"A Place Called Calvary!"
Luke 23:33
INTRO.It was Passover time once again in Jerusalem. Passover was an important Jewish festival celebrating Israel's redemption from Egypt. You will recall, in Exodus 12, the Israelites, yet still in bondage, were instructed to take a lamb, kill it in the evening and strike the blood on the doorposts, because the death angel would pass through all the land killing all the firstborn of Egypt. But God said, "When I see the blood, I will pass over you." (Exodus 12:13).
It was no accident that Jesus Christ, Our Savior, was crucified on the Passover. His Blood had to be shed for us. Hebrews 9:22, says, "And without the shedding of blood there is no remission." Just as the lamb's blood struck on the doorposts for the Israelites kept back God's wrath, Christ's blood saves us from the wrath to come! He is our Passover!
Passover in Jerusalem was a busy time. The City was crowded with Jewish visitors from various lands, there to sacrifice for their sins. It has been estimated that something like a million people would have been present. So, the crucifixion of Christ took place before the eyes of the whole world.
Christ, our LORD, was charged and found guilty of a double charge--"Perverting a nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar." (Luke 23:2). Both charges were lies, of course, for the Scripture says, "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth." (1 Peter 2:22). He was a PERFECT Sacrifice and a PERFECT Savior!
They led Him away to be crucified, weakened by the scourging and punishment He had endured, He stumbled under the load of the Cross. A man of Cyrenia, named Simon, father of Rufus and Alexander, was compelled to carry our LORD'S Cross. (Luke 23:26). Following Christ, on His lonely journey to be crucified, was a great multitude of people, largely women, who Jesus turned to and said, "Weep not for me, but for yourselves, and for your children" (Luke 23:27-28).
Being crucified that day, with our LORD, were two thieves. These three were led up a long, lonely hill overlooking Jerusalem, called Calvary, in the Greek tongue, "The Skull." V33 of our text states, "There they crucified him."
I want to title the message today, "A Place Called Calvary!" Let's look at those four words, "There they crucified him” one at a time, each in turn.
(1) The Place-- There!
*It was a:
A. PLACE OF GUILT (v32). Christ was crucified between two thieves,
both guilty of their crimes, yet He was innocent. Isaiah, says in
Isaiah 53:12—“He was numbered with the transgressors.” Although
He was innocent; He carried the sin-debt of the world! (Isaiah 53:6;
2 Corinthians 5:21).
B. PLACE OF COMPASSION (v34). What a prayer, at such a time of
C. PLACE OF DERISION (vv. 35-37). Christ could not "save himself",
because He came to “give himself" a ransom for many.
D. PLACE OF TESTIMONY (v38). Although the words were written in
mockery, they were absolute truth!
E. PLACE OF SALVATION (vv. 40-43). The thief was never baptized,
confirmed, nor placed into the membership of the Church, yet He is
is Heaven today!
F. PLACE OF MIRACLES (vv.44, 45). The darkness shows us God's
severity against sin, the torn veil shows God's way for the sinner to
come to His presence. (Hebrews 1O:19-20).
G. PLACE OF DEATH (v46). Christ’s death brought us life (1 Peter
3:18). But still today, sinful men smite their breasts (v48), when
they contemplate Christ! It is a death that puts away our sins; it is
a death of deaths!
(2) The People— They!
A. THE GUILTY (Luke 23:21-24; Matthew 27:22-26). We like to
blame the Romans, Pilate and His guard, the Jews, or someone else
as responsible for Christ's crucifixion, yet we all stand guilty!
Matthew 27:25--"Hisblood be on us, and our children". He was
crucified for OUR SINS! (Isaiah 53:5-6; 1 Peter 2:24).
B. THE GRACE (Luke 23:34). If anyone ever has or ever will be
forgiven it is due to the Grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:4-
(3) The Penalty— Crucified!
--By Isaiah (Isaiah 53:6, 7).
--By Jesus (Mark 9:31, John 3:14).
John 12:32
Psalms 22:13-17
(4) The Person— Him!
- THE RIGHTEOUS ONE (Luke 23:46-47).
- THE REDEEMING ONE (Luke 23:43; John 19:30; Hebrews 10:7-18).
CLOSING:We can never exhaust the wealth of Mercy and Grace obtained for us at Calvaryby our Savior Jesus Christ! He faced the most horrible form of death for us on the Cross to redeem our souls.
Oh, how He loves us! Do you love Him today? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Child of God, ask yourself, “Am I living for the one who died for me? Will He pleased with me at His Coming?”