Exhibit J

Agency Procurement Data Quality Certification

Agency Name: ______

Fiscal Year of Procurement Data: FY2018

Agency Data

Number of Contracting Offices (# of DoDAACs) Providing Data to FPDS: ______

Total Procurement Net Obligations for this fiscal year: ______($ in millions)

Total Other Transactions for Prototype Net Obligations for this fiscal year: ______

Part I - Data Quality Certifications

FPDS - Certification Statements

I certify that ____% of all reportable contract actions awarded during FY18for my agency have been entered into FPDS as fully and accurately as possible as of the date of my signature.

Estimated number of reportable contract actions that have not yet been reported: ______

Estimated net obligation amount of reportable contract actions that have not yet been reported: $_____

Explanation of Data Missing from Certification (applies to all aspects of V&V procedures)

If there is any procurement data not included in this certification, please discuss such missing data as a narrative in Addendum A (Explanation of Data Missing from Certification). Components unable to certify entry of 100% of their reportable contract actions must disclose this using addendum provided. Components must use this addendum to address any actions still found on the Actions Missing from FPDS report within the Contract Reporting scorecard, as well as any actions still in ‘error’ status in FPDS.

In addition, I certify that:

___% of contracts awarded to small businesses whose periods of performance entered their 61st month during FY18have been reviewed and any required rerepresentation modifications (see FAR subpart 19.301) have been reported to FPDS.

____% of all novation modifications have been reported to FPDS. If the contractor’s size status changed as a result of the novation, this has been updated in the contract action report for the novation (see FAR subpart 19.301)

____% of all Other Transactions for Prototypes actions awarded in FY18have been reported to FPDS (see DPAP Policy Memo dated May 23, 2014).

Lastly, I certify that any actions identified as having potential errors according to the following list of FPDS Standard and Ad Hoc Reports for FY18data, have been reviewed and corrected as appropriate.

  • Potential Vendor Anomaly Report (Standard)
  • IDVs Whose Orders are Over the Ceiling Amount (Standard)
  • Orders Placed After IDVs Last Date to Order (Standard)
  • Place of Manufacture is Coded as DoD Qualifying Country but Country of Origin is Not a Qualifying Country (Ad Hoc)

FAPIIS - Certification Statement

I certify that ____% of all terminations for default, terminations for cause, final determinations of defective cost or pricing data, non-responsibility determinations, and final determinations after an administrative proceeding that substantiates an allegation of violation of the trafficking in persons prohibitions issued during FY18were reported to FAPIIS in accordance with FAR subparts 9.104-6(d) and 42.1503(h), and that all final determinations that a contractor’s or subcontractor’s gross negligence or reckless disregard for the safety of civilian or military personnel of the Government causing serious bodily injury or death of such personnel were also reported to FAPIIS in accordance with DFARS subpart 209.105-2-70. [Agencies unable to certify entry of 100% of their responsibility determinations must discuss the reasons for this and their plans to remedy this situation under the following section of this Part.]

FSRS – Certification Statement

I certify that contracting officers for Major Weapon System and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS) have reviewed FPDS to ensure that their prime contractors have reported their subcontracts. All other subcontracts that received specific subcontract approval during this fiscal year have also been reported.

eSRS - Certification Statement

I certify that ____% of all Individual Subcontracting Reports (ISRs) andapplicable Summary Subcontracting Reports (SSRs) submitted by prime contractors for the FY18period were reviewed and accepted/rejected, as appropriate, in eSRS. [Agencies unable to certify entry of 100% of their applicable reportable contract actions must discuss the reasons for this and their plans to remedy this situation under the following section of this Part.]

System for Award Management (SAM) Statement

I certify that each of the contract writing, ordering, and administration systems used in this component require that vendors be actively registered in SAM for “All Awards” in order to be awarded new contract actions unless a SAM exception is recorded.

Additional (Narrative) Information / Certifications

Please use the attached Addendum A to address any and all procedures that have been established by your organization to achieve compliance with regard to the following:

  • The required use of System for Award Management (SAM)Annual Representations and Certifications.
  • The required use of Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) for solicitations and awards, as applicable, using the specific notice types for each available in the system (i.e., not as attachments to other notices): Justification and Approval (J&A) (FAR subpart 5.406(a)); Intent to Bundle Requirements (Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS) subpart 205.205-70); and Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources Justifications [FAR subpart 5.406(b)-(c)];
  • The required submission of past performance assessments in Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS);
  • Ensuring prime contractor compliance with the required submission of subcontract reports to Federal Subaward Reporting System (FSRS), Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS), and Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS).

Part II - Assuring Data Reporting Compliance and Accuracy

Please discuss your agency’s activities to assure data reporting compliance and accuracy according to the following outline along with any other points you want to include.

Accountability for Data Reporting Compliance and Accuracy (applies to all aspects of V&V procedures)

  1. Address whether or not data reporting compliance and quality was included as a critical element, included but not as a critical element, or not addressed in the performance evaluations of contract specialists, contracting officers, heads of contracting activities, senior procurement executives, and chief acquisition officers. Describe any other ways in which personnel in the agency and its subordinate components were held accountable for ensuring procurement data reporting compliance and accuracy.
  1. Discuss any examples of successful practices contributing to consistently high data quality.
  1. Discuss any examples of agency success with improving elements of procurement data quality.
  1. Discuss any barriers or challenges that your agency faced in implementing accountability for data reporting compliance and accuracy throughout the agency, and any steps that the agency has taken in FY18, or is planning to take in FY18, to improve such accountability.

Controls over Data Input (applies only to FPDS V&V procedures)

  1. Provide the percent of the agency’s FPDS contract action reports (CARs) entered directly from each contract writing system(s) used by the agency, the percent entered directly into FPDS through the web portal, and the percent entered by any other methods during this fiscal year:

a. Contract Writing System(s) (Identify name and version)





b. Web Portal (On-line login)_____ %

c. Other_____ %

Total 100 %

If applicable, please describe any “Other” method(s) used: ______

Part III - Measuring and Reporting Data Accuracy

Please discuss the scope and thoroughness of the review process your agency undertook.

Scope of Review (applies only to FPDS V&V procedures)

  1. Describe whether the contract action report population from which the sample was selected included:
  2. All transaction types (e.g., modifications, delivery orders, etc.);
  1. All components of the agency that submit contract action reports to FPDS;
  1. Data from all four quarters of the fiscal year; and
  1. Describe whether your agency validated all data elements identified in the guidance. If it did not, discuss why.
  1. Describe whether the agency reviewed all the records identified in the sample.
  1. Discuss any changes that the agency plans to make with respect to this issue in subsequent fiscal years.

Adequacy of Review (applies only to FPDS V&V procedures)

  1. Describe the sample design and methodology used to select the contract action reports for the sample. If the agency did not select a random sample of contract action reports, describe the sample selection method that was used and justify how the sample is providing useful information about the accuracy of data elements.
  1. Identify whether the agency selected a sufficiently large sample to comply with the statistical precision standard requested by OFPP (i.e., a 95% confidence level of ±5 percentage points around the accuracy rate), and provide the 95% confidence interval for the overall accuracy rate and the data element accuracy rates. If the requested standard was not achieved, explain why the current sample was used and why the standard could not be met.
  1. Did your agency pull the sample and conduct its review at the overall agency level or at the component level? If at the component level, indicate the number of components that conducted reviews, whether the SPEs (or equivalent) at those components reported the confidence levels of their samples to you, and what those confidence levels were.
  1. Identify whether the reviewers compared the data elements in FPDS to the information in the contract file. If not, describe how they validated the data elements.
  1. Identify whether the review included additional steps to validate the FPDS data beyond a comparison to the contract file (e.g., logic tests of relationships among related data elements, anomaly reports, etc.). Describe the additional methods used.
  1. Discuss any changes that the agency plans to make with respect to this issue in subsequent fiscal years.

Required Signature




Addendum A

Explanation of Data Missing from Certification (applies to all aspects of V&V procedures)

In the table below, identify data belonging to your organization that ismissing and/or incapable of being reported. For each category of missing procurement actions (e.g. FPDS technical/connectivity failure), indicate the number, net obligation amount, average/approximate age of the missing actions, and your milestone plans for reporting these actions into the aforementioned systems.

Category of Missing Procurement Actions (i.e. Type of Error, include System) / Number of Missing Actions / Net Obligation Amount / Average/Approximate Age of Missing Actions / Milestone Plans to Bring Actions into the FPDS or CWS system
Example: FAPIIS Omission / 2 / $500000 / 180 / Complete by December 31, 2018

Please address any and all procedures that have been established by your organization to achieve compliance with regard to the following:

  1. System for Award Management (SAM)
  1. Federal Business Opportunities (FBO)
  1. Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS)
  1. Federal Subaward Reporting System (FSRS)
  1. Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS)
  1. Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS)