Ms. Cardenas, Ms. Freeman, and Mr. Tinker
On all assignments, regardless of other requirements, 10 points of each assignment is earned by filling the page in a meaningful or significant way. All assignments should engage the edges of the paper. Every day there will be a warm up writing and/or drawing assignment for the first 10 minutes of class.
Week One: August 28- September 1, 2013, Introduction and Review of Elements of Design, Proportion, and basic techniques of shading. TEKS 1B, 2C, 4A, 4B
Vocabulary: Elements of Design; Line, Shape, Form, Color, Value, Texture, Space. Line Shading techniques; stippling, hatching, crosshatching, parallel lines, overlapping parallels, basket weave. Side of pencil shading, blending, gradation. Proportion.
August 28:Class Handouts, go over rules, and begin the first lesson
Assigned August 28, Due September 1: Name Folder: Make a folder with your name done in a creative script or lettering. Decorate the folder with at least 3 of the Elements of design and at least 2 shading techniques. Review the Elements of design.
August 29: Review shading techniques using line and side of the pencil (cross hatching, stippling, etc). Keep working on the Name Folder.
August 30: Review Proportion. Keep working on the Name Folder.
August 31: Name Folder Due. Critique of Folder Project. Shading Technique and Proportion exercises due.
September 1: Assigned September 1, Due September 1. Sketch and Journal (this will be a writing and drawing assignment every Friday). Observe and describe an object, and artwork, or a photo of an artwork or scene from the art book. The description is a full paragraph of at least 5 sentences, and it should reference the Elements and Principles of design in some way. It should also use some of the vocabulary words for the week. After writing the descriptive paragraph, do a sketch or drawing of the object or photo on the same paper or page of your sketchbook. After everyone has their sketchbooks, this assignment will be done in the sketchbook.
Week Two: September 5-September 8, Compositional Review (Principles of Design), and a Still Life using the shading techniques from Week One. TEKS 1B, 2C, 4A, 4B
Vocabulary: Principles of Design; Repetition, Balance (radial balance, symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance), emphasis, contrast, unity, variety, rhythm, proportion, and pattern.
September 5: Review of the Principles of Design, which are also known as Composition, or how you arrange things. Composition Still Life drawing: Assigned September 5 Due: September 8. Do 3 Blind contour drawings as preliminary sketches for this still life.
September 6: Continue Composition Still Life drawing: Assigned September 5, Due: Sept. 8.
September 7: Work day on Composition Still Life drawing.
Sept. 8: Composition Still Life due. Critique the still life drawing. Sketch and Journal assignment for half the period. Assigned and Due Sept. 2
Drawing 2, Week three, Sept.11-15, Color Review: Watercolor techniques, water soluble pastel, colored pencil use and blending, ink wash grey scale. TEKS 1B, 2C
Vocabulary: Color, watercolor, water soluble pastel, colored pencils, ink wash, grey scale
Sept. 11: Watercolor Worksheet assigned
Sept. 12: Watercolor techniques worksheet, completed and Due Sept. 12
Sept 13:Water Soluble Pastel Techniques exercise: Assigned and due Sept. 13.
September 14. Colored pencil use and blending of colors exercise. Assigned and due Sept. 14.
Sept. 15, India Ink Wash techniques, dip pens, and ink grey scale. Assigned and due Sept. 115.
Make up time for any unfinished assignments this week.
Week Four, Sept.18-22, Drawing Test, 1 hour Still Life, and a fully developed drawing of your favorite personal theme. TEKS 1B, 2A, 2C, 4A, 4B
Vocabulary: Still Life, manikin.
Sept. 18: 1 Hour Drawing Test, Assigned and due on Sept. 14. Graded on realism and on working the entire hour. No talking, as with any exam.
Sept. 19: Personal Theme Drawing. Assigned Sept. 19, due Sept. 21.
Sept. 20. Work Day on the Personal Theme Drawing.
Sept. 21: Work Day on the Personal Theme Drawing, Due today.
Sept. 22: Sketch and Journal project, assigned and due on Sept. 18. Critique personal theme drawing.
Week 5: Sept. 25-29, School Musical Poster and Commercial Art,GREASE.
TEKS 1B, 2B, 2C, 3C.
Vocabulary: Commercial Art, Advertising, Client
Sept. 25: Discussion of commercial art and advertising, including working to meet the client’s needs with your artwork. View and discuss numerous examples of commercial art products and applications.
Sept. 26: Watch the video of the movie version of the school musical being done by Madison this year. Take extensive quick sketching notes and drawings of the characters and scenes as raw material for images you will do in your poster. This is an active process, not just sitting back and watching the movie.
Sept. 27: Finish watching and sketching the movie version of the school musical.
Sept. 28: Do a full size basic sketch of your image idea for the poster.
Sept. 29: Sketch and Journal assignment, assigned and due today.
When done, finish your sketch for the poster.
Week 6: October 2 -October 6: Complete the poster for the school musical. TEKS 1B, 2B, 2C, 3C, 4A, 4B.
October 2: The School Musical Poster; assigned Sept. 25, Due October 2. Move from the preliminary sketch to the final drawing in color for the poster.
October 3: Musical Poster work day.
October 4: Musical Poster work day.
October 5: Musical Poster work day.
October 6: Musical Poster work day. This assignment is due today. Critique of the poster.
Week 7: October 9-October 13: Western Art Contest: Do photo research at the Madison Agriculture Center for animal and farm images to use in the Western Art drawing. Explore the fundamentals of animal drawing as an exercise. TEKS 1A,1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A.
Vocabulary: Photography, realism
October 9: Take photos of animals and farm equipment at the Madison agriculture facility for source images for your western art drawing. Assigned October 9, printed out photos due October 10.
October 10: Practice the fundamentals of animal drawing. Assigned and due today.
October 11: Begin sketching from your own photos for the Western Art Contest. Establish an interesting composition. (Hint: close ups of animals, people and scenes usually win this contest). Assigned October 10, due October 12.
October12: Finish establishing your sketched composition for your drawing.
October 13: Work day on Western Art drawing.
Week 8: October 16 - October 20: Complete the Western Art Drawing. TEKS 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A
All days this week are work days on this drawing, which is due on Friday, October 20.