2009 – 2010


Academic SIG Budgets

Consumer Behavior SIG

CBSIG 2009-2010 Budget Proposal

Key Deliverables and Activities for 2007-2008

We are very excited to report good results from our efforts to increase membership and to provide value to CBSIG members last year, as evidenced by the following:

  1. We increased paid membership significantly (we had 280 members in 2006 when the current leadership began, now it is up to 348 paid members as of December 2009!)
  2. We held a pre-conference symposium (details attached below) on Consumer Behavior and Sports. This was well-attended, sparked lively discussion, and featured over 20 scholars working in the area. It also sparked interest from publishers, who are interested in doing a book based on this symposium.
  3. We met our goal of synergizing with other SIGS. We sponsored joint receptions with Marketing and Society SIG, DocSIG, Marketing Strategy SIG, and Retail SIG. We sponsored the symposium jointly with Sports and Events SIG.
  4. We established and maintained communication with our members by creating cbsig.org. We have had 2,343 unique visitors to the site since its inception. The most popular pages include the events, links to the CBSIG Quarterly, and photos of past events.
  5. For members, we created CBSIG Quarterly (example attached) as a newsletter that we emailed to members.
  6. We have increased awareness and interest by adding creativity to our sessions and receptions—with unique venues, themes, and timely topics. For instance, Winter 2009 will feature a timely session on Consumer Behavior and Money, then discussions are planned to continue over Ramen noodles and PBR with the doctoral students.
  7. Last, we enhanced our brand equity by creating a logo, and established a sense of brand community with a facebook group “The CB Geek Squad”, with 115 members.

CBSIG’s Goals 2009-2010

  • Develop the existing network, resource, and community for consumer behavior scholarship.
  • Encourage networks with practitioners and related organizations devoted to consumer research (e.g., Association for Consumer Research; Society for Consumer Psychology).
  • Encourage relationships with other SIGS
  • Spark interest in doctoral students and DocSIG graduates that are in search of joining their first content-related SIG.
  • Have an online presence at cbsig.org and online community to supplement the relationships developed at the educators’ conferences.
  • Establish a member newsletter, CBSIG Quarterly (example attached)
  • Establish sustained leadership for CBSIG—soliciting interest for the next team of volunteers and training them to make the transition smooth.

Activities Planned for 2009 – 2010

1. Member Meeting/Receptions

To encourage networking among consumer scholars, we propose to hold events for members and prospective members at the Summer Educator’s Conference and Winter Educator’s Conference. We will offer a reception at each conference. To leverage the cost and meet our goal of establishing relationships with other SIGS, we are co-sponsoring both receptions. Also, to add value to the members and a special touch to these receptions, we are planning them outdoors with a theme that matches the local culture. For those who do not prefer the reception atmosphere, we are offering a member breakfast.


$1700- 2009 Summer AMA (co-sponsored with Marketing and Society—proposed, where they could contribute $600); Theme to be discussed; an idea to leverage this reception is to tie it in with a late Saturday session co-hosted by Marketing and Society, then to invite session attendees outdoors to the joint reception to continue discussions on consumers and society.

$1000- Summer AMA Member Appreciation Breakfast

$1000-Winter 2010 AMA Reception (co-sponsored with MARCOM; they also are budgeting $1000; Theme to be discussed

2. Website Development and Upkeep Stipend

We secured a web address through UNLV, but feel that a more general host would serve more value to the members as CBSIG.org is simpler. We have confirmation the address will not change. It is crucial to have an online community for a SIG of this size. We propose to continue to pay a stipend to a student to help maintain our website for CBSIG. This person would work with Charlie Hofacker, as the SIG leadership memo suggests, by making sure the site is linked to ARC and is accessible to all online visitors of AMA, regardless of SIG membership. This budget is mainly a maintenance expense. Anything left over could be put towards our other communication goal of the CBSIG Quarterly, enabling us to print color copies to hand out at our receptions and breakfast.

Budget $500

3. Collaboration with SCP and EACR

Also in line with our increasing awareness to AMA and CBSIG objectives, we aim to attract more interest among consumer researchers in North America and abroad we would like to continue our collaboration with SCP and ACR. We would like to sponsor receptions at the 2010 SCP conference and the 2009 ACR conference. In return, SCP and ACR will provide these deliverables of value added for the target market of consumer behavior researchers:

  • Documentation of CBSIG sponsorship in the conference program
  • Documentation of CBSIG sponsorship on the website
  • Signage, with the AMA/CBSIG logo, at the member reception
  • A list of members who attended the conference

There is cross-fertilization among the groups, and current members will

benefit at the event. Also, this is a minimal investment that should bring

awareness to consumer behavior researchers that are potential future

members; and increasing AMA/CBSIG membership just by a few people

would enable the sponsorship to more than pay for itself.

Budget $1000: $500 (SCP), $500 (ACR)

Total Proposed Budget (2009 – 2010)

  1. Receptions/Breakfast$ 3,700
  2. CBSIG.org Maintenance$ 500
  3. Collaboration with ACR & SCP$ 1,000

Total $ 5,200

($20 less than the allocated budget of $5,220 based on the membership of 348)

CBSIG Long-Term Planning

In the future, we hope to sustain the above deliverables if they prove successful and contribute to the membership base and subfield. Ideas for future years include a semi-regularly pre-conference event with a consumer behavior focus, as our last event on CB and Sports Events was well attended and high interest. Other ideas include practitioner-scholar jointly sponsored sessions, and other joint sessions with other SIGS. We seek to encourage involvement with doctoral students. A joint session with DocSIG for Summer AMA 2007 is planned and commitment has been made with DocSIG leaders.

Doctoral Student SIG

DocSIG Budget Plan for 2009-2010

Activities in 2008-2009

The officers of DocSIG have endeavored to provide member value through activities consistent with our mission of scholarship, teaching, and career development. Activities conducted during 2008-2009 are listed below.

Transitioning from PhD Student to Professor Session (Summer AMA 2008)

DocSIG had the honor to host another special session about transitioning from a PhD student to professor. This session featured four young faculty members, speaking on four different topics. Jonah Berger spoke on research; Shashi Matta spoke on teaching; Lauren Skinner spoke on service and tenure, and Linda Tuncay spoke on time and resource management. In addition to presentations, time was left open for question and answers from the audience. This proved to be a huge success as doctoral students had an abundance of questions for the four panelists. Overall, feedback was great on this session.

Annual “Who Went Where” Survey and Job Market Session (Summer AMA 2008)

The annual survey of doctoral candidates provides a comprehensive view of the marketing academic job market. Vice President of Research, Kevin Trainor, and past VP of Research, Annie Cui, continued to improve the format of the survey; data was collected online (coordinated by Jodie Ferguson). In total, 119 doctoral candidates responded to the 2008 survey. The survey results were published in PDF format and posted on the DocSIG website. In addition, the results were presented as part of a job market special session at Summer AMA in San Diego. The session included a presentation of survey results, as well as a panel of recent hires (Kenneth Bates, Andrea Godfrey, and Mandy Ortiz) as well as a presentation of the ‘interviewer’s perspective’ (June Cotte). It was a very popular session for DocSIG members.

Joint Luncheon (with MDSA) Following Job Market Session (Summer AMA 2008)

Following the job market special session, we hosted a luncheon for participants, DocSIG members, and MDSA. The theme of the luncheon was “Excellence in Teaching.” The luncheon featured two speakers from the Marketing Educators’ Association (Barbara Gross and Glen Brodowsky) and one speaker from Teaching and Learning SIG (Peggy Cunningham). Additionally, our keynote speaker was Dr. Jagdish Sheth, who gave a dynamic speech about becoming a great marketing teaching. Traditionally, this luncheon has been held jointly by DocSIG and MDSA. As we did in 2007, MDSA invited Pre-Conference Symposium participants to a luncheon on the Friday of Summer AMA, and DocSIG covered the cost of the Sunday luncheon. We had 50 attendees to the luncheon. This format continues to work well, so we will continue again this year. We requested $3035 for this event and spent $3076.

Pre-Conference Symposium (Summer AMA 2008)

Approximately 30 doctoral students participated in this year’s pre-conference symposium. Our numbers were down from previous years; we anticipate this was due to overall conference numbers being lower than usual, and also a number of other pre-conference events on the same day. The symposium featured roundtable discussions with twelve distinguished faculty in the morning. We received positive feedback from the faculty and students that participated in the roundtables. DocSIG symposium participants were invited to a lunch hosted jointly with the Marketing Doctoral Students Association (MDSA/PhD Project). MDSA paid for this lunch in full. We requested $325 for this event and spent $268. Sales SIG donated $500 towards coffee/doughnuts.

Joint Session with MAS SIG (Summer AMA 2008)

DocSIG collaborated with the MAS SIG to organize a joint session for the Summer AMA conference. The session was titled “What Every Doctoral Student Needs to Know About Marketing Ethics & What Every Marketing Professor Needs to Know About Professionalism and Reaching the Current Generation of Students.” This session featured a panel of faculty who addressed marketing ethics in curriculum, and a panel of doctoral students who will address professionalism, ethics, and conduct in the classroom.

Joint Reception with MarCom SIG (Summer AMA 2008)

DocSIG collaborated with the MarCOM SIG to host a joint reception on Sunday night of Summer AMA. Many DocSIG students showed up to mix and interact with Marketing & Communications SIG. DocSIG did not contribute any monies to this reception.

Mentors’ Breakfast (Winter AMA 2009)

Approximately 52 students and 15 faculty were in attendance for the sixth annual mentors’ breakfast at the 2008 Winter AMA Educators’ Conference in Austin, TX. Sixty to seventy attendees (students and faculty) are expected for the seventh annual mentors’ breakfast at the 2009 Winter AMA Educators’ Conference in Tampa, FL. We requested $2,100 to spend on the breakfast.

Job Market Session (Winter AMA 2009)

In response to various requests to provide more insight on preparing for interviews and careers at Winter AMA (vs. only Summer AMA), DocSIG will be hosting a special session on the job market during Winter AMA in Tampa, FL. This session will feature recent hires, along with tenured full professors. Each panelist will present their perspectives on the job market and researching opportunities on the job market. At the end of the session, plenty of time will be left open for Q&A, as we have found this to be the most important portion of the session.


The DocSIG website ( serves as a career, research, and teaching resource for doctoral students and faculty. Website content is revised continuously. Additionally, three volunteers, along with the VP of Technology, Todd Weaver, went through each link on the website to ensure relevance. New information, such as information on upcoming or past DocSIG events, on dissertation grant opportunities, and on career resources, is posted if DocSIG officers see a benefit to members of DocSIG. For the 2007-2008 academic year (September 2007 to August 2008), the website had 19,181 visitors. From August 2008 to January 2009, the website has had an additional 4,188 visitors.

Marketing PhD Listserv (Ben or Rishtee)

From January 2008 to January 2009, 250 messages were sent.

Officer Travel to Conferences

We used $800 in officer travel funds to support two officers hosting events at Summer AMA 2008 (Hulda Black ($300) and Kevin Trainor ($100) and one officer hosting events at Winter AMA 2009 (Lindsay McShane, $400).

Activities Planned for 2009-2010

The officers of DocSIG intend to focus on and improve the key activities that were accomplished during the previous academic year. The activities planned for the coming academic year are listed below.

Annual “Who Went Where” Survey

We will continue to improve the functionality of the web-based survey to improve the response rate. We will present the survey results at the 2009 Summer AMA conference at a proposed special session on the job market.

Job Market Special Session (Summer AMA 2009)

We are proposing a special session titled “Finding Your Dream Job 101: Trends and Insights into Marketing Academia’s Job Market” for the 2008 Summer AMA. This session will feature a presentation of the Who Went Where survey results, a presentation on the structural process of the job market, a presentation from the interviewer’s perspective, and an informal discussion with a recent hire. If this cannot be accommodated as a special session, we will incorporate the presentation into the joint luncheon (see next item).

Joint Luncheon (with MDSA) Following Job Market Session (Summer AMA 2009)

We have requested that the proposed special session on the job market at Summer AMA take place on the Sunday in the 10:30 a.m. to noon time slot. Following this special session, we will host a luncheon for participants, DocSIG members, and MDSA. The luncheon will be by RSVP to ensure we stay within our allocated budget. Traditionally, this luncheon has been held jointly by DocSIG and MDSA. MDSA traditionally invites Pre-Conference Symposium participants to a luncheon on the Friday of Summer AMA, and DocSIG covered the cost of the Sunday luncheon. This format worked well, and so we will continue again this year.

Pre-Conference Symposium (Summer AMA 2009)

As part of the 2009 Summer AMA Educators’ Conference, we will organize the ninth annual Pre-conference Symposium. The Pre-conference Symposium will focus on teaching, research, and career development. The morning will feature an introductory session and a roundtable with distinguished faculty. The Marketing Doctoral Students’ Association (MDSA, PhD Project) has again invited Symposium participants to a lunch that is part of their own conference that same day. MDSA has also invited Symposium participants to a session following lunch that will feature a panel of journal editors.

Joint Reception with ServSIG (Summer AMA 2009)

A joint reception with ServSIG has been planned for Summer AMA 2009. DocSIG is allocating $800 to this reception.

Mentors’ Breakfast (Winter AMA 2010)

We will organize the eighth annual mentors’ breakfast at the 2010 Winter AMA conference. We expect up to 70 participants (students and faculty) at the breakfast.

Job Market Session (Winter AMA 2010)

DocSIG plans to submit a special session proposal for Winter AMA 2010 on the job market. DocSIG continues to get requests for job market sessions at both conferences. Feedback has been positive from these sessions, so we plan to continue these sessions. We will most likely submit a panel of recent hires and senior faculty who can speak to their perspectives on the job market process.


We will update and revise website content before the fall and winter semesters. We will inform students of the website’s contents at our events and through promotional materials (e.g., conference flyers, the marketing PhD students’ listserv).

Marketing PhD Listserv

We will encourage subscription to the listserv by promoting its use to PhD coordinators, at our events, and through other promotional materials.

Officer Travel to Conferences

School funding for conference travel is limited for doctoral students. Since we have events at both AMA conferences, additional funding is needed to support travel. Officers need to be present to manage DocSIG events at the conferences and to plan for future conferences. The travel funding will be divided between officers as needed.


DocSIG currently has 562 members, which is an increase of 78 over last year. This increase in membership is most likely due to our increased recruiting efforts from last year.


In order to ensure that we remain within our proposed budget, we have based our budget on the upper limit of AMA’s guidelines for expected catering costs, and we have factored gratuities and taxes into our estimates. We have based our budget on a slight increase of participants due to the increase in membership