TE Curriculum in Lithuania

In 2006-2008 TE is under reconstruction process. During this period the national reconstruction programme of teacher training and in-service training is in progress. So the situation is changing in this area.

The number of students to be trained for the teaching profession is determined by the Government on the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Science with due regard to the demand for teachers in the State.

Teachers in Lithuania are trained by pedagogical-profile and some non-pedagogical-profile universities and colleges. Teachers are trained at colleges (providing non-university study programmes of higher education) and universities (providing basic professional study programmes; Bachelor’s and Master’s degree study programmes and also specialized professional study programmes).

Teacher training in Lithuania follows two models: the concurrent model (when all components of the initial teacher training curriculum are combined from the outset) and consecutive model (when professional training, i.e. studies in educational subjects, methods of teaching and pedagogical practice in school, enabling students to qualify as teachers follow academic studies). In some teacher training institutions, elements of modular or integrated models may be evidenced. Teachers for pre-school and primary education institutions and social pedagogues are trained only under the concurrent model. In Lithuania, the teacher training model has several common curriculum components: studies offering educational programmes, academic studies in subjects and certain disciplines related to school education programmes, subject or integrated study course methodology and pedagogical/school practice.

Under the concurrent model, the study programme in the field chosen is combined with the programme of professional teacher training in the corresponding field. On completion of the programmes, graduates are awarded a Bachelor’s degree and the qualification of a teacher (pedagogue).

Specialized professional studies include two blocks of equal value: academic studies and pedagogical practice. The studies at the University comprise three stages. The first stage offers basic (Bachelor’s degree) studies. The Bachelor’s degree studies last four years (five years in the event of extramural studies). Upon completion of those studies, students are awarded a Bachelor’s degree and/or professional qualifications. The second stage offers Master’s degree studies. Upon completion of those studies, students are awarded a Master’s degree and a professional qualification of a gymnasium teacher. The duration of studies at that stage is two years. The third stage embraces doctoral studies that last four years.

Full-time students are provided opportunities to seek a teacher’s qualification in some other subject by following evening or extramural study programmes. Teachers who work at schools without the necessary professional qualification or efficiency in the subjects they teach may acquire it through full-time, evening or extramural studies and also through distance learning upon acquisition of the necessary knowledge by following a specialized professional study programme and upon completion of a graduation paper (project). Their positively evaluated pedagogical work in an educational institution is recognized as their school practice.

The Teacher Training Conception specifies that teacher training must provide conditions for the would-be pedagogue to acquire the kind of competence that is necessary to fulfill his/her new role of an education organizer, creative educator, developer of opportunities, coach, adviser, partner and mediator between the pupil and various modern information sources. The basic components of the teacher’s competence are general cultural competence, competence in the subject/subjects in which teachers are trained and professional competence. Teacher training is oriented to the development of competence that the teacher will need in his/her practical work.

Requirements for teachers’ competence are set out in the regulations on teacher training and those on discrete areas of studies and also in the Specifications of Teachers’ Professional Competence.

In line with the Teacher Training Conception, the process of teacher training embraces the first stage of university and non-university studies (including the teaching practice at a base school), the pedagogical traineeship/ final "on-the-job" qualifying phase and qualification examination. The last stage is still not implemented, because Minister of Education and Culture not still approved Inventory of Mentors’ Activity Regulation and Sponsorship and other necessary documents.

Study programmes are registered with the Ministry of Education and Science where they are entered into the Register of Studies and Training Programmes. Specifications of various forms of consecutive studies are approved by the Minister of Education and Science pursuant to the Law on Higher Education. Low on Higher Education will be soon changed.

University basic study programmes must comply with the regulations establishing the content of the corresponding study field approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. The curriculum content of university basic studies embraces core subjects in the field of studies, special education subjects in the field of studies, elective subjects in the field of studies, optional subjects and practice. The curriculum content of university Master’s studies embraces general academic subjects, theoretical and research subjects in the field of studies, elective subjects and practice.

Special education subjects in the field of studies are devoted to obtaining professional competences. The main focus here is laid on the study of speciality-related subjects. The duration of pedagogical practice varies depending on the university and also on the model and level of studies.

The curriculum content of non-university studies basically embraces: 1) core subjects in the field of studies, 2) special education subjects in the field of studies and 3) a period for practicing professional activities (cognitive, exploratory and pedagogical). Studies are completed with a graduation paper or an examination.

Higher education establishments develop their teacher training study programmes according to the requirements of the Higher Education Qualifications Regulations and Teacher Training Regulations approved by the higher education establishment council (senate). Regulation of the basic principles for developing study programmes, the process of studies and the assurance of their quality and control is carried out pursuant to the Regulations of Studies approved by the Senate. The curriculum content and the scope of subjects offered in education study programmes are determined, upon approval of the Ministry of Education and Science, by the higher education institution.

The duration of university basic studies is four years in full-time (daytime) studies, four years in part-time (or evening) studies and 4–5 years in extramural (or distance) studies. Specialized professional studies last 1–1.5 or 2 years in full-time (daytime) studies, or 1–2 years or 1–1.5 or 2 years in part-time (or evening) studies. The duration of studies for a Master’s degree is 2 years (in full-time (daytime), part-time (evening) or extramural (distance) studies). In colleges, full-time (daytime) studies last for three years and extramural (or distance) studies four years.

The purpose of school practice is to assist future teachers in acquiring experience, competences and skills necessary for practical pedagogical work to do the teacher’s work at a base school for a definite period of time or perform various functions of the teacher’s professional activities. The school practice is recommended to comprise at least 20 credits and, in the event that teacher training follows the concurrent model, begin from the first year of studies.

Training of pedagogues for pre-school and primary school

The pre-school education study programmes are aimed at training specialists in compliance with the standard requirements designed for educators of children in the pre-school age group, i.e. educators with the necessary professional competences to nurse and educate young children of the pre-school age group in various educational institutions.

Initial teacher training in childhood pedagogy, childhood pedagogy (specialized programmes), pre-school education and music and pre-school and pre-primary education is provided at university basic studies upon completion of which graduates obtain Bachelor’s degree and qualifications of educators and teachers. Master’s studies are offered for people wishing to become pre-school pedagogues and educators with Master’s degrees and also obtain a Master’s degree in childhood pedagogy. Pre-school pedagogues (educators) are also trained at specialized professional studies of universities.

Pre-school and primary school pedagogues are also trained in accordance with non-university study programmes alongside the concurrent model of teacher training. The scope of the studies in pre-school and primary school teacher training varies between 120 and 160 credits. On completion of the study programme, graduates obtain a Bachelor’s degree in applied education studies and a certificate attesting to the completion of pedagogical studies. Pedagogues of pre-school education (educators of pre-school educational institutions) may also be trained at colleges.

The pre-school education study programme is aimed at training primary school teachers with the necessary qualifications to fulfill the requirements contained in the teaching plans and curricula for primary grades, to organize supplementary education and work according to their chosen specialization.

University basic studies train pedagogues for primary grades (holders of Bachelor’s degrees and teachers). They offer programmes to train pedagogues who can teach primary grades and one or another subject. Master’s studies offer training for pedagogues of primary education (holders of Master’s degrees and teachers). Special studies offer training to pedagogues (teachers) for the early teaching of English.

Pedagogues (teachers) for primary education are trained at colleges.

Training of subject teachers

Pedagogues to teach various subjects and also special and social teachers are trained in accordance with university study programmes alongside both concurrent and consecutive models of teacher training.

University basic studies train teachers in various subjects of general education, holders of Bachelor’s degrees; teachers of vocational training, holders of Bachelor’s degrees; teachers of music and performing arts, holders of Bachelor’s degrees; Bachelors in education studies and teachers.

Upon completion of studies designed to train pedagogues in a single discrete subject along the concurrent model of teacher training, persons obtain a Bachelor’s diploma attesting to the acquisition of a Bachelor’s degree in the study field comprising the basis of the relating discrete subject and also a certificate attesting to the completion of pedagogical studies.

The scope of the studies varies between 120 and 160 Lithuanian credits (180 and 240 ECTS). Upon completion of studies designed to train pedagogues in two discrete subjects along the concurrent model of teacher training, persons obtain a Bachelor’s diploma attesting to the acquisition of a Bachelor’s degree in the study field comprising the basis of the relating discrete subjects and also a certificate attesting to the completion of pedagogical studies. The scope of the studies varies between 160 and 180 Lithuanian credits (240 and 270 ECTS). Lithuania uses its own national credit system, based on student workload (contact hours, independent study, exercises, research, etc.) and refers to 40 work hours by student per week (1 credit = 1,5 ECTS). But it will be changed soon. Lithuania in the future will use ECTS.

Persons who have been awarded a Bachelor’s degree but have no certificate attesting to the completion of pedagogical studies can acquire the professional competence necessary for a subject teacher by following university (pedagogical) study programmes. The scope of such studies is 40 Lithuanian credits (60 ECTS) and a certificate attesting to the completion of pedagogical studies is granted upon their completion.

Upon completion of the programme in a certain study field at university basic studies, persons may work as subject specialists in general education and special schools or as lecturers in colleges and higher educational institutions as well as continue studies for Master’s degree by following didactic or educational programmes.

University Master’s studies offer training for subject teachers, holders of Master’s degree. Upon completion of university Master’s degree educational programmes in a certain study field, graduates may undertake Doctoral studies in the same study field or education studies (didactics); they may also work as subject specialists in general education schools, lecturers at colleges and universities or get employed at research and educational institutions.

University specialized professional studies offer programmes for training specialists in general subjects for basic and secondary schools or gymnasiums and also lecturers for colleges.

Training of special and social pedagogues

The programme of social pedagogy studies is aimed at training specialists who are capable of coaching young people under their care to get better adjusted to life within the community and an educational institution, take advantage of any available opportunity for obtaining education and developing his/her personality and also be able to form a team and work with the young people’s environment to achieve better education results.

University basic studies train pedagogues awarding them Bachelor’s degrees in education studies, including andragogues for work at adult education organizations, teachers for work as educators, social pedagogues (for work at general education and vocational schools of all types, services for the protection of children’s rights, child care and pre-school institutions, social support, leisure and community centers, etc.), special pedagogues, sports psychologists and health care teachers.

University specialized professional studies train special pedagogues for work at general and special education pre-school institutions and schools and also at child care institutions.

Master’s studies provide education to Master’s in education studies, including andragogues, special and social pedagogues and also psychologists even though a requirement to train the above-mentioned specialists is not specified in any legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The scope of studies for training special and social pedagogues alongside the concurrent model of teacher training varies between 140 and 180 Lithuanian credits (210 and 270 ECTS). Students may be provided an opportunity to acquire, through various branches of the programme, a professional competence necessary for a specialist of a discrete subject. In this case, the scope of studies varies between 160 and 180 (240 and 270 ECTS) Lithuanian credits. On completion of the study programme, graduates obtain a Bachelor’s diploma attesting to the acquisition of the Bachelor’s degree in education studies and a certificate attesting to the completion of pedagogical studies. Social workers who completed non-university studies are provided opportunities to acquire the kind of competence that is necessary for social pedagogues.

University and non-university study programmes provide training, alongside the concurrent model of teacher training.


General documents on Higher Education


General documents on study programmes

  1. ORDER OF MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA ON GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDY PROGRAMMES. (22-07-2005. No. ISAK-1551). LRS Švietimo ir mokslo ministro įsakymas Dėl bendrųjų reikalavimų studijų programoms). Not available in English. Available in Lithuanian
  2. ORDER OF MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA ON THE REGULATIONS OFCONCURRENT STUDYPROGRAMMES (26-10-2000, No 1326). Not available in English. LRS Švietimo ir mokslo ministro įsakymas Dėl nuosekliųjų studijų programų nuostatų patvirtinimo. Avialable in Lithuanian

General Documents of the Lithuanian Government on TE:

  1. CONCEPTION OF TEACHER TRAINING. (Attached in English)

Also some standards for teachers in per-school, primary and basic schools are available in Lithuanian. These standards are usually taken into account in the composition process of bachelor level study programmes.

Supplement document:

  1. Teachers' general computer literacy standard. Available in English