial development planning, and annual budgeting. Day to day operation is delegated to the Executive Director and staff, and their delegated volunteers. It is the responsibility of the Board to promote "X Org" to corporations, foundations, governmental organizations and to individuals to broaden its service base as well as its financial base.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of each Board Member to:
- Attend all six yearly meetings; ask for sufficient input to give informed opinion and make decisions. (Members who miss more than three meetings in a year can be automatically removed from the board.)
- Counsel the executive director as needed
- Support, by contributing time and money, at least two fundraising events per year
- Make an individually significant financial contribution
- At least yearly, evaluate the work of the board as a whole
- At least yearly, evaluate the work of the executive director
- Serve on at least one board committee (the chair of each committee makes reports at each board meeting and convenes committee work sessions between board meetings)
The expected time commitment is 5-6 hours per month. Board meetings will be approximately 2 hours in length 6 times per year. Committee meetings will be 4 hours or less per month.
Board terms are 3 years, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. One-third of the Board rotates each year.